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"Time is such a wonderful concept, isn't it?"  The witch whispered  to the executioner as she looked up into those unmoving, emotionless eyes. When met with silence, the witch whispered one last thing before laying her head on the chopping block, eyes closing. Oh, if only they had known then and there, that time would freeze for them. 

To find themselves stuck in a war that never seemed to end, Adalstein's rivers soon began to run red. Even the current reigning family couldn't stop the bloodshed, before soon finding themselves drawn into the war of the elementals, humans and shapeshifters. For thousands of years, lives were lost, and blood was shed. It seemed it would never end.

But if only they had known the simple solution to end this freeze. All it took was death, which of course should not have been a surprise, and yet... it was. This death was the death of the current reigning ruler... along with all his family. all the children, elders, anyone who held any form of power was now gone

With the land now feeling the current flows of time, the now monarchless land struggles to find their footing. Elementals, shapeshifters, and humans are still at odds, despite the war technically ending with the death of the monarch. Finding themselves forced to form uneasy alliances, no one could have seen what came next.

With secrets that are held at the heart of the country, this group must trust in each other.  Especially now that darker forces have begun to sneak into the heart of each of the three sections. Forced to trust, can they set aside their misconceptions about each other and trust they will get Adalstein back on its feet?

An original Discord roleplay

Coming soon

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