Chapter 40 Questions, so many questions?

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Marinette's  POV:

    She breathes a sigh of relief as she and Lilac enter a clearing. 

    "Lilac, this is good. I can tell we are closer. "

    "Any moment now, and we will be there. Got it will be home."

     Guard #1's  POV:

"Hey, you, what brings you here?"

  "What do you mean, kind sir?"

   "This is the establishment of the kingdom of Agreste.  Our dear leader has given instructions that we inspect you before allowing you entrance."

   "Hmm, well, tell him it is an old friend who wishes to speak to him."

   "Ah, very well, Miss."

        Guard #2's  POV:

     "Do you have any proof of your intentions?"

       He waits for a response. When he gets none, he shakes his head, "Let me sees some id."

        "Id, seriously?   I came from a long way away.  As you can see my horse, and I are rather worn out.  Yet, you ask for an id."

        "Miss, it is important to verify if you are indeed safe or dangerous?  For all, we know you could be a criminal in disguise as someone the King trusts."

           He stands there with a sword in one hand and the other hand on his waist.

      Guard #3 's POV:

      "I would not get on his bad side if I were you.  It is not very becoming."

      "Just let me pass, will ya?"

       "Not until you tell us, what  do you want with the king?"

      Marinette's  POV:

      "Questions, so many questions..."

        "Is that necessary?"

        "Let me see him now!"

      She sees the guards raise their eyebrows. She wonders what they will think now.  Good grief, will they ever let her inside?

        Guard #1's POV:
        "Miss, we never meant to offend you."

      Guard #2's  POV:

      "We just have to carry out his orders."

      Guard #3's  POV:

        "The king told us to let him know who it was at once."

  Marinette's  POV:

  "Fine, does this answer the question?"

    She lifts the cape that covers the small crown she wears.

    She watches as all three guards tremble in her presence.  

    It was not the reaction she expected. However, she did show her royal to them. 

    "Well, out with it?  Does it?"

 Guard #1's  POV:

 "Yes, I believe it does, your majesty."

Guard #2's POV:  

"Your highness, you have returned."

  Guard #3 's  POV:      

   "I shall let King Adrien Agreste know you are here.'

    He opens the gate and sees to it she makes it through safely. He closes it and nods his head. 


 King Adrien's  POV:

"Well, guards, who is it that graces our presence with them?"

He scratches his chin at their lack of a response.

  "Well, out with it now, who is it?  Friend or Foe?"

    He slams his hand on the table. He is furious to have not gotten any answers that satisfy him.


   Guard #1's  POV:

  "The visitor is one to hold in high regard, sire."

 Guard #2's  POV:

 "She is someone who is of great importance to you."

Guard #3 's  POV:

"She has a white horse with her.  It has a small crest on its forehead. I do believe she is a friend. I see no reason to believe otherwise. Oh, King, live forever."


  Natalie's  POV:

She smiles. She thinks could it be Marinette has returned at once?

She sure hopes so for both their sakes.

Alix's POV:
 She grins. She knows who it is at once.

She must play along as the fool, for old-time sake.

She can not let on she suspects a thing.

  She must keep her cool.

King Adrien's  POV:

"A woman is here in the castle?"

"Send her to me at once. I must see her for myself."

  His demands must be met, or there will be trouble to pay. 

He walks back to his room after having given the command.

Guard #1's  POV:

"Yes, right away, oh, king."

 Guard #2's  POV:

 "It shall be done at once."

Guard #3's  POV:

"Yes, she will be there shortly."

Find out more in Chapter 41

 bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!

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