A Fucking Lion

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Dedicated to @josueluna68


"Wake up Drewy we need to buy groceries for breakfast~" I draw out while poking his cheek. It was morning now and little Drew had fallen asleep on top of me last night. He snuggles closer to me and I chuckle. "C'mon~" I shake his shoulder and he let's out a yawn. He sits up, his dark hair a complete mess and I squeal and jump him.

"You're so fucking cute!" I say and kiss him on the cheek.

"T-Thank you!" He mumbles while blushing.

He's mine. If you bastards even try to come through the screen to touch him I will show you the anger of a real leopard!!

I pick him up and carry him to the bath to get cleaned up.

"Okay. After this we're going to the store to by some more food before they wake up okay?" He nods as I dump the water on him.

"C-Can we make waffles this time?" He asks me. I nearly feel my heart come out my chest.

"We can make anything if you keep being cute like that!" I say, grinning at him.

At Le store

"We need eggs, milk and the mix. And some more orange juice. Do you wanna split the list up and go separately?" I ask him while looking over the list. I see him shake his head and hold my jacket. I nod my head. "Okay then."

We make our way through the store buying everything we need. I stop walking when I see someone familiar. I grab Drew by his hand and run forward behind the guy.

"I'm here to search you Josh. Now spread those cheeks."
I whisper in his ear and he screams and turns around. I hold my stomach as I laugh.

"D-Damnit Rei!" He yells holding his chest. Josh was one of my friends in school. He was like the silent and shy type. He had light blue hair. His real hair color was blonde but he would dye it about every other week. He was as tall as me and had pretty brown eyes.

But not as pretty as Drew's!!

I couldn't hold back my fits of giggles as I watch as Josh's cheeks become more red. "What kind of person just says that!?" He whines.

"Aw Joshy, you know my weirdness!" I say. Drew was behind me the while time. I take his hand and pull him around me.

"This is Drew! Drew meet Josh. He's a friend from school!" I say happily.

"H-Hi." Drew mumbles and Josh gives a smile. "Hi. Nice to meet you." Drew steps back behind me and I run my fingers through Hus hair.

"Hey Drew, do you think you can get me some cinnamon while I talk to Josh?" I ask him and he nods and hurry along.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Josh asks me. I smile before giggling. "Yes! He's the most sweetest little thing!" I say gushing over him.

Then my face turns serious. "He has problems though..."

Josh nods. "You are helping him right?" He asks and I nod and felt a shiver run up my spine.

"W-Whats wrong?" He asks me.

I sniff the air and caught a whiff of it.

That scent.
That mother fucking scent!!!

"That bastard has a hold of my baby! Hold my fucking groceries!!"

I shove my basket in his chest and race through the doors of the store. My eyes scan the parking lot and my ears twitch when I hear a cry.

It was Drew's cry.

Ohh when I find that bastard that was all over Drew I'm gonna kill him!I follow the noise behind the store and stop when I hear a deep voice.

"You think that you can just run away and not tell me you little shit! I've been looking all over for you!! Who scent is that all over you!?"

I take another sniff in the air and growl a bit. It was a wolf, maybe his brother he told me about the other day. A low growl comes in my throat and I can feel my teeth grow sharper.

Before the sick bastard can do anything else to him I appeared in between them. His eyes widened a bit before scowling. "Who the fuck are you?" He questions.

"Who the fuck are you?" I say back to him.

"I asked you first!"

"I asked you second!"

We stare at each other and I get a good look at the guy. He looked like an older version of Drew basically, and that's when I knew the sick bastard was his brother. The one that did all those horrible things to my mate.

"What th-"

I punched him in the face and kneed him in his stomach. Once he doubled over I took my jacket off and gave it to Drew. "The car keys and money are in the pocket. Josh has the groceries, go home and tell mum I'm fine." I growled out.

"O-okay... Please be careful." He whispers.

I hear him run away and I bend down only to almost get punched in the face.

"You think you can hit me and get away with it?!" He growls at me. I tilt my head to the side.

"So you're a lion aye?" I ask and smile.

"Prepare to get your balls ripped off pussy." I tell him with a smirk.


Uuuuuummmm hi?

Yea, this chapter was already written and I had to find it since wattpad updated right in the middle of writing this so yea.

Also might change the title of this chapter... Hehe..

So how ya guys been?????

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