The Nasty Boyce Makes The Beast Incarnate Walk & Fall From The Razors Edge.

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I arrived at the arena all ready and psyched for my Universal Championship match against Lesnar. I've been after Vince to make it happen for weeks and threatened to go after any headliner that was considered his favorite. And cripple them. A prime example was my threats to Lesnar's family. When Vince found out he yelled at me but I told him that anyone that was even considered his golden boys would look like a mile of bad road when I was done. Or had a curse put on them. I also pointed out that unlike me he has a ton more to lose. As opposed to me. I had nothing to lose. He had profits from ticket sales to consider. Among other things. So that's why the match tonight.

I passed Becky, Charlotte, Bayley and Sasha.
Becky excused herself and followed me to my locker room. When I walked in she followed suit.

Becky: Want backup Danny?

Daniel:No. Thank you though. I just don't want to give Lesnar or Heyman grounds for a rematch.

Becky: Hey Danny. I looked at her.
Becky: Good luck out there. She hugged me like she used to like I was her little brother. But I wanted more than to be her adopted brother, and I believe she felt the same.

When the match came up. I made my way to the gorilla and waited for my cue to head to the ring. When 'Razors Edge' came over the speakers I headed out to the loudest pop of the night. Brock didn't like it one bit.

30 minutes into the match, I performed Boyce City the fourth time I pinned Lesnar, but he didn't kick out but the ref said he did. In my frustration I did the Swinging Oklahoma Side Slam on him, picked him up and performed Tour of the Islands. With the ref out of the way I mauled Lesnar like a grizzly. Becky ran out in a refs shirt and when I performed Tour Of The Islands on  him and pinned him. Becky slid in and counted the pinfall.
But when Heyman tried to make off with the title. I carried Lesnar to the parking lot and opened the trunk and got a rope and tied Lesnar up to one his fancy rentals.

I screamed at a camera man to start filming. The camera showed Lesnar tied to a bumper of a car and panned out to show me behind the wheel of my rental and Becky. I was looking really steamed.

Daniel: Now as far as I know, or care, I won that title. Now Heyman, you have one minute to hand over the title. Or me and Becky are going to put the Beast Incarnate out of circulation, permanently. You have 45 seconds to come and put that title in my hands.

A timer came on screen and before the timer ran out Heyman appeared and handed me the Universal Championship. The moment he handed me the title he went to work on untying the knots holding Brocks wrists. Becky and I headed to my locker room and she was so happy that there was a new Universal Champion instead of Lesnar. And that the new Universal Champion was her adopted brother. Made her even more proud.

Becky: You know, red and gold suit you.

Daniel: Thanks, Becks. She approached me.

Becky: There's so much I want to say. But I don't think nows the time to tell you how I really feel.

Daniel:  Becks. I just want to say that you tell me when your ready.

Becky then thought for a moment.
Becky: I have an idea. I haven't seen your new place yet. Why don't I spend the holidays with you.

Daniel: You know, the last time we celebrated a holiday was St. Patrick's Day earlier this year.

Becky smiled and giggled,
Becky: Remember the first party mom and dad threw for us as a goodbye party.

Daniel: Yeah, the same one where we were so drunk, that when we woke up the next morning we thought we had sex because we were both naked as the day we were born.

Becky: Yeah, then we checked and I found my hymen intact and a few other things. But I look back on those times with with the widest grin on my face.

Daniel: As do I.
I hugged her tightly.
When I pulled away from her, I just wanted to tell her right there just how I felt about her. But like her, I wanted to wait. And when she left. I decided to tell her during the holidays

Needless to say over the next two weeks, Lesnar got his rematch. And it was scheduled for TLC. Now before you think that I caved or gave in. I didn't. Vince was threatened  by a lawsuit from Lesnar. He ordered Hunter to make the match. But Hunter was able to convince Vince to let me choose the match type. I wanted to be sure Brock would never come back. So I kept the match stipulation a secret until the go home show for Raw December 10, 2018.

It was the contract signing, Lesnar was in the ring and they were waiting for me but since I couldn't come out to any song until TLC this Sunday. Vince's idea of punishing me for 'cheating' Lesnar out of his title.
Becky was visiting which was according to senile McMahon's way of thinking was illegal for the Women's Champion of Smackdown to be at Raw.  When I went to the ring for the contract signing, I wasn't surprised by her reaction to the stipulation.

The contract signing was underway, Lesnar with his egg sucking grin on his face. Me holding the Universal Championship on my lap. Hunter did his usual spiel.

When it came time for the actual signing of the contract. I filled in the stipulation after I signed it. When Lesnar saw the stipulation. He went as white as a sheet. He shook his head and I picked up the mic near me.

