Chapter 19

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This chapter is dedicated to SilverWOlf22 for answering first correctly. The answer is.........................

Thalia's P.O.V
"What is it?" I asked, walking towards Artemis. Worry showed all over her face.
"It's Percy. He hasn't Iris messaged me in three days." She said. I frowned.
"He hasn't called? Do you think something-" I was stopped as a shimmering rainbow appeared in front of us.
"Is it him?" I muttered, mostly to himself.
"Perhaps." She answered. The image cleared and we saw the dark area of Mount Tam.
"Hello Artemis." Krios said, who I hadn't realised was standing next to a shadow. Artemis' eyes narrowed.
"Krios. Where is Percy?" She demanded. He just smiled.
"Right here." Hyperion appeared, pulling someone forward. I instantly recognised Percy, his dark hair ruffled as his head hung down. His shirt was bloodied and almost shredded. Silver chains surrounded him and shackles bound his hands.
"Percy." I whispered in shock. He looked up, revealing his cut, bruised and bloodied face.
"Thalia, Artemis. I have a proposition for you. You can have Percy back, if you come to Mount Tam." He said. I glared at him.
"It can't be that easy." I muttered to Artemis. She nodded in agreement.
"Artemis don't do anything! It's a tra-" Percy tried to shout before Krios pulled a gag over his mouth. He struggled against the chains, but Krios summoned a silver dagger. With one quick movement, he thrust the dagger into my cousin's shoulder. I held back a gasp as he flinched, the blade hilt deep in his flesh. His blood welled up around the wound, rolling down his arm and chest. He clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth against the pain from beneath the gag. Hyperion smiled once again.
"We'll be here waiting. Make sure you come, before we get impatient. And when we get impatient, people start to die." Krios grinned, before cutting off the message. Artemis looked at me, sadness in her eyes. With a start, I realised that I was crying.
"It'll be alright." She said soothingly, pulling me into a reassuring hug.
"I can't lose him again." I whispered.
"It'll be fine. We'll take three hunters with us and we will go rescue him." She told me. I just managed to nod.
"We will rescue Percy. No matter what."

"Phoebe, shut up! We must not awaken Ladon!" I hissed. She glanced at me apologetically.
"Sorry." She whispered back.
"Thalia's right. We must use the element of surprise." Artemis muttered while they crept towards where Atlas was holding the sky.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible." A voice boomed out. Immediately they all had their weapons out. Krios and Hyperion stood before the kneeling form of Percy. His eyes widened as he saw us.
"Thalia, no! You must go before-" He was cut off once again by a gag.
"So glad you could make it. Now, for the main event..." Krios trailed off and clapped his hands. Percy tried to shout a warning, but the gag made it impossible to tell what he was saying. Hyperion threw five tiny bronze balls at our feet. I stared at them in confusion, but Artemis knew what they were.
"Move!" She shouted, but it was too late. They exploded into thin tendrils of metal, which wrapped around our bodies, binding us. I struggled against them, but to no avail. Hyperion laughed.
"I told you they would come." He told Krios, who just shrugged.
"Let us go you disgusting pigs!" Artemis growled angrily. Even she wasn't able to break free.
"I'm afraid you've fallen right into my trap." Krios said, smiling.
"Our trap." Hyperion growled.
"Right, yes. Of course. Our trap." Krios rolled his eyes. "Anyways. Since we've captured them, we have no more use of you." He gestured to Percy. Hyperion grinned, hauling Percy to his feet.
"What? No! You can't!" I strained against my chains, trying to get to my cousin. Hyperion pulled out a silver knife, pressing it against Percy's throat. A drop of blood slid down.
"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this." Hyperion hissed, pulling Percy's gag off.
"Any last words?" He asked. Percy stayed silent.
"Oh well. Your loss." With a sharp movement, he slit Percy's throat. He choked as he tried to breath, blood rolling down his neck.
"NO!" I screamed, tears running down my face as I tried to break free of my chains, but only succeeding in cutting myself. Percy's eyes met mine and I could see the silent apology he sent me, before they glazed and he stopped moving.
"NO!" I screamed again. Hyperion laughed and threw Percy motionless body off of he cliff. I watched his body disappear, my heart feeling strangely dull and empty.
"No." I whispered, my head dropping weakly as my tears blinded me. "He can't be gone. Percy can't be dead. He just can't."


What can't Frank Zhang eat?

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