Meet the Fam...

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The next day when I made it to the hub, I nearly lost my shit!!

Sai was in Jay's lap and they were literally swallowing each other!!

I shoved my books to Akira and ran over to them. "SAI IF YOU DONT GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT FUKING NOW!!" I yelled and grabbed him by his shirt. Akira winced out my outburst and gave Jay a look.

Sai gulped and I dragged him to the courtyard.

"What. The. Fuck!?" I said.

"Ummm..." He laughed nervously.

I couldn't take it anymore. I squealed and jumped in his arms.

He laughed and gave me a hug. "Not the reaction I was expecting , but it'll do." He laughed. "I pouted. "I'm still mad ya know. I swear it looked like you were about to get in pants."

He chuckled a bit and licked his lips. " I would've, if a certain kitty would've let me continue."

"Fine." I crossed my arms and turned around. "Go get fucked in the school yard then."

He rolled his eyes at me. "I won't, thank you for worrying though."

"He better not be a bad influence on you." I say. He nods. "Don't worry. I'll put his ass in place if anything happens." He said cracking his knuckles. I laughed a bit.



"Jay.." I mumbled looking at him, then I smirked.

"S-Shut-up!" He mumbled. " He just jumped on me. How could I say no to fine ass like that? Its hard as hell."

I raise an eyebrow.

He has no idea. He groans and puts his head on the table.

"What's the matter?" I asked putting mine and Yuu's books down.

"My fucking dick hurts. Thanks to your kitten." He growled and I chuckled.

"Shut it. I've been cock blocked too. Now you know how it feels. And Don't call him kitten. Mousey."

He sat up at that and glared at me. Then laid his head back on the table. "I want that ass..." I think about Yuu for a second.

"Yep." I agree.



The rest of the day always great so far. I mean besides tackling Sai in the hallway because he was making out with Jay before we were late to class. But other than that, really good.

Akira was driving me home and I was a bit nervous because I was gonna introduce him to my mum and dad.

My dad would be fine with it. Rei would be a little over protective. Then there's mum.

She'd kill Akira on the spot.

I can see it now, his body being thrown out the window and my mom with his and me screaming like crazy.

Things will be said.

Tables will be flipped.


And my chance of having a love life will be ruined and I'll be forever alone thanks to my psychopathic mum.


I came out of my thoughts when Akira started to scratch behind my ear. I purred and leaned in to it.

"Adorable." I heard him say. I let it slide this one time since it was helping me calm down. He puts his hand back on the stirring wheel and continues driving.

We made it to my house and Rei answered the door.

"Hi, baby bro. Who's this?" He asked and then he sniffed the air.

"This is my boyfriend Akira." I said playing with my fingers. Rei's grip on the door tightened.

"You do realized mum's gonna kill him."

Akira raised an eyebrow and I grabbed his uniform sleeve and dragged him inside.

"Rei, you know what to do right?"

He nodded. "Yep. Anyway Akira, I'm Rei, his older brother and our mum may or may not kill you in the next five seconds."

Akira blinked. "Okay..."

"Yuu, sweetie! Are you-" Mom had just came out the kitchen and upon seeing Akira, she dropped the tray of cookies in her hands.

I squeezed Akira's hand. "Hi mum..." Dad stepped out the kitchen and looked at all of us before going up stairs. I heard a door close and lock.

"Hello sweetie and who might this be?" She asked.

Errrr I'm sorry I'm leaving it here!! Anyway does anyone have school tomorrow cause I'm out and I'm gonna be bored and have no one to talk to. (╥_╥) waah~

Anyway I am working on those other Yaoi stories. Trust me I'll post when im done.

Anyway vote comment and um yeah..

Bye. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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