Chapter 2: Only the begining

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the late chapter. I only had two people answer my question in the last chapter so it took some time for me to write two different scenarios and figure out my favorite one. I hope you like this!

3rd p.o.v

Currently our protagonist could be seen sleeping in a car.  The reason behind him being in a car is because he is currently on a drive to where he will have his first match with someone known as Jack Williams. He was an American MMA fighter from Arizona.  When they got too the location of the fight which is an abandoned MMA training gym with a ring (Y/N) was woken up from his nap by his manager.

"Wake up (Y/N)!" Ms.Itubi was shaking him violently since he wasn't waking up.

(Y/N) p.o.v

On the way to my first fight I decided to take a little nap that lasted the whole drive so when we got there I was woken up by a screaming Ms.Itubi. When I woke up I slowly sat up."Are we at the fight?" I asked and stepped out of the sluggishly "Yes, now can you please take this seriously? We're really betting a lot on you winning you know!" Ms.Itubi did not like my nonchalance about this whole thing but I just shot her a cheeky grin."Don't worry about a thing, I'm not gonna lose to some wanna be." And with that I started my walk to the building, leaving a confused Itubi before she rushed after me to catch up but didn't say a word. When I got in the building I saw the arena and noticed all the people watching, I also noticed my opponent for this match. As soon as I saw him I could tell that I'm gonna like him. From the moment he saw me he grew this smirk that was full of pride."I hate overconfident people" I just sighed before taking off shirt and jeans so I was just in my fighting shorts and gave a few quick swings to warm up. After a few seconds someone with a microphone showed up on an elevated platform."Hello everyone! Tonight we have an interesting match up! On one side we have a renowned MMA fighter Jack Williams who is currently 6-0 in the Kengan matches! On the other side we have a newcomer (Y/N) (L/N)! Who will win this match!? We will find out! Fighters, please step into the ring!" After that me and Jack stepped into the octagon."Hey kid, ain't you a bit too young to be fighting?"Jack asked with that same confident smirk."I might be, but that doesn't mean I'm weak. Let's have a good fight." I smirked right back as we got into our fighting positions, Jack with his fists up and I got low to the ground much to everyone's confusion. I closed my eyes as the countdown started. 3.....2.....1! As soon as I heard the buzzer I launched at Jack, hitting him with my shoulder to his head, sending him into a daze that I immediately took advantage up. My immediate reaction was to sweep his legs, sending him onto his ass and I backed up before looking at the crowd. Confusion is the only word I could use to describe their expressions but it's justified, it's not everyday you see someone my age take down Jack Williams within seconds. But he got back up and sent a right hook my way, bad choice. I easily ducked under and grabbed his wrist from behind with my right hand and pushed his back with my left, sending him back to the ground but this time with me having a knee in between his shoulder blades and with that the match was over because he tapped out.

??? p.o.v

I had seen the match and clapped from the rooftop."Very good, you will grow. This is only the begining, (Y/N)"

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