Chapter 12 - Master VS Master

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Omg, a lot of views! Thanks! Oh well, nothing special to say unless I might be unable to update sooner than January.

Small edit Feb.  2021 : Removal and adding one or two sentences. Very very old chapter. I made more chapter in the first 3 chapters of the story than in this chapter. 


Kakashi with Itachi and Naruto's brothers went into the forest to retrieve Orochimaru. Itachi and Kakashi used their Sharingan while the brothers were guarding them from behind. It didn't long to find an unconscious Orochimaru on the ground. He was laying with closed eyes. He didn't have a deep cut, just small scratches where a bit of red dots were forming on the surface of the skin. Kakashi crouched down and checked for a pulse. Meanwhile, Itachi was guarding and staying alert near the duo. The Uzumaki-Namikaze trio was searching the area for Orochimaru.

"He's alive, let's bring him back in the quarters far from the kids."

"Yeah, and can we hurry, I want to watch Sasuke fight in the third part," Itachi asked.

"Yeah, us too!" the trio Uzumaki-Namikaze added on, "we haven't found any chakra or presence.. we will have to question him at his reawakening."

Kakashi nodded and carried Orochimaru out of the forest, followed by the rest of the formation. They dropped at the particular hospital for shinobi only. They shushin to the stadium and enter in the spectator terrace. They watched as the Hokage and his wife, followed by shinobis, gave his instruction to the Genins who were still alive.

In a few minutes, the crowd would know who would fight against who. Minato approached the stage where each duo would brawl in the center of everyone.

"Listen up! The chakra will show the names. Therefore, you people will be able to see. First, they will be three rounds.""Hinata VS Neji"

"Gaara VS Lee"

"Choji Vs Tenten"

"Zaku VS Shikamaru"

"Misumi VS Kankuro"

"Ino VS Sakura"

"Temari VS Kiba with Akamaru"

"Sasuke VS Mito"

"Naruko VS Naruto"

"Shino VS Dosu"

The first round started half an hour after Minato announced. In this half - hour, the Genins were preparing themselves and whispering among themselves. The Sensei were ordered to stay near the Hokages in their lodges. Minato wasn't the only Hokage looking forward to see who will succeed and who will fail. They were Hokage from the different villages. Kushina even if three of her children was below her, she couldn't approach them as their mother because of her role as a Sensei.

It soon begins with the two Hyûga clan. It was a good show, both have shown their forces, but Neji who has more experienced and power defeat his cousin after fifteen minutes of battle.

Gaara was more "gentle" with Lee. He still overpowered him but haven't put him in a death situation. Gaara did an expeditiously match.

Naruto didn't want an unwilling Choji; he just gave him "the look" letting Choji know what Naruto actually want him to do. Choji scurried to the battle stage facing his fate. Choji was not going to the extent of his capacity make it quicker for Tenten show off her skills.

While these battles were entertaining the crowd, Naruto had left to take a stroll inside the stadium. He found out that their plan was slowly unfolding itself trapping those who were preparing themselves inside the stadium. He hid in a corner and waited as he listened to two men.

"The boss wanted it to be perfect!"

"I'm not dumb!"

"Shut up! You gonna alert the guards by your loudness."

"Have you track yet, Orochimaru?"

"Nope, no noise about him."

"The Boss is going to be blasting a few things."

Orochimaru is needed thought Naruto. Let's see if...

"Well, is it finish or not?" Orochimaru said( Naruto in disguise) smoothly as he approached the two men. Naruto could clearly identify them as Yochi and Yahiko. Two members of Watako's unit. Yeah, a girl part of a secret division of the Akatsuki.

"Should I ask, where were you? Yahiko replied angrily.

" These damn Shinobi started to question me! It took the time to neutralize them and make them forget about me for a time. Now, you remember when we jump in?"

"Yeah, the last battle, of the third round, everyone would be so deep in this round that no one would mind our presence."

"Good, then finish up and leave! I heard that shinobi would give a look around, so hide your material quite well and make sure no one catches you, both."

Orochimaru (Naruto) didn't wait for an answer; he just left, leaving these two. He had gained more information than he intended, and he couldn't launch now the attack. It was first too soon and second way too suspicious. He looked at his watch as he took back his natural features. He had still time to pay someone a visit.


Naruto leaned on one of the balconies above the stage just in time to watch his twin Mito against his best friend, Sasuke. Above him, against the balcony were his brothers and Sasuke's family watching intently who will win this match.

Both were waiting for the proctor signal. Both were determined to win. Naruto observed how each opponent stood in front of each other. He was wondering whether the Hokage will show favoritism or not if Mito doesn't succeed.

"Show her no mercy"Naruto hissed in Sasuke's mind.

"Of course, brother!" Sasuke replied only showing a predatory smile.

