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A/N I apologize for not updating. There has been oh so much going on. College is not easy lol, especially with new health stuff.  

Anyway, it'll be sporadic updates as always! Thank you all for reading and enjoying my stories. I know I say it a lot, but I really appreciate it. 


The walls were bright white. Everything was bright white. It was almost blinding to Max as he looked around the sitting room. A cup of now cold tea sat in front of him, though the crackers that came with them were gone. 

"I'm sure you have many questions" Notch had said earlier. "I promise to answer them, but I have to go take care of something real quick. Marcus will take care of you until I get back"

And so, Max sat in the sitting room with cold tea, no crackers, and a winged man who stood by the door and wouldn't talk to him no matter how much he tried to crack a joke. He stood as still as a statue, as cold as stone. 

Max stared at Marcus, then shifted his eyes to the door. It stayed closed, despite him willing it to open. There was nothing stopping him from getting up and walking through it. Max stood up slowly as Marcus watched him with a cold stare. Defiantly, Max walked toward the door and grabbed the handle. 

It turned from the other side and Max quickly took a few steps back as it opened inward. He caught the smirk Marcus was giving him as Notch walked in again, holding a plate of finger sandwiches and a new pot of tea. 

"I'm sorry it took so long. I had to make a few calls" Notch smiled. He stood a head taller than Max, but had a sense of ease to him that made Max trust him. 

"I- it's alright" Max said as he followed him back to the seats. His cheeks burned in embarrassment of getting caught trying to leave. 

"Your mother should be here soon to get you" Notch said casually, "You've worried her quite a bit you know." He looked at the still full, but cold, tea sitting on the table. 

"My mom?" Max asked confused. Notch nodded and sat down in the chair behind the desk. 

"Your mother is my niece" Notch smiled, "we were very close for many years while she lived with my brother" 

Max sat back down in the chair he had been in earlier. 

"But-" Max started. Notch smiled sympathetically at him. 

"Your mother has kept many secrets from many people. I'm not surprised she kept that from you" He said gently. "I'll answer any questions you have. You have the right to know the truth about yourself" 

Max stared at the table for a moment, contemplating. 

"Tell me everything" He said finally, looking up at Notch expectantly. Notch smirked. 


Angel sat in the branches of an oak tree, watching the cabin expectantly. It was busy, but she knew it would be once the kids were returned. 

Through the window she could see them lined up on cots in the now rearranged living room. They each lay in the beds, chests rising, but they look far from just sleeping. 

"The poison worked well" Creed said, glaring at Angel. "too well?" 

Angel shrugged, "I think it was just enough. They aren't dead yet, and sis knows the deal for the antidote. She'll be here in a moment" 

She jumped down from the tree, and smirked at her brother. He glared back. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked past him unfazed. 

"Father's word, remember?" She smirked. "She can't go against him. No matter how mad she is" 

"She's stronger than we are" Creed crossed his arms "Even together we can't beat her if she decides she doesn't want to listen to us"

"She wont. She actually cares for humans" Angel scoffed. "Even after all of the things they did to her. She won't let those kids die if she thinks she can save them." 

"And I know I can save them" Diamond's voice jumped in. She walked through the trees, Budder following her while holding a crossbow pointed at Creed's chest. 

"Give us the antidote" Budder growled. 

"You think we'd just bring it with us? We aren't stupid" Creed rolled his eyes. They stared to glow white out of anger. 

"You brought it with you, to bargain with" Diamond said plainly. "So what's your bargain?"

Angel smiled and walked toward her. "Can't we talk for a bit? Catch up, and see what's new with each other? The nether is so boring, and you don't visit like you promised you would. We miss you sister"

"Get to the point"

Angel's face fell, and twisted into one of anger. 

"Father wants your strongest. He has a right to train their magic" She said bluntly. 

"Not a chance. None of them have magic as it is" Budder replied. He lowered the crossbow for a moment. 

"Oh, but they do" Creed smirked. "Your youngest son might not, but your daughter and oldest certainly do. Even if you suppressed them, that is. Rosy and Max are there names, right?"

"You will stay away from my kids" Diamond said. The wind started to pick up and the clouds started to grow dark. Her eyes were glowing with anger which was only made more apparent by the lack of other lights. 

"You want the antidote, you know what you need to do" Creed grinned. "There's no other option for you" 

Diamond lunged for him as Budder brought the crossbow back up and fired at Angel. Both disappeared before either the bolt or their sister could get them. The bolt stuck in a tree, quivering, as the wind picked up even more. Diamond sunk to her knees, clutching at the grass. Slowly, the wind died down and the sky cleared. Budder carefully made his way to her side. 

"He isn't going to get them" Budder said. "I promise, your father wont be getting our kids" 

Diamond shook her head. 

"How can we stop him?" 

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