Daniel: Now, Brock, you forgot to read the fine print. It clearly states. And I quote, 'If the challenger,' that's you, 'doesn't agree with the stipulation, he will not have another opportunity for any other title,' which means, if you ever want an opportunity to capture and hold another title hostage. I suggest you sign it."
He hesitantly did.

Daniel: See you in hell. Or should I say, the pound. Cause ladies and gentlemen. The Universal Championship will be up for grabs, in a Dog Collar Match. And it seems the supposedly fearless Beast Incarnate is afraid of that match type. Is it because it's the most brutal, dangerous match in wrestling history. I thought you'd like a brutal match like that, considering how you, oh wait for the past year and a half you've been running from any threat to your reign and holding this. I raised the Universal Championship in the air.

Daniel: Hostage, only defending when you daned to or when the money was right. Well I have news for you. This title will only leave my grasp when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. I dropped the mic and headed to the back.
I was not surprised by Becky's reaction.

Becky: Are you crazy Danny. A Dog Collar Match?! I know you want to keep the title title away from Lesnar. But I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose my brother.

Daniel: And you won't.

Becky: Okay, if you can guarantee that you will come back in one piece.  I'll tell you what I've always wanted to tell you all these years.

Daniel: You better not renege this time. The last time you promised that, it was before you were called up to the main roster. When I asked you what it was you conveniently forgot about it. Not this time I can promise you that.

Becky smiled as she hugged me.
Becky: I promise Danny. I won't forget.

Daniel: Alright. I got packed up and headed to the hotel. Becky went back to her locker room where Charlotte, Sasha, and Bayley were waiting for her.
Sasha was the first speak up.
Sasha: So what did he say about the match?

Becky: Usual. That he's got it handled.

Bayley: Becky. He could get killed in a match like that.

Charlotte: You got to tell him how you feel about him Becks. He might not go out to the ring.

Becky: You don't think I know that he could get killed in a Dog Collar Match. And I want to, but I also want him focused. Not distracted by me or what I might say.

Sasha: But you love him Becks. Ever since high school.

Becky: Yeah on my first date a month or two before graduating, when the guy tried to cop a feel under my blouse. Daniel beat the hell out of him. And although I initially wanted to cuss him out but. I found myself looking at him no longer like a brother. But like a possible boyfriend. But I didn't pay any attention to my feelings for him.
I don't know what he'll say, door react when I tell him that I love him.

Bayley: So when you going to tell him.

Becky sighed,
Becky: I said I'd tell him after his match at TLC. And I promised I would this time.

Charlotte: Daniel will be alright Becks.

Becky nodded.

That Sunday, TLC was a real barn burner so far. When Daniel was getting ready for his Dog Collar Match.
Becky came in.
Daniel: Come to wish me luck. Or come to tell me something?

Becky: More the first part than the second. She grinned.

Daniel: Well, thanks anyway. But.

Becky: You have it well in hand. You always say that. And somehow, you always do. And uh, what I'm going to tell you is gonna probably shatter your opinion of me or our lives growing up together.

Daniel: Becks, you have been my adopted sister for a long time. And I'm tired of keeping my feelings hidden from you. I got up and held her hands in mine.
Daniel: Before I go out there.  I want to get this off my chest. Good luck your triple threat TLC Becks. She scowled as she slugged my shoulder. After a moment or two I headed out with my jacket, Slugger and night-stick and the Universal Championship around my waist.

40 minutes into the match...
The ring was bloody, as was my face and and Brocks jaw which was dislocated courtesy of me wrapping the chain in his mouth once and clubbing the bones in his jaw on both sides. Lesnar's nose was broken and bleeding and all I had was a wide gash on my forehead. I slowly got up as I had lost so much blood already. I picked up Lesnar and set him up for the Swinging Oklahoma Side Slam. Then slowly got up and picked him up again and set him up for Straight Jacket DDT and  when I went to deliver the final blow to the Blowhard Beast Incarnate, Heyman distracted the ref. Which caused me to drop Lesnar and walk over to Heyman and he got down as Brock got up, turned me around and set me up for an F-5 only for it to be reversed into a Scissor Guillotine Choke. The ref checked on him three times and called for the bell as Lesnar was unconscious. But I didn't release the hold. I kept it cinched in. When Lesnar started to jerk and convulse, they were adamant that I release the hold. I did. I grabbed my title and headed to the back and smiled at the carnage of the aftermath of what I did. When I was stitched up and cleaned off. I did my interview.

Charly: Daniel, congratulations on the amazing but brutal match, and you retained the Universal Championship as a plus, what are your plans going forward?

