Chapter 58 - Eren vs Levi

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Erens POV

We make it to one another and our knife blades meet, he jabs and I dodge each one side stepping and trying to hit him with mine. I graced his cheek and he's not happy about being tagged, He kicks my leg making me drop to the floor. He downward stabs me but I maneuver out of the way. Now we stand staring at each other, I don't want to fight him but this is what it's come down to. I'm not letting Zeke get away he's caused to much damage for him to get out alive, but why is he defending him? I get taken out of thought when Levi charges forward, I stop his blade with mine and we're face to face. He backward kicks me and I fly back, his chance to end it is now and he takes it, he does one last downward stab but I grab his hand in time. The blade is through my fingers and its bleeding, I twist his hand making him turn over. I grab the knife and kick him away. He doesn't have any other weapons, I throw the knife to the ground and it's just a fist fight. This time I charge forward and barrage him with punches he blocks my right hook and ducks under the left one. He then uppercuts my stomach making me cough blood, but I can't back down. He gives me his barrage of attacks and I'm doing my best at dodging them, he hits me once out of the six punches then attempts to kick but I block in time and elbow his knee making him cringe to the floor. I knee him in the chin and he falls back, I get on top of him while he lays on the floor and hit him across the face multiple times. He grabs my jacket pulling me towards him and headbuts me causing me to fall back, we both get up and hit each other in the face simultaneously. After that it seemed as though neither of us was able to land a hit on one another, blocking was all that was happening. We were both skilled enough in close hand combat to block everything that was thrown at us. Levi wasn't going down and neither was I so this was gonna last a long time.

After a while the blocking stopped and we were both to exhausted to do it, blood was splattered all across the snow and I wasn't sure if it was mine or Levi's. I landed one last blow to his face and he fell straight down, I did the same and before I realized it my head was covered in snow. I pull myself up and turn to where Zeke was's gone. I look around the area and don't spot him anywhere, damn it all!
"Why Levi? Why defend him when all he ever did was kill our friends!?"
He picks himself up from the ground and stands before me.
"Because, someone asked me back at the Eldians HQ, could I kill someone who was begging for their life even if they did me terribly wrong. I don't know if I could pull myself to do so....but you...when I saw you put the knife to his neck all I saw was a demon looking down upon a helpless man. I know you don't want to become a monster, I know you don't Eren."
"You're wrong..."
There's a silent tone in the air and I decide to continue on with my testimony.
"The monster that I've become is because of him and each and everyday he lives the more my humanity lessens. I have to kill him....there's no other way for me to carry on. I thought it was over when I quit the scouts, that I could go back to being a kid who went to school. But that reality came to a end once he came to the homecoming dance, I nor all the people around me can't live a normal life unless he's dead and rotting in a grave. I can't deal with someone else close to me dying again, what if it's my mom or Mikasa next Levi? Then what? I'd lose everything to him and I can't except that, so it's either except the demon inside of me or let him kill everyone I care about.....I know which path I've chosen."
I say grabbing my phone from the snow and look around the area one last time to see if he's around. He's gone....if only I had it in me to stop Levi fast enough, he could be dead by now.

I go back to where Levi was and he's gone I guess he went home after the fight, I can't believe we almost killed each other. I go to Armins grave and sit back down on the ground, I look at his name that's carved into the tombstone and cry.
"I didn't get him....but I promise I will. He will pay with everything that I have, I will make him pay."
I get up from the ground and go straight home and take a shower to refresh my mind of everything that's happened. I've decided that I'm done being the good guy, Zeke is a threat to everyone I care for and that threat needs to be stopped by me. If I don't stop him he'll kill everyone I love in front of me and I won't let that happen. I get out of the shower and go straight into my room putting a bunch of clothes in a left over duffle bag, I put a knife and some other necessities like food and water in it as well. Before I go though with this I need to tell everyone i care about goodbye....Mikasa....I'm sorry for the stress I've put you through but i hope that you have it in your heart to forgive me for what I'm going to do.

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