Chapter 20 - Fourth war on the go

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Naruto was gazing through the window, his work with Neji and Sasuke standing on each side of him in the newly renovated Hokage's office. No words were said as they were calmly, but with relief watching the deserted village, all civilians had been relocalized. Tsunade had been a great ally by evacuating all the hospitals and preparing with Hinata and Sakura medical potions and ordering medical herbs later on. Every single shinobi unable to participate in the future war was out of the village in a secure location. 

For the rest that were deemed active, they trained with the Rookies of the year. Hopefully, the Uzumaki-Namikaze would not throw again a fit like the last few days. It gave them a headache and Naruto who normally loved to do one of his famous spirit speeches was on the verge of using KI on the family's four members. His father couldn't still decide which side he wanted to go. Therefore, Naruto had given him a deadline. Like daughters, like a mother, they were both disdainful about receive tips and help from the other. They were rather lazy. Every time, Naruto had to show up on the field to check on the progress. The three females couldn't help but voluntarily throw him nasty comments and sneering at every chance they had toward him. Naruto couldn't care less for a father who knew about the bad treatment he was given in front of everyone, and he did nothing. Many were scandalized by the ex-fourth Hokage behaviours and past actions.

Naruto had grown worrier thinking that the twins would be actual spies for the Akatsuki or even worse. He had sent Ino to search their minds while training while Kiba, the latter, had the official role of teaching them. This includes his parents more like genitors in this universe. They had worked hard. Sasuke even travelled with the help of Naruto's clone to the place where the fight had occurred and supposedly where the shinobis team was investigating. He had been able to keep them out of finding clues, and keeping them in the dark was the only way to protect them.

The village was going to be the center of the war. For how long, not even Naruto could predict, but he knew that by giving the village's location, they could attack at any second. All youngster information to become a shinobi had been interrupted, the life in the village was dull and quiet.

Now it was time to wait.

"It seems that the team who was supposedly scouting around our attack location had come back to give their report. Why don't you, Sasuke, greeted them and brought them here. Neji would you be kind to relief our poor Kiba who's about to lose himself in the insanity? And gather info about the progress and sent Ino and Sakura to sleep for the moment. Those who you think are at their top of shape make them stop and escorted back safely in the safety room. They will be tested tomorrow."

Both boys - actually men- nodded and went to their task as Naruto went deeply into his thoughts, wondering what he would say to them. Will they accept him? Or will he be forced to use persuasion on them? They were the last team to come back to the village. Naruto couldn't get earlier because it would have a look too suspicious. Hopefully, they will still have time before the fourth war starts at their location like it should have begun long ago. He still didn't know if he could count on his older brothers. Their change of personality toward him was pretty radical and worrisome. Were they playing a trick? The only thing he knew he didn't have to worry about was the Uchiha's last members of the Clan. They were loyal to each other, even if in public. It was quite the contrary. They will, without a doubt, be faithful to Sasuke. Naruto grew over the months to respect this "new" Fugaku-San.

Naruto left his post to descend the stairs in the form of a spiral to greet the new arrival. He stood in the middle of the public market of the village looking straight at the team. They seemed to be a bit tired and lacking food, but they weren't any apparent wounds, so there was no need to rush them to the hospital where the workers needed a long break.

"Welcome back. As you may have seen, I'm the new Hokage of the village, and we are currently coordinating everything for war. I know you might be exhausted. Therefore, I invited you to the Hokage tower to rest before tomorrow's test. I'm sure Uchiha, you wish to spend a bit of time with Sasuke to catch up. Sadly, your parents won't be able to meet you until a few days... Sasuke, I'm relieving you from your duty until midnight. He will escort you to the guest room. As for you, dear brothers, we need to talk in the office. Neji, you may leave," Naruto said in one breath without wasting time being interrupted.

Naruto marched back to the Hokage tower, known by his chakra that Shoji, Mikio, and Arashi followed him. He used his chakra from a distance to remodel the office to be more friendly than dark. He invited his siblings to sit and then sat on a comfy chair.

"I know you must have many questions. I would have the same expression if they weren't quickly answered. Father was a strip from his title, as the law says. I challenged him and defeat him. Since then, we plan to use this village as a fort and a training base that explains civilians' expulsion and any child not involved in the war. I need you to settle the conflict between our Father, Mother and the twins. It is very negative for everyone and then slows us down in training. As much as I dislike them, I do not refuse to have their deaths on my conscience. There's no favouritism between them and the other because of us being a family which you must understand the same applies to you, three. Any question for the moment?"

