Chapter 14

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Now stop threatening me to update


Dick sat on the couch of an abandoned building he has been hiding in. After all the chaos he caused at mount Justice, accusing Superboy for all of his troubles. Sure, he probably went overboard, and sure bring up the fact that if there was no him, there would be no Superboy to begin with, but he had to relieve some steam somehow, and kryptonians are known for their hard skin.

It has not even been a week since he ran from there and he was already exhausted, with every league member trying to capture him and bring him back. It was impossible to go out in the daytime and even at night time were most vigilantes tend to do their 'jobs' , there was just no time to himself other than to run and hide. A monster on the run from the pitchforks and torches. Logically, he knew that the League did not see him as a monster and really wanted more than anything is to sort the entire mess out, but that still did not help the fact That Dick Grayson was still the distant memory they perceived him to be that night he died several years ago.

Right, he still had some source material of the previous Robin: His left leg, right hand..his eyes... Dick shivered, they gouged out his eyes, he had a dead boy's eyes. Here he was, the superhero version of Frankenstein's monster. When CADMUS stated cloning human tissues, they were afraid they did not have the technology to produce a fully artificial clone, so instead they ransacked a grave which just happened to be Dick's. Though it was not a doubt they just chose his grave coincidentally... he still needed to figure out why they were so intent on making him instead of some other poor sap they would probably have more control over. So the cloning of stem cells commenced, growing them off of the limbs they were able to salvage and hack off. And in a matter of months, Project "R" was complete. Of course, the rest of the 'source material' was burned with the evidence that there was ever a second boy wonder, making Dick the single 'real' Grayson. Then in came Luthor, wanting to use the science to make the first completely artificial clone. Dick had brief memories pop up every now and then when Luthor actually held conversations with him, asking him questions and small talk like he was a real person, however Dick always remembered the second he was done chatting, it was back to the painful experiments that would soon help Luthor create his precious project "Kr" Sure, 'Kr' is the periodic symbol for krypton. however, there would be no "Kr" without the little 'R' known as Richard Grayson. That's right, Luthor is a big liar..surprise surprise. Someone bring in Maury; because he is NOT the father. He cloned cells of a clone, talk about being lazy. Would that make Dick a father..or a brother...? Either way it is messed up and it makes Dick sick just thinking about it. And he thought that Wally and Bart had complicated family trees. Dick sighed heavily before his attention snapped back to attention as he heard a piece of glass breaking under someone's feet. Sure, Abandoned buildings are gross and rat infested, however they come with the cheapest, simplest, and sometimes most effect alarm systems. "Whoever you are, Go away before I make you." Dick drawls out, too tired to even make an effort to get up. Really if he was going to make a run for it, he would have to save up the energy to do so, he will have to wait this one out.

"It's about time I found you" Jason stepped through the broken glass, staring at the figure sprawled out on the ratty couch. "You do realize that Bruce is on a man hunt with the entire Justice league looking for you, right?" He watched as the figure on the shifted slightly , giving a small grunt in reply to what he said. "Dick, You went and confronted Superboy, and the second you saw the rest of the team, you bolted out like a criminal, what were we supposed to think?"

"I ran because you tried to capture me, Jay. I had no other choice. Besides, the thing I plan on doing, could very much be criminal." Dick scowled "The second the heat dies down, I am personally going to go over to Lexcorp and slit That sadistic man's throat."

Jay flinched a bit, taking another hesitant step. "Dickie-bird, you don't mean that. We both know it is not like you to do something like that."

"Exactly." Dick scoffed. "It is not something Richard Grayson would do. Quit using that name around me!"

"Dick, I know what the flash drive said, but you are still you, and I can prove it!"

Dick sat up slowly the dark circles under his eyes contrasting heavily against his blue eyes. "These memories are not real this body is not real, Explain to me how I am the real Richard Grayson" He gave a warning glare as the other approached him. "I am nothing more than a stitched up piece of flesh with your Robin's memories!" He was not the real thing, the name he thought was his actually wasn't , the family he thought he loved, hey shocker here, was not his, and most of his actual body was not his. "I am nothing more than a fake, and yet you people are still chasing me down! Why can't you just give up and let me go in peace to solve out my own problems? For once the cliche of 'Finding one's self' actually applies!" Dick shook, his body just wanted to shut down, he was not only physically exhausted, but emotionally. "You do not understand what it is like to have everything you thought was real blow up in your face!" Dick froze when he felt a pair of arms embrace him, shock flooding over his body."

"You are still him. You are still that childish person who puts others before himself. You still went out and saved people even though you were on the run from the League..Do you think that anyone other than you would do that? Sure..the body is not the same..but you are definitely, three hundred and twenty percent the real thing." Jason spoke softly. "And like it or not, you are stuck having a stubborn ass bat brother who will not let you destroy yourself anymore."

Dick slowly let his guard down, listening to Jason's words. He wanted more than anything to believe them, but he was holding himself back, he could not let himself be fooled. "I am not---" Dick felt a sharp prick in the back of his neck, eyes widening in betrayal. His vision began to swirl and his body went completely lax.

"Sorry Dick, But I am taking you home."

Then everything went black.

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