Stuff happens

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Mum sits at the head of the table and dad sits in her lap, patting her head.

"Rei has something to tell you honey." He says and mum's ear twitched and she looks at Rei with a smile. "What is it sweetie?" She asks and starts to pet dad's ears on his head.

Rei was still holding Drew in his lap and he gives him a squeeze. "Well.... To put it bluntly, I'm not a virgin anymore.."


And that people was the sound of the table cracking under my mum's strength. I could see her hand gripping the edge of the table and I could see the veins popping out of her hand.

"Is that so..." She says calmly and I swallow my pancake slowly and scout closer to Akira. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a squeeze.

"Now Leone." My dad starts, pushing up his glasses. "We already had a talk before you woke up. " he says it quietly and mum's grip on the table relaxes. There was an awkward silence, well awkward to me. Yusei kept eating his food as if nothing were happening. Kon was just staring happily and Ren sat on my other side, mumbling to himself..

"Well it's nice to know your balls have dropped son." She says before eating her food.

I blink.

"What!?" We all yelled.

She looks up at us and raises an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

"Its just ..... You know you're always crazy about this sort of stuff Ma!" Ren exclaims to her and she nods.

"Yes! I know because I think of you as all my sweety pies!" She giggles, but then her face got serious.

"You did use protection right?"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Rei and Drew answers and she nods again. "Good. Besides...." She slips my dad a twenty dollar bill. "My money was on Akira and Yuu." She grumbles and my dad smirks.

Wait they made a bet!?

"What the heck!?" I yell.

"What? You two were close enough to doing it. " she says and I sink under the table.


"So it's pass new years. What are you two going to do?" I ask Sai. We were walking to the store to buy my mum some stuff on a list. He shrugs his shoulders. "My mum says I can bring you guys over and have a small party. It's been awhile since she's seen your mum and dad. And my father's coming home. " he says the last part with a smile and I grin.

"Cool! I'll ask my mum to make a rum cake since I know your parents like them!" I open the door to the store and we both walk in. I grab a basket.

"I'll tell my mum to make apple strudels then." He comments back and I smile some more.

So Sai's dad was in the military which means he would be away from time to time. He was a pretty cool guy and one time he let us ride in a tank!!

Cough. Don't tell anyone about that.

We finish shopping and paid for everything. Then walked home.

"So your telling Me that Rei was the first to loose his virginity out of all you guys?" He asks once I explained to him what happened. I nods my head and he blinks before cursing .

"What??" I ask and he grumbles. "I bet it would be you first . " he takes out a twenty and my dad comes in and snatches the money out of his hand before leaving.

"Have you people no faith in me!?"

Sai shook his head. "Nah, not really. Even the readers didn't."

Devil: he's right. I thought Akira would tap that ass way before the other one.

Angel: I guess I was the only one then...

I turn to the angel. "Thank you!" And I flick the devil off somewhere.

Devil: one of these days a reader's gonna catch me and I'm gonna be gone for good!

Angel: noo. *hugs* I still love you!

Devil: Yeah Yeah babe.

I blink and look at Sai.

"Is it wrong that I ship it?" He asks.

I'm sorry its short, I'm running low on ideas here!!!

But uh

Happy late New Year!!!

So how ya guys been???

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