"Yes, what was the reason you strip the father of his title and where they are now?" Arashi wondered.

"Father was doing blind favouritism, and by doing so, he damaged this village's reputation and ties with the other village. It could work anymore, we are on the verge to be in a war at any moment, now. As for where they reside? I placed them within the village but far from the community. The house where you had grown up is available to you, three if you wish to reside there. I won't have a problem with it. I can show you, right now where they are and let you visit them."


Naruto led his brothers in front of his biological family before leaving into the mist. The three men exchanged looks before Mikio knocked on the door, and the door opened wildly where their mother Kushina stood.

"Oh, god! You are here! I thought the worst! How could he put you in this dangerous position," Kushina exclaimed as she hugged an uncomfortable Shoji.

The other stood awkwardly behind, did she just forget that they were in disagreement because of their behaviours toward their youngest family member? Arashi cleared his voice, making Kushina snap her eyes into his.

"Arashi!!!" She yelped.

"Mother," Arashi answered coldly. "We just came to speak to the father unless you and the twins need to tell us something. We need to leave early because we are quite tired."

"Oh dear, I understand completely. Come inside. I'll call your sisters, your father is out, I don't know where, but where would you sleep tonight?"

"At our old house, I mean our childhood house."

"WHAT! YOU STILL HAVE ACCESS TO IT! MAYBE WE CAN GO ALL TOGETHER INSIDE IT, I MEAN, ESPECIALLY YOUR SISTERS! THEY NEED A DECENT BED TO SLEEP IN. POOR THEM. "Kushina said shocked by the news. Her sons had the opportunity to stay in the house but not them. How unfair, especially for the twins who needed their beauty sleep to be prepared to fight.

"What a theatrics woman," Mikio thought.

"STOP! RIGHT THERE!" Arashi roared completely losing his cool. "LISTEN TO ME. I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO STAIN MORE OUR REPUTATIONS. I WON'T BE ALLOWING YOU TO GO BACK TO THIS HOUSE UNLESS YOU ACCEPT YOUR YOUNGEST SON NARUTO INTO OUR FAMILY WILLINGLY. THIS HOUSE IS ALSO HIS, AND HE DESERVED TO USE THE HOUSE WITHOUT BEING JUDGED. WE HAVE OUR MINDS WIDE OPEN, UNLIKE YOU!"Arashi declared with authority and took a deep breath to calm himself before adding. " I won't enter this filthy house, mother; I wouldn't want to be stained by the impurity of the house. I don't know for my brothers, but I'm going to chat a bit with father and return to my brother."

"WAIT!"Kushina wailed out realizing she was about to lose her eldest son." YOU DON'T WANT TO SAY HI AND MAKE SURE ABOUT YOUR SISTERS STATE?"

"NO, I have to take care right now of my little brother who needs more of me than our sisters," Arashi retorted.

The other didn't say a word, all agreeing with the eldest. They follow Arashi as he turned on his heels and leaves the property if you could call it property. With one thought in the head: "she just went into a delusion."

As for their father, he was quickly found with the use of chakra. He was wandering around the village in deep thought, his head low to the great. He lost weight and still seem to conflict about what to decide. He loved all the family members and was starting to realize how he neglected to get to know his son and wished to repair this. He regretted giving too much freedom to the girls and how the twins were now hated by the previous civilians there. He had to have a serious talk with his women. They were on the verge of the beginning of the war.

His sons decided not to interfere in his reflection, they thought it was best to leave him alone for a couple of hours. It should help him gain a bit of sense.



Their defence around the village was already in top shape, ready to strike the enemy. It wasn'y an issue. All they could do was to wait for the orders from above. The orders to invade around a few small underground bases where the Akatsuki's group had installed. Gaara send off his best shinobis and kunoichis to spy on the new great emerging behind the Akatsuki's organization. While Naruto and the rest of the rookie 12 will be shutting this organization, they will have a step ahead of this new organization. They didn't know a lot but maybe with torturing and gaining the memories of the Akatsuki's members will help.

Gaara had intercepted a few members of the Akatsuki's. He could now have fun with them. He cackled as he went to see his three prisoners. Let's the fun begin!

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