"HAJIME!" the proctor yelled. He had jumped as he had yelled this word. He backs up a bit keeping a look at the two opponents.

Sasuke stood and waited for any attack from, Mito, she was quite impulsive, not really thinking with her head and certainly not with her heart.. if she ever had a heart. She ran throwing to punch him but side-side step her calmly while letting his chakras preparing for the trap.He was getting bored by the situation.

"Finished it!" went through his mind.

"I pity, you! My parents had boasted about being the best of all. I haven't the training of Nishan but near enough to be disappointed in you. You had the training of the Hokage. THE HOKAGE. And yet, you can't successfully represent the potential; he shows you. What a disappoint" Sasuke drawled as he used the rocks orbiting around him before letting his chakra molding them into small pillars to his advantage. He pushed the pillar unaware near her.

Mito had previously yell Doton: Iwa Tounyuu no Jutsu

"Now let's finish in one Jutsu," Sasuke said as he gave the "bet" of defeating her with one Jutsu.

Katon: Shi

It melted again quickly the pillars making a mass of hard ground around Mito. She wasn't quick enough to jump high sufficiently to escape it. As stays stuck in this ground, she felt the heat boiling her feet, entering her members lower. She couldn't stop a shrilling scream.


Sasuke snapped his finger recalling the fire and waited for the verdict as Mito fall because she couldn't stand on her burning feet.

"Sasuke Uchiha is the winner of the battle between Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze and Sasuke Uchiha. We will evacuate two competitors and return them to normal for the last battle between Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze. Would the final contestants please stand while we remedy to the ground?

Naruko gave a long dark glance. She absolutely hated him. He put her twin and her in a miserable place! HOW DARE HE! He was supposed to follow like their older brothers like a puppy to them. Their father was the HOKAGE! They deserve respect; that scum was younger than them, yet he destroyed every image about them to the other rookies. No one wished to work with them. Even in the village itself, the clan's head and the population shook their heads. Looking with a lot of disapproval at them. They could no longer go around fooling, not because they were Genin, but the merchants and people were no longer afraid of them to voice out. Their father had to punish them in public because of several complaints. It was ALL NARUTO'S FAULT! That scum will die, and Naruko will make sure of it. After all, they had all signed waivers.

They each took at a reasonable distance, their stance and waited for the signal for the battle to begin. Naruto was bored in his mind, while his sister was filled with vengeance and fury. Let's see how many mistakes; she will make.

"HAJIME!" the proctor yelled before stepping back and letting the two last contestants of the first-round battle.

Naruto had seen how Mito had battled previously, and the possibility that it repeat again was very high. This time, Naruto won't let his dear sister play around.

"Think you can jump?" Naruto asked with a smile similar to the devil.


Yaiba no Jutsu

Naruto formed a long blade full of electricity with his chakra holding on his palm. It was the longest and thinnest blade. One foot and two inches. It makes a few shinobi's who were watching gasping. Naruko won't stay at chance unless she was a speedy girl like the Hokage. The glint in his eyes made Naruko shivered up madly. The blade disappeared in front of Naruko's eyes. She smiled and laughed thinking that Naruto failed his Jutsu.


"AND THAT'S! IS WHERE YOU'RE WRONG!" Naruto said as he jumped high and elevated himself with his chakra. The crowd, the Kages, the rookies, the Senseis and the shinobis stopped breathing. Everyone was rigid like a statue. Some had their jaws wide open other like the rookies who weren't surprise and more amused than anything just gives an approbation look or smile.

Several blades similar to previously showed came out of nowhere, all form of lighting coming pointing to Naruko and they all penetrated her.

Naruko wanted to scream, but no sound went out, her mouth and eyes were wide open as the lightning blades pierce her. She felt herself not being able to stop her falling. Her body stopped doing what she was asking, and she was sure to fall hard on the ground.

Naruto only need to transfigure his chakra in a large king pillow and let fall Naruko on it. It was soft and very comfy.

The proctor approached Naruko, and it was kind of creepy to see the girl of the Hokage Naruko wide eyes and mouth. The eyelids were not even blinking. She was shocked too many times.


"She's not dead; just very asleep. Can someone carry her off the pillow?" Naruto asked casually walking out, hands in his pocket not giving a glance to the proctor or Naruko.

Kushina, forgetting her duty as a Sensei to stay aside the lines near her husband, the Hokage, appeared in front of Naruko, quickly lift Naruko's body and cradled her in her hands. She sent a venomous glare to Naruto before marching out to put one of her dear children in some capable hands.

Naruto didn't even look he just went back to his friends and their family, the Sensei, the Uchiha excepted Kushina, and feel the rest of his chakra left from the pillow coming back and fill him.

