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Kaya looked up to find an unfamiliar woman standing hear her. Right away, Kaya knew that the woman was someone who lived her life with surety and power. She could tell from the way the woman stood, the way she held herself, and most importantly, she could tell from the bright, burning power of the spirit nestled in her golden hairpin.

"Hello," Kaya said back. "Who are you?"

The woman came closer and took a seat next to Kaya. Up close, the hairpin seemed to burn brighter. It was almost nauseating for Kaya to look at, and the necklace around her neck warmed in response to the close proximity.

Hush, Kaya murmured in her mind, and the necklace returned to a normal temperature.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the woman said kindly. "I knew your grandmother. She was a wonderful, remarkable woman."

"Yes," Kaya responded. "She was. And she's gone now."

The woman nodded. "That she is. Do you know what that means now?"

It meant a lot of things. It was why Kaya, just barely seventeen years old, was being taken care of by a family friend. It was why Kaya couldn't step inside her house anymore. It was why Kaya's brand new necklace had a tendency to warm up every now and then, and it was why the five rings she wore on her left hand liked to tickle her fingers as a way of comfort.

"You didn't answer my question," Kaya said instead. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled softly. It wasn't demeaning in any way, and Kaya could tell from the wisps of color emanating from her body that she was being genuine. Kaya decided then that she liked the stranger.

"I'm Jacqueline. I'm your Pathos. It's good to meet you, Kaya Loloma. Our newest Keeper."


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