Chapter 52 - Pushing Forward

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Erens POV

Ymir draws a few terrible sketches and tells us what some of the remaining warehouses and what the main headquarters is filled with.
"That's all I know pal, so am I aloud to live or what?"
"I'm on the fence with what you've been saying, I still feel like your not giving me all you know."
"Whatever just let me go."
"Not just yet."
I say as I go to the other Eldians restrained against the wall, I point my silenced gun at the man who looks unfazed.
"You wanna live?"
"You're not getting shit out of me, so go ahead and shoot or are you to much of a bitch."
He says with a smirk, edging me on.
I then fire a bullet into his head, he falls to the floor and blood flows out of his skull. His 3 other subordinates have a terrified look in their eyes
"Acting like the tough guy will get you in his shoes, don't be difficult and comply with details. Got it?"
They don't make any movements except for the girl crying uncontrollably.
"I don't want to die like this"
I hear her whisper to herself as she continues to stream tears down her face.
"Then tell me what we want. What's inside your headquarters?"
The really pale guy at the end of the line finally speaks up.
"To many people to count, weapons that can outgun yours. A lot of things and I'm pretty positive your girls inside there."
"And what makes you so sure of that?"
"Cause I saw her get dragged out of a car, she was giving them a hell of a fight...that's until one of them shut her up real quick."
I get up from crouching and point the gun at his head, Eld and Annie try to settle me down but it's not helping.
"What'd they do to her huh?"
"Think your gonna get answers by pointing your fucking gun at me?"
"No, I'll point it at her."
I say as I aim the gun over to the girl who has been hyperventilating for the past 5 minutes. He freezes and starts shaking, I know that feeling way to well.
"Okay okay, they beat the hell out of her until she passed out. Possible concussion but that's the worst."
"Don't make me regret this."
I lower the gun and get up and make my way back to Ymir. She's been having a few conversations with Krista here and there, pretty sure she's been hitting on her but i don't care.
"Seems like what you said checked out, your not out of the gutter yet though. Krista here will be watching you for the rest of the time being."
"Wait I'm not gonna be fighting with you guys?"
Krista asks looking super pissed.
"Chances are we're not gonna be coming back without a lot of them charging back at us. Which means we need some people here guarding the vehicles and ensuring we get out okay."
"Fine I'll do it, anyone else staying? Probably Armin since he doesn't have much experience."
I pat Krista's and ask her if she doesn't mind if me and Ymir talk for a second, she leaves and I cut to the chase.
"These people are my family, each and everyone of them. If you much as breathe on any of them the wrong way I will kill you without hesitation, got it?"
"Fair enough cap."
I go to the entrance of the building and wait for Levi and his team to come back.

They finally arrive and non of them seem hurt so that's a good sign, Levi tells me that there wasn't too much from the first warehouse so they cleared the second one to. Levi's definitely the most skilled one out of all of us, he should probably be leading this not me. I thank him and we finally decide it's time to start our real assault. We gear up and each of us has our own personal weapons like Annie and her silenced sniper. Levi had his Beretta's, Sasha had her Crossbow, and I had my revolver. I call everyone for the last meeting that we'd probably have with each and everyone of us here.
"We've trained for this, look at all we've done already. Nothing can stop us now. We move through with the plan that Armin made, if anyone has anything to say. Speak now."
No one says anything so I go on with talking.
"I don't like asking for you to put your life on the line but this is our friend....our family. I need her back."
I say getting a bit teary eyed, then Levi comes behind me and pats my shoulder.
"We all do kid."
I smile at him and nod my head. We get everything we need and then head out. Armin and Krista were to stay behind and watch the vehicles as well as the hostages. I gave them a walkie talkie just incase something bad happened, Levi and Annie had one as well. I have an assault rifle holstered on my back while still using the silenced pistol, each of us has enough ammo to fight an army which is exactly what we're doing. We move in the shadows killing any stragglers that pass by us, we reach the entrance and we see about 5 people me and Levi take out 2 while Sasha takes out the last one. We look around one last time to see if we missed anyone, the coast seems clear. I reload my gun and look to all my subordinates.
"We're gonna win, give'em hell."
Everyone nods to me and we enter the building guns ready.

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