Chapter 36 Queen Marinette

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             Four days later, Marinette wakes up and thinks, what day is it?   She looks at her calendar and sees the date reads February 2nd.

            She groans gets up and gets ready for the day. She brushes her hair, puts her tiara on, and goes downstairs.

             Marinette sighs as she puts on her best fake smile. She does not believe she will ever be happy.  She sees the people of the kingdom.

           She waves at them and says, "I am here for my coronation day.   As your queen, I will do what I can to make it better for the people here and to see to it you are all treated properly."
          A man nods his head in agreement as Marinette steps forward, sits on her knees, her removes the smaller crown and places a larger one her head.

        He finishes and says, "Citizens, this your Queen, Queen Marinette!"

         "Long live the Queen!"  The people cheer for her.   

     Marinette smiles, waves, and thinks yes long life indeed. She thinks what kind of life is this without him in it. 

     She knows he told her not to give up her kingdom for him, but how can she be a queen without him?   She feels her eyes fill up with tears. She knows a royalty should never cry. 

                                     Marinette's POV:

                            She also knows she loves him.

                       She can not help, but think did I make the right decision?  How am I to know? 

                              Marinette's  POV:

                               She might be Queen, but for how long? 

                                  How long until she loses herself in this new identity.

                     Meanwhile, Natalie and Alix notice Adrien comes back to the table and sits in silence. The two women can tell he looks awful.

                                    Natalie's  POV:

                                    Adrien the prince is sad without his princess.  Why did he tell her to go?

                                  Alix's POV:

                               She shakes her head at him.  She thinks you had a good thing going with Marinette and then you shove her away! 

                                 "Your highness, today is the day," Alix announces. She looks at him unsure what to say now.

                               "The day, what do you mean?" Adrien asks. He looks a bit angry now.

                                   "Wow, you must have forgotten already!  Goodness, you look something awful! " Natalie tells him.

                                "Forgotten, what?"  Adrien asks with a scowl.

                                 "Good grief, Prince Adrien!  I knew you had a bad memory, but I did not know it was this bad," Alix scoffs.

             "It is  Marinette's coronation day!  You know the day she becomes Queen!"  Alix tells him.

          "Wait, Marinette's  Queen today?"  Adrien asks in surprise.  He looks unsure about how to react to the sudden announcement.

           "Yes, that is what I have been trying to tell you," Alix says.

            " She will be a great queen indeed I am sure," Natalie adds in agreement.

              Adrien stands up, decides he is not hungry, shoves his plate away, leaves the table and goes back to his room. He sighs the whole way there. Now, he begins to think, what have I done?

                                         Adrien's  POV:

                                  He sobs as he places his hands over his face and thinks, she is the queen. 

                                 He thinks I should be happy for her, but I am not.  I miss her so much, oh what have I done indeed?

                Now, back to Queen Marinette, she sits on her throne with her specter in hand. She wears a crown and thinks, is this really worth it all? 

              She feels like today is the best day of her life and the worst one all at the same time. It is the day she gets recognition for who she truly is royalty.

             It is the day people look up to her instead of down at her for a change. It is the day she gets to make decisions and live by them.  It is also the day of broken hearts.

             It is the day she must find herself even if it means by doing so she loses in the end.

                                       Queen Marinette's POV:

                                    She looks at the treaty given to her. She is the type who prefers to read something before she signs it.

                                    This is something her late mother taught her many years ago before she died.

                                    The queen picks up her pen after she reads the peace treaty.

                                     She signs it to show that the Agreste kingdom and Dupain-Cheng kingdoms are no longer at odds with one another.

                                  Marinette breathes a sigh of relief that at least despite their being apart they might have peace within the kingdoms at long last.

                                   *Author's note:  What happens next with Queen Marinette and Prince Adrien? 

                                   Find out more in Chapter  27  King Adrien

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