Chapter 8: Sophie POV

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Whomever said that Sophie wasn't sure but she knew that if she turned around Marella would run away. So she just continued opening her mind to Marella's. Marella had a strong mental blocking so it took her a while to get into her mind. When she did it was not pleasant, but there were a few big secrets that she couldn't help but say aloud. "Fintan is in Emery's body. I don't know how Marella knows this. Her mental blocking was so strong. I think Fintan has been working on it with her," she bit her lip to stop herself from saying anymore. "I think we have our first thing to vote on. Councilors, tell me what you vote for. I will replace Emery. We are voting on whether or not Marella can go on lock down with us," she said, taking charge. She decided to say no, Marella can't stay with us for lockdown and so did the rest of the council. "Marella will not be with us for lockdown but her mom will stay," Sophie informed the rest of them. "Marella we care deeply about you and your family. We are just not sure whether you can be trusted or not because of what you know," Oralie said with a small smile. The council-after a very long discussion- decided that Fintan shouldn't be allowed outside of his cell now and that Marella couldn't go to school. They also decided, despite all the reasons they could they would stay on lockdown. Then everyone went home to get supplies for a VERY long sleepover. That Sophie wasn't sure that she was THAT excited for. So when everyone got here she remembered what she wanted to ask Oralie about. 

290 words!

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