Chapter 34 - The Eldians Trust

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Erens POV

We catch up with Jean and Armin at a burger joint around the block, Armin goes over what happened from his point of view. So Reiner was thinking of killing me first....heh well that plan has changed, I don't trust him at all but they can give us valuable information on Zeke's next moves. We all call it a day and Annie drives us home, when I get to my house I see Mikasa sitting on the steps of my house.
"Hey, what's up? I thought I was gonna call you tonight."
"There's something I've been needing to tell you."
"What could that be?"
"It's about what happened to my parents. They died a long time ago, they were murdered and I was forced to watch by the intruders. Levi wasn't home so I was defenseless, they were gonna end my life as well but Levi showed up in time. He killed them all, every last one..."
I sit there in shock, so I'm guessing that's why they've never talked about their parents before.
"After the death of our parents and the killing I guess you can say Levi went down a path that wouldn't lead to anything good. He went out late at night he wouldn't come home till late morning, he would show up with bruises and cuts I guess that's when he first joined the scouts but I never knew. He was a completely different person, we barely ever talked. He never was home to help me with anything so I just kinda had to depend on myself for a while. Then a man named Kenny took me and Levi in and helped us, he was a cold man but he trained us in a lot of things. He made it clear that he wasn't our father but he wanted us to learn how to live. That's when Levi finally started acting his age, he started attending school more often and became a teacher. Kenny knew his time with helping us was over so he up and left us. I thank him everyday for bringing me back my brother."
Damn Mikasa and Levi went through a lot that I've never known about. How could she be this strong? She had to fend for herself at such a young age and look at the amazing women she is now. But I feel like there's a reason behind this story.
"Thank you for opening up to me and letting me in on this harsh story, is there a specific reason for telling me?"
"The day you came back from your first operation, when I saw you in the had the same face my brother had long ago. That face was the same one when he was broken beyond repair, I don't ever want you to go back to that place. I was scared out of my mind that you'd never act the same again, if you keep pushing on the killing...I'm afraid you're gonna end up just like how my brother was."
"So you're saying I should quit the scouts? After everything that's happened? There's no going back Mikasa, Zeke's targeting me now.... he knows what's precious too me. I can't stop until he's dead, and you know that."
"What happens after you kill him? You just gonna go back to the same old life Eren? We know that's not possible."
"I'll make it work...."
There's a deep silence for a good minute until Mikasa starts starts having tears in her eyes. I wipe them away and hug her tight.
"Please...just don't lose yourself Eren."
"Don't worry....I won't."
We let go after a while and I take her home, now it's time to get this whole planning thing under control.

It's the next day and I get to school early to have a chat with Reiner, we meet at my locker.
"So, Reiner what do you know about Zeke's plans?"
"Me and Bertolt are not really that high up in the ranks but we know the basic plans. Which consist of eliminating you guys off the map, you really think you can take him?"
"I got to, he's gonna die. You have any idea where his main base is?"
"Yeah but it's not a facility it's a damn compound. How you're gonna get in, I have no clue."
"Yeah I'm not jumping to the conclusion of making a full scale attack. Were playing defensively for now, you and Bertolt should come to Levi's room today at lunch. We're having a quick meeting with a few people, you two should be in it. You're scouts now, you need to be apart of this."
"Okay, and Eren....thanks for not killing me yesterday."
I nod my head and leave my locker to get to my class, it goes by quick. The people in this meeting are gonna be Annie, Levi, Jean, Armin, Mikasa and me. It's small but we're just settling with this amount.

Lunch comes to a start and everyone meets in Levi's room, Reiner and Bertolt arrive. Levi's not happy about what Reiner did but he's willing to compromise.
"Alright kid, let's hear some of their plans, we'll see if it matches our source of information."
You can hear Reiner gulp as he starts to talk about what Zeke may have in store for us. He lets us know that they're are probably roughly about 150 men in the main Eldians head quarters. There's guards off the wazoo and the only way that we'd possibly breach the place is if we had a lot of people. He tells us that Zeke again aims for what will break someone not just physically but emotionally as well. Meaning he doesn't care how dirty his hands get he's gonna do whatever he can to break us. He doesn't know any actual plans that he has but he knows that they will attack next, they aren't gonna wait for another attack from the scouts. Levi thanks the guys for telling us what they knew. Levi makes a plan and tells Reiner and Bertolt to get as close to Zeke as possible to find out his plans. They agree and they are gonna try their hardest to get us any info they can on them. The next training session will be tomorrow and EVERYONE is coming, no one is out of this one.

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