Chapter 54 - Please....Stop

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Erens POV

...I don't know what to do.... I look at my friends and they look beaten to hell already.  Levi has a gun shot wound to his shoulder and blood is cover on his shirt, Annie looks fine but Bertolt looks fucked up which means he probably defended her. Mikasa is....not looking good. I can't help but lower my head letting my head cover my eyes and the tears just fall to the puddle of blood.
"...I'm sorry..."
I lightly mumble but loud enough for them to hear.
"Kid you did this to them, you brought them here thinking you could raid this damn place and win. Granted I'll tell you this you did kill about more then half my men. You killed a quarter of them just by yourself, let that since in you fuck. You're a murderer who's got no sense in direction anymore. Now choose who gets it Eren."
I look at them and i see Levi nodding his head and looking in my eyes.
I continue crying until Zeke goes to one of his subordinates and grabs a rusty pipe.
Then Levi finally pulls the strength to finally say something.
"Damnit Eren choose me, now."
" I don't want any of you to die..."
I continue crying away in my chair until Zeke gets hasty.
"What's it gonna be Eren?"
"....Me....kill me...
He smirks realizing her finally broke me.
"Well I wanted you to beg to live but begging to die is 10x better. But that's not the game my friend, now choose."
I look down completely silent hearing my friends cry and plead to not kill them. That's until Oluo speaks up.
"Making a kid choose who dies, can you be anymore of a fucking bitch?"
"So we got a tough guy, let me show you Eren what happens when you act tough."
He holds his pipe hard and smashes it on top of Oluos head and blood gushes out, he smashes and smashes and smashes until a puddle of blood and guts sit on the floor....what do I do? He turns my way and while turning the blood on the pipe gets thrown on my face.
"Whoa that...was fun! So Eren you decide who gets it?"
I stare at the dead body laying to the left side of line, and I see the horrified look on everyone's faces. Mikasa is crying looking into my eyes....I think I've failed her the most. I can't protect anyone......this is what I feared.....if they die it's on me and me alone. I should have gone alone that way no one else had to die but me...I should have done this alone.

Zeke gets impatient and goes towards Gunther.
"Him? Come on, please? Look at his face, he's asking for it."
I sit in silence and continue the trance, in the same way Jean was in. No answer is said from me so he takes it upon himself to decide.
"Fine I'll decide squirt."
He grabs the double barreled shot gun from his side and aims it at Gunthers head and unloads. The blood splatters everywhere.....I can't do a damn thing. He starts laughing then sees Annie's lifeless face, she doesn't have any emotions across her face but there's still tears. He crouches before her and Bertolt looses his cool and starts trying to get up but the men push his head down to the floor.
"That your boyfriend girl?"
She doesn't reply to him continuing her silent act.
"What's your name?"
"Well Annie you don't seem the least bit fazed by all this aside from the crying. How would you like to not die today and work for me?"
There's a minute of silence then Annie decides to answer his question.
"This is my family, I'll die beside them."
She then spits on his jacket and smirks while doing it. He then gets extremely pissed and aims the double barreled shotgun at Annie. Before he could pull the trigger Bertolt gets out of the restraints of the men and punches Zeke across the face, Zeke takes it like he wasn't he affected. But Bertolt gets tackled to the floor and gets the hell beat out of him until Zeke tells them to stop.
"We got a fighter boys, you know what? I won't kill the girl but"
Then Zeke holds his gun to Bertolts head and before he could pull the trigger we see Bertolt smile to Annie.

He walks back over to me with a smile on his face assuming he's won.
"Three bodies Eren, three corpses because of you. You killed them, you did this to them."
I did this...he's's me and me alone that takes the blame for their deaths. He grabs my chin and lifts my head up from the ground showing me defeated in sorrow.
"You see this guys, your leader right here. He's a pathetic excuse for a man and can't even keep his people safe."
He lets my head go and I go back to looking down at the floor. Then I hear silenced gun shots from behind me, I think I'm the only one that hears it. I look up and to the left of the huge room and see a big gas tank, then a arrow comes shooting straight towards it.
The tank explodes and causes everyone to fall to the floor dazed at the close explosion. Then gun shots go off from all over the area, I try breaking out of the chair but it's to tight and my skin is getting ripped apart from trying to pull away. The black smoke and fire everywhere is hurting my eyes and it's getting a lot harder to breath. I see someone come my way with a knife and it's Annie, she cuts me loose and we run for the door. Before we make it to the door I see a man dead on the ground with my revolver and a knife, I grab them both and bolt out with Annie.

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