The Mark

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What happened that morning...

"Get the fuck up!" I hissed and kicked Jay out of bed. It was because of him that we were late for school. He groans and rolls on the floor before getting up. "What for?" He mumbled.

"School you looney!" I say. Thank god mum was down stairs in the cafe. I would normally be up and gone for school before she wakes up and she hardly checks my room. I grab my underwear and put it on and grabbed Jay by his shoulders and shook him. "Wake up. Wake up." I repeated.

He snaps out of it and yawns. "Fine fine." He says and starts to put on his clothes. I cringe as I look at the clock, 9:45. No time for a shower. I growled and used every word in the bloody book to curse Jay.

From across the room he stiffens and slowly makes his way away from me.

I button up my uniform shirt and put on my pants. Then I put my tie on and put my hair in a ponytail and put in my glasses.

"Jay you better be dressed when I turn around." I say.

"I am babe. Calm down. I'll drive." He said getting his car keys and bag . I grab my notebook. He opened the window to my room and we use the latter and stairs to climb down.

When we get in the car I punched his arm. "What was that for?!" He yelled and rubbed the spot.

"For keeping me up all night and making me miss first period!" I hiss and crossed my arms.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." He said tracing his fingers along the mark on my neck and a feel a hot tingle go up my spine. He leans forward and kisses it. "Mine."

"Thor if you don't drive this car I will leave you Jarvis in his human form." He straightens up and starts the car.



I sit in one of the seats and Mr. Han's class. We were in the auditorium now and Sai still wasn't here. I pout and try to at least listen to the crazy man. He was going on about Shakespeare.

The door to the auditorium opens and Sai comes in. As soon as he stepped foot in here Mr.Han launched a script book his way.

"WHY YOU LATE TO CLASS!!" He screamed. Sai shakingly held up his excuse not and Mr. Han twirled away.

"Where have you been!?" I ask and jump on him. He huffs and looks away. "I over slept okay..." He mumbled. I raise and eyebrow and jump down.

Lunch time

"The most important meal of day~ Serving it up my way~" I say from spongebob. Akira chuckles from behind me since I was in his lap.

Sai and Jay come up to the table and sit across from us. Sai holds up a paper bag. "Macaroons?" I take the bag from him a grab one and gave one to Akira. I give it back to him.

"So you two. What's going on?"

"We're late for one day and you guys think sometw is up?" Jay asks. I nod.

Akira begins to sniff the air and I turn back and look at him with a raised eyebrow. He sniffs me a little then the air again. He looks to Jay.

Jay looks at him.

Akira let a smirk come across his face. Jay laughed nervously and Sai face planted on the table.

"What?" I ask. I wasn't getting it at all. When Akira didn't answer me I pouted. Sai gets up and walks away and Akira takes me off his lap and pushes me along. I huff and run after Sai.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"U-Uh... " Sai was probably as red as a tomotato. That's when I notice a bruise peeking above the collar of his shirt. I snatch it open and he turns the other way.

"This is?" I ask with a smirk and raise my eyebrows. "H-He marked me, okay?" I whistled and let go of his collar.

"Really? Did it hurt?"

"Hell yea. It felt like my body was on fire." He mumbled and scratched his head. "But in the end it felt good..." He giggled. I blinked. He just giggled.

Oh. My. Gawd.


He shruggs. "Its weird to. I can feel what he feels. Kinda. And I can smell like really good." I nod my head at him and Akira and Jay comes toward us.


I unlocked the door to the house and walk in I was instantly greeted with the smell of cookies. "Cookies ~" I say and run in the kitchen.

I bumped into Rei. He was in the kitchen and had just took them out the stove. I stop in my tracks and stare at him.

The only thing he was wearing was mum's frilly apron and a big T-shirt. His tail was out swishing behind him. I blushed a bit and he laughed.

"Well hello cutie, how was school?" He gives me his finger and I lick the cookie dough off it. "It was good." I told him and he nods and puts his finger in his mouth.

"Why are you home early?" I was still blushing because of what he just did.

"Hmm." He pops his finger out of his mouth and looks up. "Well~ I finished my classes early so I came home and took a nap. Then I woke up some while ago and started making these." He motions to the hot cookies.

I nodded.

"Mum said she was gonna tell us something when she got hone too. Also I picked up a little one today."

I tilt my head to the side. That either meant new pet or he picked someone up off the streets.

"Poor thing was covered in bruises." He shook his head. "He passed out on the couch as soon as I brought him here."

I go into the den and look to see who was on the couch.


My eyes widened and I went back in then kitchen.

"You know him?" Rei asked, undoing the apron and putting it on the counter. " yea. He goes to my school." Rei hums and pats my head before stretching.

"Well I'm going to bathe. If he wakes up he can have a cookie."

I go back in the den and look at Drew. Oh gawd.

Boom Boom Boom! I want you in my room~ ugh I forgot the name of the song and now its in my head.

But anyway here's an update. Hope you like.

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