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Dick took a deep breath before stepping into the doors of his old room of seven years. If bruce found out that he had went back to investigate on his own, he would surely get an earful. He took a deep breath before pulling out his flashlight and scanning the room. It was just that..a room, just like he left it. There was nothing there. However there is still more hallway that Wally and Tim did not look into. Afterall they pretty much bolted after finding him in critical condition. Dick let out a small sigh before leaving the room and returning back to the hallway. If it were not for his flashlight, his surroundings would be completely black. It reminded him of the horror movies he used to watch with Wally when they were younger and had gotten horrible nightmares because of that fact. He probably won't get much sleep tonight either. Well at least he knew how to fight least he had that going for him...Sportsmaster after all did look a lot like Jason Vorhees, not going to lie. Dick grinned slightly at that image before continuing to walk slowly down the hallway, his footsteps echoing. Tim had told him that they found him by turning of the flashlight, so every now and then he would switch it off, looking for light seeping through seams. Unfortunately, he had no luck in the matter. What he would of done to have Supe's x-ray vision. Dick ran his hand slowly along the wall, often he would find light switches for the hallways, and he would be lying if he said that he did not try every single one hoping that they would relieve him from the dark..but once again, no such luck. Not that Dick Grayson was ever one to have any luck. He had reached the end of the hallway after about an hour into his search. It was a complete dead end, and by dead end he meant no trap door, no switches or secret was just a dead end. Dick groaned and sat on the floor, holding his head in his hands. "Just for once could something go the way I wanted it to? There has to be something, it can't just end here!" Dick slammed his fist into the wall, frustration building up. He needed to find something, even if it is a thread of evidence, he would gladly take it. He was not just placed here. There had to be a reason! Dick closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. All he needed to do is remember something, anything to help him find the answers he desperately wanted to find. There were too many holes in his memoirs that it was impossible not for him to notice. Did they do this to him..Just like the flash drive, his thoughts were completely scrambled.

Nothing came to him. Absolutely nothing. Dick waited, his legs crossed and leaning against the wall. Usually he was glad when his memories never surfaced...They tended to cause a lot of pain when they resurfaced. It never happened often, but it was like taking a pick ax and driving it into the back of your skull. The last memory episode Dick had, he had to bite down on his own arm to keep himself from biting a hole in his cheek or banging his head against the wall. He still has the scars from that... And what memory did he receive after all that pain? The memory of Bruce and his friend Wally. Yes, he only remembered wally for a year before the redhead found him. Before that he was trapped with the memories of his parents' deaths and a brief second where a man with a blurred face took him into his home. Yeah, having the memories up to the age of eight probably did not make his experience a whole lot easier. In his time with the wayne manor, Dick had been too embarrassed to admit that most of the times spent there..were holes of blurred faces and complete black spots. However, it is slowly coming back to him. Unfortunately there were memories he wished he would not remember... Like the first time Bruce and him got in a fight, or days where he would run off for days at a time only to feel completely guilty for the pain and worry that he caused Bruce, who spent every waking hour looking for him...And worst of all, he remembered his death. Death is not like it is in the movies, there is no feeling of calm and accepting your fate. Instead it is filled with agony and panic, where you wonder why you can't feel your legs as ice crawls up your body. The darkness that envelops your body is not welcoming at all, it was terrifying.

Dick's thoughts were interrupted by a slight hum in the back of his head, that soon became a full blown out migraine. It looks like his prayers for once were being answered. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut as the pain intensified in a matter of seconds. He gasped out as images rushed into his mind. He was in that room fighting with a middle aged man in a white lab coat. The violence escalated as Dick punched the man square in the face before having to be restrained by two other scientists. They dragged him away soon after--and then black. Another hole in his memories

Dick cursed , taking a moment to try and push more information to be processed, but there was absolutely nothing."...Where" Dick frowned, reopening his eyes. "Where did they drag me too..." He stood up, rushing back to his room where the memory had taken place. "They were not dragging me to the door...but towards.." His eyes narrowed in on the bed in the corner. "..They would not have restrained me on the bed..unless." Dick pulled the bed away from the corner, eyes narrowing once again on a small hand sized panel. "Bingo." Dick murmured softly. 

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