They chatted while they wait for the Hokage who had gone to his daughter followed on his heels by Mito. Meanwhile, he felt his brothers standing next to him.

"Good job, otouto!" Mikio said as he gave a clap on Naruto's shoulder.

"Is lightning your affinity?" Arashi asked.

"Nop," Naruto answered as he turns sensing the Hokage coming back from checking our his girls. He made his final announcement for the day

"Thanks for everyone; gathering around. We will be counting the deaths and tell you tomorrow before the second round. I would like the remaining rookies, Sensei, and shinobi to stay. The family may remain here to know who will fight who during the second round."

 Unlike the others, Naruto came out without a single bruise. He shushin there and pass a message to the clones to patrol around the place till the others arrive and to do a report before resting!


Half and hour and Sasuke, Neji, Hinata, Kakashi, Kiba, Shino came inside the house and sat in the living room. Sasuke gave him a fake glare before filling him about who was fighting who for the second round.

Misumi VS Gaara

Shikamaru VS Ino

Neji VS Naruto

Tenten VS Temari

Sasuke VS Dosu

Since Naruto was out taking a stroll, Hinata filled him on who win in the first round.

"Hinata VS Neji" => Neji

"Gaara VS Lee" => Gaara

"Choji Vs Tenten"=> Tenten

"Zaku VS Shikamaru"=> Shikamaru

"Misumi VS Kankuro"=> Misumi

"Ino VS Sakura"=> Ino

"Temari VS Kiba with Akamaru"=> Temari

"Sasuke VS Mito"=> Sasuke

"Naruko VS Naruto"=> Naruto

"Shino VS Dosu"=> Dosu

"Should we kill Dosu, Zaku, Misumi or spared them?" Naruto asked aloud.

"Kill, then we can do a trip to the Village Sound." Kiba offered with an approving barking from Akamaru.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think someone needs to say goodnight," said Neji.

The rest of the rookies came back with some food. Then put everything on the table. They started eating while listening to Kakashi report.

"How's Orochimaru?" asked Sakura.

"Good. We were, at first, at the beginning when they announce who will fight who. After, I left to see how Orochimaru'state. He's role was not affected by the damage done earlier. He will keep his position. The Hokage came to give more instruction to him, I believe, I left on his orders, and I was there to watch Sakura's match. "

Many nods went throughout the table. They chatted a bit, but everyone was feeling tired. Those who had to fight tomorrow wanted to sleep and not stay up any longer after eating. Since this secret place was big enough to make sleep everyone and much more; even Akamaru had a bed that could be placed near ou farther from Kiba. Kakashi had to actually leave at the last minute because the Hokage demanded him to come to his house. 


The rookies defeated were "watching" from the balconies the next fights of the day. As predicted, everyone did their role perfectly. But today, there was more blood than usual for only five battles versus ten battles the day before. Three deaths, no surprise there, Naruto was destroying the previous members of the Akatsuki and from the Sound Village.

Gaara, Ino, Naruto, Temari and Sasuke won their respective battles. As for Dosu, Misumi, and Zaku, two died in the arena, and one was mysteriously found dead in one of the fields by the Anbu. The Anbu had been patrolling when they were asked to check this disturbance in one of the fields. At the end of the second round, Gaara forfeited saying that his wounds were still hurting him and he rather retire himself than get kill tomorrow. It leaves two duos; Ino VS Temari and Sasuke VS Naruto.


Everything was in place; everyone was in their position. Gaara couldn't come because of his wound and necessity of hiding him. The battle between Temari and Ino went well with Temari as the winner.

As the proctor was going to start the last battle of the round three, Neji breathed out loud enough for only them to here using a bit of chakra to do it.

"You could always say to know that we were the guinea pig for Sakura's practice as a medical-nin. So the blood is fake blood, and it's ketchup." Naruto offered as he replied to Neji in their connecting link.

"Naruto!" Sakura interjected indignantly as the link was filled with small chuckles.

"HAJIME!" the proctor yelled before jumping back leaving the two.

"Let's put a show," Naruto smirked.

Sasuke smirked as well.

Naruto showed off his clones. Meanwhile, Sasuke was using his Sharingan trying to detect him among the clones. Sasuke used his fire affinity and did a few Jutsu which the clones escaped easily. Naruto and Sasuke were both standing from the exchange. They both looked past their opponent. Sasuke gave a last look to his family while Naruto looked in the Kages Box.

"NO! JUST DON'T! DON'T DO IT" Neji said beginning to yell.

Of course, neither of them truly listen to him.



An explosion covered the entire stadium.


Thanks for reading hope you like the new update!!!

Jutsu used:

Doton: Iwa Tounyuu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Rock Throw Technique)

Katon: Shi (Fire Release: Four)

Yaiba no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Blade Technique)

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