Chapter 27 - Im Fine

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Erens POV

I open my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed, I look at my left hand and see it's in a cast. My whole right side is in excruciating pain that won't go away. That's right....I was shot and stabbed... I look to my left and see my mom asleep on the chair and Levi sitting with a leg crossed over the other. How'd he find me? I try leaning up but Levi gets up and stops me.
"No kid rest, that's the best thing you have to do right now."
"How'd you find me?" I say faintly and go back down on my bed.
"When you ran out the house, I thought you went to find Mikasa but about half way through me going to find you I realized you meant your mom. I went to your house and found the note across the room, so I hustled to the docs and found saw Zeke shoot you. I was to late to stop it, but shot him away and got you and your mother out of the area and too a hospital. You're father was working so he was the one to take care of you." I look at my mother asleep on the chair, I put her in this terrible position.
"She know about the scouts?"
"No, she thinks the Eldians were just people wanting money. Let's just keep her thinking that way. Go back to sleep, you need it after everything that happened." I nod my head and lay my head back down drifting back off to sleep.

I open my eyes again and notice it's the morning and I have a few more people in my room. I see Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Levi, my mom and my dad.I wave to all of them and they flood me with questions and concern. I tell them that it was a burglar who must of had a vendetta against me or something. The only two people who knew truly what happened are Levi and Mikasa, everyone's pissed I went alone especially Mikasa. I tell them I didn't want to drag anyone else to their deaths but they weren't having it. As the day goes on everyone else comes and visits too like Marco, Annie, Sasha, and Connie. After about two days of recovery I'm able to leave the hospital, I never thought I'd come that close to dying before. Since I'm still injured I get the day out of school. When me and mom get home I help her straighten up everything. Then she has a quick talk with me.
"Eren, why'd you do it alone? Why didn't you get Mr.Ackerman to go with you?"
"I had to get there as fast as I could, there was no time to waste. You could have died and I couldn't let that happen."
"Eren you almost died, you were really reckless with your life. When you were shot I couldn't do a damn thing about it but watch you fall to the floor with agonizing pain. I could stop crying because I put you in that position to lay your life down for me. I almost lost you!" She says with tears streaming down hear cheeks, I grab her and hug her tight.
"But you didn't, That's what matters mom. I'm fine now, still a bit hurt but fine." I say with a smile, she lightly chuckles and kisses me on the forehead. We hug for about another minute then let go and continue our cleaning, once I'm finished I go upstairs and text Mikasa. I'm pretty sure she's still upset about me going solo still.

From Eren: "Hey."
From Mikasa: "Hey, how's the injuries?"
From Eren: "Getting a lot better. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for going alone."
From Mikasa: "It's not just the fact that you went alone, it's just that you were reckless. If you die do you realize all the people you'd be leaving behind?"
From Eren: "Yeah I know, but when something like that happens. I stop caring about my own safety, if she died I would have never forgave myself."
From Mikasa: "If you died I wouldn't forgive myself for letting you fight alone. That's why I'm joining the scouts with you and everyone else. If I can prevent you're death, I'll kill anyone."
I know she genuinely means it, thinking about it now, what's stopping me from telling everyone else? Im sure they won't be down for it but it's best to not keep this a secret anymore.
From Eren: "Yeah I know, I've excepted that now. I'm thinking of telling everyone else, just to tell them the truth ya know?"
From Mikasa: "Mhmm I understand completely. When's the next training day by the way?"
From Eren: "I don't know, might want to talk to Levi about that. Anyways I got to go, I love you."
From Mikasa: "Okay, love you too."

I lock my phone and throw it on my bed, I'm not gonna get any training done with my hand this bad. It wasnt completely broken like I thought but it's beaten up pretty bad.  Besides that Zeke is still out there and when I see him I'm putting a bullet in between his eyes and making him beg for mercy. That's terrible to think but at this point I don't care, my humanity is on the brink of being gone. What's a little more killing gonna do it to, but if he does come close to anyone i care about, I won't hold back. I'll make him pay, this is worse then anything I've ever gone up against. Am I really thinking of giving up on all of my sanity for revenge though? Is it worth it? I guess the time will come when those questions will be answered but I don't think that's gonna happen for a good minute. In the mean time I need to train even if I'm severely injured, I can still practice shooting. I grab my jacket and I look at it for a minute, it's covered with who knows blood. I throw it on and put my shoes on and walk to my dresser where I see my revolver. Levi gave it too me before I headed I got home, he said that it was a gift and so I could stop bothering him about giving me it. I pop the chamber and see it has all the bullets in them, I'm gonna use this to end Zeke's life.

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