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I'm not very creative with names soooo let's forget about the title shall we! On with the story now! v.v

Hinata's POV

We were walking through the sand already far away from the Villiage.

"N-Naruto-Kun w-what's wrong-g?" I could tell he was a little uneasy.

"Nothing. I'm fine Hinata." And he kept walking.

"Y-you can-n tell m-me." I said convincingly.

Then I saw his face light up all of a sudden, like how it always was. "Fine. But first, I'm gonna do something okay? Promise you won't get mad?" He was smiling so it couldn't be anything that bad.. But I was nervous..

"O-okay-y N-Naruto-Kun." Then he walked up to me really close and dug his hand in my right pocket. "Where is it?" I heard him say.

"I-I don't-t know-what-t y-yo---"

"GOT IT!" I jumped. He got w-what? It was a piece of paper.

The one Kiro-Kun gave me for the messaging bird. (I forgot the name sorry)

"N-Naruto-Kun-n Th-That's!!" And right before my eyes Naruto-Kun ripped the paper to little pieces. I actually kind of.. Liked.. Kiro-Kun.. Just a little bit but I still love Naruto-Kun.

"Sorry Hinata. " I looked at him a little mad and disappointed mixed in my eyes. "W-why?" I looked at him. Then I noticed his eyes were filled with happiness, more than I've ever seen in N-Naruto-Kun's eyes..

Why? D-does H-he l-l-l-like m-me? N-no... He likes S-Sakura-San. It's pointless to be thinking this..

"Sorry Hinata but, he lives in the Suna, we live in Konoha. It would of never happened. I'm sorry. " I looked down. He's right. I didn't want it to happen., I just want Naruto-Kun..

"Y-your right." Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. That touch.. I immediately blushed and looked at Naruto-Kun. "You'll find the one real soon Hinata. Cheer up." If only he knew.. He's the one I want.

Naruto's POV-

"You'll find the one real soon Hinata. Cheer up." And I gave her the brightest smile I had. But.. I think the 'one' is me.. Am I feeling right?

She looked up at me and smiled. I felt a small blush. But I tried to hide it.

"C'mon! Baa-Chan's waiting." And I walked off. "H-Hai!" Then I felt someone beside me. I smiled. She's nothing like Sakura-chan.

Come to think of it I don't say Hinata-chan.. But I say Sakura-chan.. I'll start calling her Hinata-chan then. Kiro's right.. Why haven't I done this before? I am a Baka..

NOWONDER Hinata was was upset when I ripped his paper.

"Hey Hinata! Did you like Kiro?" I said turning to look at her. She couldn't.. She just met him. "U-umm.. K-Kiro-Kun.. H-he was-s o-okay." I clenched my left fist. W-WHATT? She was supposed to say no. And Kiro-'Kun' !? I thought we talked about that.

We reached the trees but the sky was beginning to darken. Mann., I forgot to say chan after her name.. "Hinata-chan so what do you think of Kiba?"

Hinata's POV

"Hinata-chan so what do you think about Kiba?"

I blushed. Did he j-just s-say 'Hinata-chan'? I blushed even more. He's never called me that.. Is it because Kiro-Kun told him? N-Naruto-Kun..?

Naruto's POV-

I really wanted to know how she thought about him.

He was her teammate after all, stuff could happen I didn't know about.

"H-he.. He's like.. My best friend. He's always there for m-me when I need someone. He's like my big brother. We're so close. " she didn't stutter like always.. Why? And why when she's talking about Kiba??

We started jumping through trees and she was still talking about him. But the part that's got me was when she said, "He takes me to eat all the time with A-Akamaru, he's really nice..." Like a *eye twitches* a date!?

No., she doesn't like Kiba. Right? When she stopped talking I just said "Oh.." And then after that we were both quiet. Then I noticed she was looking tired and sleepy. But she kept pushing herself.

I could take on more but she was tired. "Hinata you wanna rest?" Damn, I forgot the -chan again. She kept going but I could tell she was really tired. "N-no.. Not y-yet.."

I was unsure her a voice said one thing but her body showed another. But I always do that.. It it okay? But I always feel so tired and close to dying.. "Hinata---HINATA!" I saw as Hinata fell towards the ground.

I jumped down and caught her then went on the ground. "Hinata-chan lets rest here." I looked for somewhere nice and I found a perfect spot under a tree.

"I-I.. C-cann.. K-keep going-g.." I looked down and smiled at her. "Your so persistent like me Hinata." She half smiled then closed her eyes. "You know.. I think I--"

I heard a light snore and her chest was rising high the low and I just couldn't.. Stop staring at it.. I never knew her chest was t-t-t-that bi-g-g-g.

I snapped out of it and layed her down then I set up the tents. I layed her down next to the tree so her back was on it. DAMN IT, I forgot the tents. Ugh I'm such an idiot..

I looked at Hinata and I saw her shiver a little. I was shivering too, but hers was a bit out of control. I took off my jacket and out it on her gently. I ACCIDENTLY touched one of her boobs and blushed.

Wow, I am a pervert. But she was still shivering. Should we cuddle? I shaked my head. No, she would get mad like Sakura-chan. But, she's not like Sakura-chan, and I'm really cold too.

I sighed. I'll give it a shot, hehe. I layed down next to her and as soon as I did her head fell on my chest. I blushed again and looked at her, she looked so cute. I've never seen here like this., she better not be with Kiba..

Then I put my head on top of hers lightly and slept.


AWWW so kawaii^-^

Wow I made Naruto say 'persistent' ..


And I can't believe I Said that about her chests o.o

Oh well, it's the truth xD

Bmth ❤️ /-\ ~~~~~~

Anyways, something's gonna happen to Hinata when she gets to Konoha, and that's not the end of Kiro *wink, wink*

Till next time! (^_^)/*

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