Chapter 18 - Alright Im down

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Erens POV

As me and Mikasa walk back inside, the party was starting to rap up. Mikasa wanted to go talk to Hange for a minute, so I decided to snoop in on what Levi and this lady named Petra were talking about.
"Petra you know we don't do that anymore, that was back when we all were kids who didn't want to except growing up."
"Yeah well just be alert of your surroundings, I swear I saw him looking at us. There's already bad blood between all of us, dont you think he'll try to do something again?"
"I don't know, but thanks for keeping an eye out."
"Yeah no problem."
Okay what the hell was that all about? Bad blood? Who is that referring to? I take a look around the room and try to spot out anyone looking at us, I don't see anyone. Levi noticed me trying to spot someone, he pulls me aside and starts questioning me.
"What all did you hear?"
"What do you think?"
"Damnit Eren this isn't the time, what did you hear?"
"Bad blood, that ring a bell?"
"Damnit, look kid there's a lot going on here that you don't know about."
"Well, fill me in."
He gives me this tense look after hearing me say that, He sighs then explains what's going on.
" and a few others when we were about your age maybe older. We weren't huge at first but more and more as the days went on we became bigger."
"Okay so I'm guessing Petra was part of this group?"
"Yeah, Hange was part of it as well. Also your history teacher Mr.Smith was basically the leader of it. At first it was just about all of us hanging out but another group decided to pick fights. Then that's when the fun really started, it started with fists then moved its way down to guns. We were stupid if I say so myself, but we gave that life away to be adults and act our age."
" guys were in a gang huh?"
"In a way but we didn't fight for territory, it was more along the lines of just to fight and get back at the other."
Never would have guessed it, all our teachers and some more being in a gang huh. They didn't seem like the type but I guess I can see Levi in it. Levi still seems on edge looking around the area.
"Does Mikasa know?"
"Hell no, she'd shut the shit down real quick. Look Eren, this is your choice and I feel out of line for asking it but I need your help handling this situation."
"What exactly is this situation. What do you need me to do?"
"If something does happen I need you to help me handle this other group. I don't want to put this on you if you don't wanna do it." I have no clue what to do. There's guns involved which means that there's a high chance I'll die, but these guys know who Levi is personally which means they'll go after Mikasa if they aren't handled.
"Answer this, if these people aren't handled, will they go for Mikasa?"
"I've kept her out of this for so long, but now that things have changed she may be a target to get at me."
"Well I'm in then, if it's to protect her then I'll do it."
"Eren are you sure you want to wager your life for this?" I think for a second but my minds already decided.
"If she's hurt and I could have prevented it, that blood is on my hands, I can't lose her."
"Hmm...well said. Be at my place tomorrow at 1:00PM. Also Mikasa can't know about this okay?"
It's finally time to leave the party, Levi drops me off home and I kiss Mikasa goodnight. My mom greets me and asked how the whole party went I give her a brief reply and go straight to my room. Well that was a whole hell of a lot to process, I'm gonna continue fighting but this time it's life or death. I don't think I can pull myself to even think of killing someone, but if it's to protect Mikasa.... I don't think I have a choice. I know Levi is gonna have my back but I need someone else to help with this, someone dependable. I look through my contacts, I don't want to drag anyone into this that wouldn't be comfortable with fighting. So I'm left with limited options but I think I know someone that'll be down for the job.

From Eren: "Hey Annie you up?"
From Annie: "Yeah what's wrong?"
From Eren: "I need help, it's a pretty big thing that I don't know if I can do alone."
From Annie: "This better be good Jaeger."
I explain the whole situation and Levi's whole past, and that he needed me to help him.
From Eren: "I don't know if I can fight solo, and who else would make a better duo. But I understand if you aren't willing to risk your life, I know I was hesitant."
From Annie: "I can't have one of the few friends I have die on me, besides ill get to kick ass using everything I have instead of holding back like I usually do with you."
From Eren: "Yeah Yeah, but thank you Annie glad to have you by my side."
From Annie: "No problem Jaeger."
Looks like Annie's on board, should I ask Armin? I don't know. His mind may help us out in the long run though. Oh well I'll think about it more. I text Annie to be ready before 1 tomorrow for some personal training from Levi. I go and take a shower then get into bed and knock out.

When I wake up it's about 11:25 AM, damn I slept in that hard. I get up and notice no ones home, so I grab some cereal eat that real quick then make it to my room. I throw on some clothes which consisted of a short sleeve t-shirt some black jeans and my vans. I look out my window and see a car pull up into my house, it's Levi. I go outside and question why he's here so early.
"What's up? Why are you here, I thought we were doing this at 1"
"Change of plans were gonna do the training now. You got everything?"
"Yeah I do, one of my friends is gonna join me with this. She knows what's going on and said she'd help."
"So now I got two suicidal maniacs, sweet. Text her to hurry up, we'll drive to her house and pick her up."
I text Annie and let her know to get ready so that we can get her. When we pull up to her house, she's sitting on the porch waiting. She gets up and makes it over to the car and hops in the back seat. Levi wants one last talk I guess.
"You two are 100% down for this, even though you'll possibly be getting blood on your hands?"
"Yes." We both reply at the same time, if I'm on board Annie will most likely back me up 100% of the time. Levi nods his head and drives off to where ever our destination will be. I still can't believe I'm gonna be possibly killing people. Whatever I just need to protect Mikasa, that's all that matters now.

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