The Unreal

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What does it mean to be unreal? What does it mean to be real?

As far as Myriad knows, there is no real difference. To them, what is unreal can be real, and what can be real can be unreal.

Myriad defines the "unreal" as the wisps in their air that only a select few can see. The flash of colors clinging to people's bodies, the peculiar shapes floating through the air. The "unreal" is the supernatural, the spiritual, that an ordinary person cannot see.

A "spirit" is a supernatural being invisible to an ordinary human. Only one with the gift of spirit sight can view these supernatural beings, and only one with this kind of gift can interact with spirits in any way.

The same cannot be said for the other side. Spirits can be mischievous, chaotic, and outright cruel. If a spirit has enough power, it can break through the thin veil separating the real and the unreal and touch the mind and heart of a human. Most humans can do nothing in response, and only a few humans can take fate into their own hands.

Spirits, who know of the existence of two worlds, always wish to cross over and stir up chaos. Humans, who only know of one world, are none the wiser.

So then what? 

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