Chapter 4

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The team stared at the teen in front of them once more, not for one second believing what they had just heard. Tim glared at the raven haired boy. " There is no possible way for him to be the original Robin. He is dead!" Tim spat a bit and took a step back. There was no way, there was absolutely no way that the boy he had come to despise all of these years was still alive. He would not believe it.

"I don't know how I am alive either..I clearly remember dying." The teen shook his head, face going grim for a brief moment ."Well Wallman...It looks like we have a predicament. I do not know how to prove it to any of you, but I am the real deal" The Original robin laughed, coughing a bit after. Wally had to wrap an arm around him just to keep his friend standing up.

"We can talk about this later." Kaldur frowned, still looking at the teen in awe. "We are leaving now, that is an order as leader." They needed to get out of here and get some much needed medical treatment for the teen. "Connor, break the chains around his ankles and let's go."

Connor complied, ripping the metal links. He wanted to stay and find out more, but he understood that the boy would most likely not survive another day if they stayed here. It was a wonder how they came just in time to rescue him. The teen was certainly lucky.

"Hey Rob, can you walk on your own?" Wally asked, touching his friend's shoulder like it was made of glass. "No worries..we can get you out of here and get Bats--"

"Don't tell Batman that I am alive quite yet." The original Robin interrupted which caused the team to look at him in shock.

"He has the right to know!" Tim shouted angrily, real or not Bruce grieved over this boy for years, and not telling him there was a chance that he was alive would be cruel. Now more than ever, Tim hated Dick Grayson.

"He does and I will tell him..just after I am rested and not on my deathbed..again." He had coughed again, blood coming up as the strangled breathing continued.

That got the team moving. Connor quickly picked up the boy and started down the hallway, ignoring the weak teen's small complaints. The rest of the team followed behind Connor silently, and climbed their way out of Cadmus once more. Tim glanced at Grayson, who was smiling softly and looking at the sky, he could have sworn that he saw tears fall down his cheeks. Honestly, tim could not blame him, after not seeing the sky for almost seven years, he would probably cry too.

"Where are we going to take him? It is going to be hard to sneak him in and keep him from Batman." Kaldur frowned a bit, not sure how they were to handle this situation, there seemed to be one problem after another.

"We should get him to Mount Justice, Batman is on patrol so he would not be there..He could stay in my room." Wally frowned, looking at his friend once again who had fallen asleep in Connor's arms. They would still have to worry about the rest of their mentors, but if he sped past them, he could surely hide Dick in his room. "Connor, Give him to me, I will get him there. Connor nodded and handed the teen over slowly. Wally was surprised at how light Dick actually was, but put his worried thoughts to the back of his head. "See you all at Mount Justice. If anyone asked, we were just hanging out and doing some minor patrol." And with that, the speedster ran off to Mount Justice.


Tim and the rest of the group entered through the zeta tubes, looking around a bit nervously. "Stay here, I have to talk to him alone." Tim growled softly and went straight to Wally's room, opening the door to see a Richard Grayson sitting up and fully alert. "What the..Where is Wally?" Tim frowned looking around to find that Kid Flash was not in the room.

"He left to get some food..saying something about all he had was junk food and that would not be best for me at the moment." Richard had shrugged before patting the bed beside him. "I am glad though he is gone, It will give us a chance to speak"

Tim sat down, not sure what else to do in this situation, and when Grayson took of his mask, Tim's breath hitched. Sure, the face was older, but he definitely looked like the former Robin, there was no denying it. "...So you are Dick."

Dick laughed weakly and nodded slowly, resting against the headboard of the bed. "The one and only.." He mused for a second in thought before his dulled blue eyes once again glanced over to Tim. "So you are my replacement then? I did not catch your name."

Tim flinched a bit at the word 'replacement' If he was in Dick's shoes, he would surely be furious that he was replaced by someone..not only once but twice..soon to be three times. "Yeah, The name is Tim..Tim Drake." Tim answered cautiously. "I am the third Robin, Jason was the Second." Tim faltered a bit, not sure how the Older Robin would react to this news, but instead of rage, Dick smiled softly. That threw Tim for a loop.

"So he carried on well. I am glad." Dick let out a shaky breath, relief filling his facial features. "I was so worried..for the longest of time..that he would blame himself and become even more of a broody man than he already was." He chuckled weakly "If that is possible."

This was Tim's first glance at Dick's personality, and guilt flooded over him. He hated Robin for being someone he could never touch and fill his shoes and constantly fail. Batman would always compare the other Robins to the first, but now Tim realized that it was not out of anger..but guilt. Dick was kind, Tim could tell with just this small conversation. Instead of hating Bruce for replacing him, he was glad that his mentor had found someone new to take his place. "He missed you by the way, a lot." Tim whispered, feeling his heart drop into his stomach. "He held you in high praise."

"I am not someone who should be praised, I died because I was young and foolish. I was not ready to become the sidekick that Bruce needed. " Dick mumbled, his voice trailing off. "I am glad..I am glad he found better ones..."

Tim panicked a bit, Grayson was falling unconscious again, he needed to stay awake..who knows if he would wake up again..Tim shook his head and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you need to stay awake alright? No more talking, just rest. Instead I will tell you what you missed and catch you up. But, you have to stay awake alright?" When Dick gave a small nod in reply, Tim smiled a bit and started his story, starting with Jason. By the time wally came back, Tim had only reached the end of himself and was going onto Daimen. The speedster looked at Dick hesitantly before setting the food down. "We need to get him to a is not going to help him at this point.." Tim frowned at the already dozing off Grayson who had probably stopped listening to him talk three minutes in. "Wally, what do we do? We can't Hide this from Bruce if he has to go to the hospital.

Wally rushed to his friend's side. "We could go to the medical bay, but that is risky, the Justice league will surely find out..we need a story."

Tim panicked as he saw Dick completely slump forward, falling unconscious. "Get him to the bay now!" If anyone asks, he is a civilian and the medical bay was closer than the hospital. "

Wally nodded and picked up Dick, rushing to the medical bay.


Tim silently watched over Grayson, it has only been an hour, but the color in his face has already improved. He was definitely strong. Tim managed a weak smile before grabbing his phone. He hated to ask, but he was going to have to ask Jason for another distraction. He held the phone up to his ear, hearing it ring a few times before his brother finally picked up.

"Just got back from patrol. What's up Tim." Jason's irritated voice sounded from the other side making Tim flinch.

"Sorry, but I need you distract Bruce..We found something..and he is not going to like it."

there was a pause from the other end, muffled footsteps and the sound of a door closing could be heard. Jason slipped away to a different room. "What did you find? And What does it have to do with bruce. Oh god, did they clone Batman? I can not handle another Daimon."

"No, it is not a clone of Bruce." Tim glanced down at Grayson again before speaking. "It is something much more related to us rather than Batman."

"What are you talking about? Where one of us cloned?" Jason hissed quietly

"No..It is something we should not speak about over the phone, you should come here and see for yourself." TIm sighed a bit. "But wait until Bruce is asleep."

It was only an hour or so after the call until Jason appeared at the medical bay. It was around two in the morning, and Jason obviously did not look pleased at being there at such an ungodly hour. "This better be good Drake or so help me--" He looked at the patient in the bed and frowned. "Who the hell is that?" He leaned closer to the sleeping teen, mouth opening. "It couldn't be.."

Tim gave a small nod "It is..."

"Shit" Jason rubbed his face and let out a frustrated sigh. "Who is going to tell Bruce?"

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