Chapter 44 - Preperations

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(One Day Before HomeComing)
Erens POV

I sit in the corner of the band room playing guitar and just laying back. At this point I'm just in the music room every 3rd block, Coach Shadis doesn't really notice my absence. Things are still a bit shaky between me and Krista, she barely ever looks at me let alone talks to me. Same goes for Mikasa I don't know if she'll ever look at me or even talk to me again. I just want to still be with her but every time we talk about us it leads to an argument and it's very stressful, I think I'll just bring us up after homecoming so that nothing will be bothering her on a good day. I get taken out of deep thought when Mr.Pixis snaps his fingers in front of me.
"Tomorrow Mr.Jaeger I need your help setting up the decorations."
"I don't remember signing up for that."
"To bad."
I just lay my head back on the wall sighing in disbelief, still can't believe I got sucked into this. I'm pretty sure Pixis has a drinking problem considering he carries a flask with him after school hours, But that's none of my business to get into. The bell rings and I don't feel like getting up but Mr.Smiths class is important so I must, I slowly get up and leave the music room regretting each step.

When school ends I immediately go home, Pixis knows that I have all the songs down pat. So I was able to go home without any complaints, when I reach my house my mom goes total OCD mode.
"I think it looks fine."
"That's cause you're a boy, we're going to the barbers, now."
"But I like it this long."
"To bad."
She states dragging me to the car, I honestly liked my hair this long. When we reach the barbers my mom tells them that we need a major trim but I just tell the nice lady that I just want a little trim of the sides and top. When I'm finished with that, my hair looks a lot more tamed, my mother wanted it a bit more short but I told her no. We then go to a fancy clothing place for a new tux, I don't understand the whole hullabaloo about this whole thing. All I'm gonna be doing is singing...that's all. When I we get all the things for my suit we finally go home. It felt like that took forever, I text Armin and ask him does his mom flip about this stuff. He replies back with no not mom must be the only one then. I tell him to drop by so that we could rehearse some stuff before tomorrow and he's down with it. He stops by and we just talk and play some songs for a little bit. When he first sees me he acts like he doesn't recognize me because of the haircut. We joke around for a bit until he tries talking about Mikasa.
"So you talk to you know who lately?"
"No not since the day she left the lunch table, I've decided to give her space."
"Smart move, but then what the story on Krista I thought you guys were basically dating then all of the sudden y'all act like you don't know each other."
"She umm kissed me the day that all that crap was going on, then she asked if I wanted to go to homecoming with her but Reiner asked me to help him get her so I couldn't just tell her I'd do it when Reiner wanted her."
"Ahh makes a lot more sense now, but hey don't worry sooner or later the world will turn around and finally get sunny."
"I hope so brother."
Armin stays for dinner and I enjoy the rest of the night with his company, when the next day starts everyone is super pumped for the dance. A lot of people look forward to my music, some people I don't even know are wondering how I'll do which kinda makes me tense but it's whatever. The rest of the school day goes on as normal well everyone kept asking about my hair which got old but it was fine, then the end of the day comes around it's time for me to help set decorations. I help set everything up for the most part then I grab all of my needed equipment from the music room and set it up in the back of the stage. All of this is still a bit nerve racking but I guess I'll be fine. I let Pixis know that I gotta go home and get dressed, he waves me off and I rush home so I can actually get ready. When I get to my house my mom is literally rushing me to get dressed, she tries to do my hair but I tell her that I like it scraggly and to let it be. We go and pick Armin up at 6:50 and then make it to the school. It starts at 7:00 so we got here right on time, when my mom parks we all walk inside and it looks actually really nice. The gymnasium was huge so there was a lot of room for everyone, my mom left to go talk to the grown ups while me and Armin went to go find our friends. We see Connie and Sasha chowing down at the huge food table, they look cute together I'm glad they finally decided to go out. We talk to them for a good bit and then everyone else finally appears, I see Bertolt and Annie stroll over to us.
"Annie in a I dreaming?"
"Don't make me hit you jaeger."
That gave me a good laugh then I see Reiner and Krista show up, Krista's in a cute looking dress that's red. She doesn't seem to excited at least not like Reiner he's pumped as hell. Jean and Marco come through the doors as well but where's Mikasa? Shouldn't she be with him? Then Levi opens the door for the raven haired girl that I've been in love with for the longest time. She's wearing a nice black dress that fits her perfectly with heels, and...she's wearing the scarf still....I still don't know what's up with that but it doesn't matter. Pixis tells me that I'm gonna have to perform a song soon and that keeps me on edge, I'm still extremely nervous but this is what I came for so no turning back now.

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