Daniel: Well Charly, unlike some wannabe, spoiled son of a bitch, who shall remain nameless, I'm gonna be a fighting champion.  But not only that, I'm opening up this title to any woman that has the guts to take it from me. Times are changing, you either adapt to that change or die clinging to the past. But a word of advice to any women's division superstars that think I'll take it easy on them. I won't, once you step between those ropes. We're equals. There is no way back when you step in the ring with me. I look forward to see who challenges me. I looked to Charly.
Daniel; Thanks Charly.  I walked away and met Becky in my locker room.

Becky: Incredible match Danny. And since it's over, I have to uphold my end of the bargain. I could tell she was nervous about telling me what she needed to tell me. So I put my hand on her shoulder and she calmed down enough to say what she needed to say.
Becky: Daniel, ever since my family took you in. You've been a real good friend and brother. Adopted that is. And I like you, first I loved you as a friend. But I want to be more than that. I've been up and down about this for years. And I don't want anyone else. But you. She slid into my arms. She hugged me tightly.
Becky: I'm hoping I'm not alone in this.

I smiled as I hugged her back,
Daniel: Your not alone. I've wanted to tell you the same thing for years as well. I'm just happy that you feel the same way.

Becky: I'm happy to hear that baby. Is it alright if I call you that?

Daniel: Absolutely, darling.

Becky: Well my match is up next. I better get going.

Daniel: Good luck, sweetie. I kissed her lips.
When I pulled away, she grinned and bit her lip.

Becky: I didn't know you were a good kisser.

Daniel: Would it made a difference if you did.

Becky: I can't say for sure baby. But I'm glad we got our feelings out in the open.
Then a tech came and opened the door and poked his head in.

Tech:We're ready for you Becky.

Becky: Be right there. The tech left the room and left Becky and me alone.

Daniel: You better get going. And from now on, we'll be sharing hotel rooms. I kissed her once more and she headed out to the gorilla with her Smackdown Women's Championship over her shoulder. I watched her match from my locker room.

When Rhonda interfered helping Asuka win the Smackdown Women's Championship. I bolted to the stage but was stopped by Hunter.

Hunter: Whoa, pump your brakes there Daniel.
I looked at him with hate filled eyes.

Daniel:You knew didn't you. What is the scary Game terrified of his father-in-law? Wow, I guess the Cerebral Assassin is the Cerebral Bitch now. Aren't ya?
I then said,
Daniel: Get the fuck out of my way. When he did. Rhonda was on the stage smirking until I grabbed her hair and tossed her into a mini tron. Picked her up, put her on my shoulders, climbed one of the ladders on the stage then performed the Swinging Oklahoma Side Slam off the ladder and onto the stage. Then got up and leaned down into Rhonda's face,
Daniel: Who's laughing now huh? Not your pathetic ass.

Becky pulled me off her,
Becky: Daniel, go to the back, but I like what you did. And there maybe a little reward for you later tonight.
Becky walked to the back with me. And we decided to skip interviews and all that. We instead went out for dinner to a nice little diner near the hotel. Once we ordered our food and drink.

Daniel: So when did you realize you had feelings for me? I grinned.

Becky: When you mauled my over zealous prom date that tried to cop a feel under my blouse.

Daniel: Yeah. I remember, Uhh Michael Simmons. A rich kid who thought he could have any girl he wanted. Or take any girl he wanted. But not my sister. Not. My girl. And it feels so damn good to say that.

Becky blushed.
Becky: What?

Daniel: My girl.

Becky: And I'm loving it, every time you say it, baby.

When we were done with dinner, we went to the hotel I escorted her to her room to get her things. When she had done that, we headed to my hotel room. I helped her settle in and she put on a white t-shirt and nothing else. I just stripped down to my boxers and slid into bed with her. The moment I got into bed, she straddled my waist and slowly ground her bare pussy against my waist.

Daniel: You do know that you're teasing the wrong guy, right?
She nodded as she fished out my cock from my boxers and what followed was a blissful four and a half hour round. That found us when it was over, me in my back, right arm folded under my head, Becky breathing a little heavy as she was coming down from her sixth orgasm of the night as she was laying on my chest, smiling and I was already getting over my fifth of the night

Becky: That was more than I expected and dreamed of.

Daniel: Same here Becks. I grinned.

Becky kissed me,
Becky: I love you, Danny.

Daniel: And I love you too Becky.
We kissed each other once again. Then she snuggled into my shoulder before she fell asleep.

I looked down at her and smiled as I had finally gotten the girl I wanted as my girlfriend.

I kissed her forehead and fell asleep myself. Holding her tightly to me.

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