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I'm baaacccckkkk!!! Today (or yesterday/Friday, whenever I post this) was the last day of school!!!! Which means SUMMER BABY IS HERE!!!!!!!

Also Wattpad decided to 'recategorize' my book so it under Fan-fiction for some odd reason. I decided to leave it alone because I don't want them to do anything else to this work of art called a book. And without further delay here is your chapter.


I sit in Akira's lap in the back seat. We were now driving to the hospital visiting Dio and Cj. It had been a two weeks since the accident with Sai and, you know.

My mum was driving and Akira's mum was in the passenger seat. I could hear them talking over the radio, about what was going on. I admit I did feel a little bad about what happened to the two boys..




Like -10000 percent bad.

I'm just saying..

Akira nuzzles my neck with his nose and squeezes me tighter, he was so clingy now. I actually liked it. We pull up to the entrance, me, Akira, and his mum gets out of the car. "I'll find a park and meet you three inside." My mum says and we nod and enter the hospital.

Once we get to the room Akira's mum literally kicks the door open with a wicked smile, making the two boys in the hospital bed scream like girls. I giggle behind my hand and Akira smirks.

"Hey boys!" She says. "How are ya dicks!"

I lost it there.

"What dicks?" Sai asks coming out the bathroom and Dio and Cj grumble. "The only thing here are two p*ssies."

"No we're not!" Dio yells.

"Prove it."

We all say at the same time.

There's a knock on the door and I open it to see Mum. She comes in with a smile like Akira's mum and stands over the two boys. "Now," She says pulling up a chair. "Now what exactly were you boys going to do with my son"

"Think carefully before you answer." Akira's mum sits next to her, then she looks at us three. " You guys can have fun at the food court. Jay said he'll be here in a while."

We took no time to leave that room.

We were in the cafeteria now, waiting on Jay. We did eat some food while waiting, like half the menu.

Akira tugs my hand and I look up to him. "Hmm?" He pulls me up from the seat and drags me outside to the hall. He wraps his arm around my waist and squeezes me.

"When is your birthday?" He asks me. I twitch my ear and look up at him. "January 16. Why?" He pets my ear. "Just asking, mines in July." I nod.

It had been a month now. Luckily Sai didn't get charged for ripping Dio's and Cj's dicks off because the author of this book would never let that happen. It's the beginning of January now, we were out for winter break.

I wondered what Akira was going to do for his birthday..

Angel: Well of course he's going to give you something nice~

Devil: Screw that! I say you drag him to bed and have your way with him! He won't complain!

I blushed and shook my head.

Angel: He's about to turn 17!

Devil: And? That's a good thing! He can ride it long and h-

Just when I was about to faint Akira came and plucked both of them off my shoulder. He threw the devil version of me across the room into the trash and put the Angel version of me in his pocket.

"How come this always happens when you come over my house?" He asks me. I don't answer because I'm too busy looking at his half naked form in front of me. The only thing he was wearing were sweat pants, which sat really low on his hips.

I blink, "Akira, put on some clothes before I go nuts!" I hiss and hid under the covers. If I had looked any longer I would've been hard.

After a few minutes he gets under covers with me and pulls me in his lap. Yeah, I was spending the night. My mum said it was okay as long as we didn't touch each other if you know what I mean. And we didn't.

I mean come on, if you had a crazy mum like mine then you would obey her.

Grrr.. I'm ending it here. The next part was supposed to have so smexy stuff in it but I decided to put it in the next chapter!

Also thank you for the support! I luv you guys!!! Be prepared for the next chappy, you'll love it! And bring tissues, lots of tissues.

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