Chapter 23 - Excepting

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Authors Note: GUYS WE'VE HIT 1k, thank you sooooo much it means so much you don't even know. Thanks to all the people who've voted and commented (you know who I'm talking to :3) thank you sooo much.

Erens POV

The bell rings for lunch and I try to stay as far away from Mikasa as I could. Me and Annie needed to step by Levi's room because he wanted to talk about the next move for the scouts. When we make it in I see Levi and Mr.Smith standing there talking, I knock on the opened door getting their attention. Levi looks my way and motions his hand telling us to come in.
"What's up Levi? What'd you need?"
"There's another party, there's only gonna 4 people. We don't want to draw to much attention so it's just gonna be Me, Hange, Oluo, and Petra. You two are out of the game for now." Me and Annie raise our eyebrows. There's no way in hell he's doing this without me.
"I agree with Annie staying out but you're not doing this without me." Now Annie's giving me an angry face.
"I don't want you getting hurt Annie."
"You can't decide that for me Jaeger, I'm in take Petra and Oluo out and put us in."
Levi sighs and looks at Mr.Smith with a curious look.
"Whatcha think Erwin?"
"No, sorry Eren and Annie but for now you two are out. You guys are just kids, enjoy life right now and don't worry about fighting for survival." It's clear we're both pretty pissed but what else do we do. Levi tries to lighten the situation but it's not helping.
"You guys just go to the shooting range and practice your shots, or even fighting skills." We just nod our head and make our way to the cafeteria, when we get to the table I see Mikasa on the other end with Krista and Sasha. Connie's with Sasha, can't blame him, they're a couple. I take off my hoodie and place it on the table, when I sit down I can see Mikasa looking at me from the corner of my eye. It's killing me not to go over there and hug her but she doesn't want that anymore so i gotta just act like I'm okay. I look in front of me and I see Jean not making eye contact with me but looking at his food. I know I was being a jerk when all they want to do is help me, but I still can't let them know, Armin was the only exception. I need to apologize.
"Hey Jean I-" I'm cute off by his hand.
"Don't worry, you don't have to explain yourself I understand you're stressed about something. Granted it would be nice to know what's been going on with you as a friend but if you don't want to talk about it I get it."
I give him a slight smile, I'm glad he understands.
"Thanks man, I appreciate you understanding." Looks like I'm okay with Jean again, but....Mikasa. I look over to her side of the table and I get a quick glance at her staring at me but she quickly looks back at her food. Sasha and Krista are looking at me worried like, then I see Connie motioning in his mouth what happened. I just shake my head and look back down at my food. When the bell rings I throw my hoodie back on and I see Mikasa grab Annie and pull her to the side, I know she's not gonna spill so I just keep walking. It hurts not talking to her but I got to just do it.

It's the end of the day and I'm walking through the entrance and I see....her. She looking at me with still tears in her eyes, I'm assuming she wants to talk. We both start walking towards each other, when we get close to each other she falls into me and starts crying harder. I embrace her with a tight hug, god I've wanted to do this all day. It feels like it's been forever, she looks back up at me with tears in her eyes.
"Levi told me everything." My eyes widen, remove her from my grasp.
"He told me that everything with the scouts, he said he didn't want me to act like this anymore or to see you like this anymore."
I'm speechless, I.... damnit Levi why? I can handle the misery so why tell her.
"He also told me you killed those three men." My eyes widen even bigger, until tears begin to start pouring down my face.
" think I'm a monster now don't you?"
She comes to me and hugs me even harder then before, she looks at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers with tears still in her eyes. But....she's smiling...
"Nothing you do can make you a monster in my eyes. You did all that to protect Annie, and you joined the scouts from the beginning to protect me."
I pull her in from the waist and we kiss for what seems like an eternity. Then that quickly escalates to making out, we stop for the moment because I see people staring at us pretty hard.
"God I've never loved someone as much as I love you." She starts tearing up and kisses me some more.
"I love you too Eren."
We sit down on a bench and talk about it all.
"Eren I want to join the scouts."
"No, I joined them to ensure your safety. I'm not gonna have you join them just to get shot and killed."
"I can handle myself, and I'd be joining to protect you as well."
"Eren you can trust me, I know how to shoot Levi taught me. I know how to also fight from Levi. Hell he even told me I should be in the scouts, Let me help."
I look down at the floor, should I really agree with this? She'd be at a even greater risk but.... I don't know. I look into her eyes and I see the determination in her eyes, damnit why?
"Alright.... I'll trust you."
She hugs me with excitement, but I'm still on the fence about this whole thing.

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