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We finally made It to Ichiraku's and I was starving.. Once we walked in I immediately wished we hadn't.


Hinata's POV -

We walked into Ichiraku's and I saw Kiro-Kun. He met eyes with me and smiled. "Hinata-chan!" I smiled in return and he motioned for me to sit down. "H-hello Kiro-Kun." I sat down next to him and I immediately felt someone sit next to me so I turned around and... *breathe* saw ... *breathe* Naruto-Kun.

I could feel my face heat up. He sat next to me! Kyaaaaa!

Then I noticed everyone sat down too. "So who is this guy Hinata?" Kiba asked me looking at Kiro suspiciously. I giggled and everyone turned to look at me which made me blush again.

"I-it's okay Kiba-kun, I-I met him in-n the Sand Village, h-his name's-s Kiro-kun." Kiba calmed down a little and Kiro introduced himself to everyone.

Naruto's POV-

When I saw Kiro I could feel my heat go up. What Is he doing here!? He's supposed to be long gone!!!!!

I froze a bit not knowing what to do but I didn't react quick enough and I saw Hinata sit next to him. A vain popped and I could see Kiba was heading for the seat next to her.

I darted to the seat and won leaving behind a pissed Kiba who ended up sitting next to Kiro. Everyone else sat down and Hinata turned around and stared at me with another fever.

But she quickly turned around again. Is she.. Mad at me ? But I didn't do nothing! Did I.. Just ripped Kiro's paper.. But that wasn't even bad! It was for the best, Dattebayo!

"Heya Naruto." I recognized that voice. I turned and looked to see where it came from, Kiro.. He had a closed eyed smile and his hand was waving. Mocking me.. Hi.." Was all I said.

Then Kiro turned to Ino and said "Hi" she blushed and said "Hi" back. She almost sounded like Hinata for a second there..

After that he looked at Kiba and said hey. Kiba said hey back and then they started a conversation. Nows my chance to talk to Hinata! "H-"

"Hinata-chan ! Tommorow you wanna hang out? I have this mission thing in Konoha and im staying a while." H-h-HES STAYING FOR A 'WHILE'!?

"U-umm.. S-sure." She had a closed eyed smile that should've been mine! I'll just ask Sakura-chan.. But she'll just reject me.. Maybe.. Hinata could ditch Kiro to go with me..!

"Great! I'll see you at noon? Same place, here. I'll wa--" I cut him off.

"Hinata! Looks like your done CMON, I'll walk you home." I smirked, serves him right.

"S-sorry N-Naruto-Kun, I h-have an errand-d." She was playing with her fingers.

Out of all the times..

"Where's your errand?" Kiro..

"U-umm.. Close f-from here-e. L-like to the S-south." She said walking off.

"That's where I'm heading! We'll walk together." Kiro said walking off with her.

Idiot! Why didn't I think of lying like he obviously did.

"Kiro-Kun is so cutee ! Naruto! Why didn't you introduce me to him earlier!?"

"Oooww! Ino that hurt!" I was rubbing my head from the hit I received from Ino.

I got a little jealous at what she said. "Do girls really find him that attractive?" I asked.

"Any girl would! Who wouldn't!?" She told me.

Shit.. Then Hinata finds him attractive.. "Hinata's so lucky! Kiro-Kun obviously likes her. Man I would kill to be her. Wait! South.. That's towards my flower shop! Maybe I'll see him again! Kyaa! " Then she ran off towards her shop. Ino's words were slowly sinking in.

" Any girl would! Hinata's so lucky! Kiro-Kun obviously likes her.. Hinata finds him attractive.. He's staying for a while.. Asked Hinata on a date.. Kiro-Kun is so cutee ! "

It's almost like.. They were meant to be..

Hinata's POV-

Kiro-Kun and I were walking together towards the Yamanaka Flower Shop when Kiro asked me a question.

"Hey Hinata-chan, who is Naruto to you?" I felt dizzy.

"W-w-what-t ?" I asked. Maybe I heard wrong..

"Who is Naruto to you? You know since your not seeing anyone." I felt even dizzier. He reminded me I didn't have a chance sigh Naruto-Kun because of Sakura-San..

"H-he's.. L-like..U-umm.." I couldn't find the words, but I had them all in my head.

He's like the one that keep me going, who showed me my nindo, who's like my light and showed me the way out of a dark tunnel. I try hard everyday to finally be beside him. I know I never will, but atleast I can be close behind. And through all that, I .. I.. Him.. He.. His.. Everything about him.. I love it all. I love him..

But, all this doesn't matter as long as he still loves Sakura-San and that's how it'll always be.. One-sided love.. "Hinata-chan.. Hiiiinata-chan.. Hiiiiiiiiiinata-chan..?"

I looked around and Kiro was waving his hand in my face. I spaced out.

"G-Gomen Kiro-Kun." I said looking down. (Sorry)

"Don't sweat. It's okay Hinata-chan! Forget the question, the flower shops right there. I'll see you Tommorow then?" I looked at Kiro.

He is cute.. And he's recognized me since the beginning.. If only Naruto-Kun did too.. " H-hai." I said with a closed eyed smile. He smiled back and said, "Bye Hinata-chan." I smiled and said, "Bye Na-- Kiro-Kun."

I stopped myself in time.. He didn't notice. I sighed and left to the flower shop.


Oooooh Kiro returned.

And please don't hate! Lol this is a NARUHINA Story, not a KiroHina story.

Chilllll. Hey, there has to be drama right ?

And *wipes sweat off* I hope I did this chapter good.

Ugh, with sports and math homework EVERYDAY I don't have time for anything!

So sorry if I write chapters a little late.

Umm next time : Kiro and Hinata's 'Date'

Till next time! Hope it's soon..

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