On The Run Again

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Max stared at the portal with a sense of dread. It buzzed with an inaudible noise, but every so often there was a sound that almost seemed like the crackle of fire. 

"Whoa" Jasper said behind him. Max jumped and looked over his shoulder at him. Jasper's eyes were wide, and seemed to glow with the same intensity of the portal in front of them. "It's so- whoa" He repeated. The others nodded, the same look on their faces. 

"Go touch it" Comet said, pushing Max gently toward the portal. Max started to sputter something out, but the others kept gently nudging him closer. 

"Touch it? A- are you all crazy?" Max asked when he finally found his voice. They didn't respond, their eyes glowing purple. 

He drew closer, and closer to the swirling portal, until he was just inches away. It's purple specks flickered in front of his face. Max pushed back against his friends, sure they were going to push him through into the nether beyond. When they finally relented, he was surprised, and almost fell backward onto the ground. 

"Touch it" Tomy's voice echoed around the cavern. Max stared at it deeply. It was hypnotizing. 

Slowly, he reached his left hand out toward the thin fabric of the portal. It barely brushed against it. 

The visions were sudden and, in Max's opinion, terrifying. One after another they invaded his mind, starting with a castle set in the middle of a lake full of lava. It felt as if he rushed forward, towards the gates of the castle before it cut to a hall. Inside was a nether portal like the one in front of him, but two figures were in front of it. One looked like a girl, her blond hair cascading down her back. She was sitting, staring intently at the portal with bright, icy blue eyes. Next to her stood a man. He was well shaven, but his hair was brushed back over his scalp to show his forehead. HIs grey eyes were steady, and he looked impatient. 

He looked down at the woman next to him, and said something. Max strained, but couldn't hear a sound. He blinked, and stood in a darkened room. One redstone torch was lit above a painting of a man with cut out eyes. The walls seemed to be a cream color, and as Max turned around, he saw the room was rather small.

 Tucked away against the back wall was a bed, framed by a writing desk and dresser. The sheets were ruffled, and Max could see the faint outline of a person lying down in them. He walked closer, curiosity taking over him, but the vision changed yet again before he got to the bed. It swirled, as if distorted, and he heard the faint sound of a pick against stone. The images flooded back in, fire and lava, blue sky and flowers, a raging storm.

Max felt someone pull his hand through the portal. It felt like the time he stuck his hand in a jar of jelly, sticky yet liquid. A stronger force pulled against his waist, and with a jolt he was back in the cave. 

It was shaking, and rocks spilled from the ceiling. Max looked around, watching with the feeling of not totally being there. Someone was carrying him, he could feel their arm around his waist and the pounding of their footsteps. He didn't look over his shoulders to see who it was though. His eyes were locked on the portal. 

His friends stood in front of it, watching him with sneers, their eyes glowing purple, before one by one they jumped through. The last to go was Jessica. For a moment, Max was sure the purple was gone from her eyes, and a fearful look crossed her face, before she dove head first through the portal. 

The caves came down around them as Max was carried out of them. He looked around wildly, watching as rocks fell in every direction. Just when it seemed like they were trapped, the world around them shifted. Max felt like he was being turned inside out, pulled apart in very way. Then, he was lying on his back outside the entrance to the caves. Dust was settling inside, and the mouth loomed in front of him as intimidating as it was before. 

He stood up, and stared in shock at the cave. He would have stood there staring for hours had a groan behind him not caught his attention. Max whipped around and looked in shock at the man standing behind him. He was staring at the cave as well, his green eyes intently studying the layer of rock inside. 

"Well" he said, his voice deep and booming, "That didn't go to plan" He shrugged and brushed the dust from his black hair. 

"Wh- who-" Max stuttered as he backed away. The man looked down at him and chuckled. 

"Hey, no need to be scared" He smiled "I wouldn't hurt my friend's kid. Well, I guess I could say sorry for causing the cave in" The man said, looking up thoughtfully "But you all were really under a spell there" 

"Y- you caused-" Max stared at the man. Anger started seeping into him. "You caused the cave in?" He said, his voice low and accusing. 

The man looked at him surprised before grinning. "Yes. I did" He responded. "The least you could do is say thank you, but I guess since you're a little shocked I can understand why you wouldn't" 

Max looked at him disgusted. "What do you mean 'thank you'? You just killed my friends!" Max shouted. 

"First off, you're welcome"He said, "Second, I didn't kill them" The man said, rolling his eyes "They went through the portal. Given, they're not in the best situation, but you lit it so I guess it's due justice" He shrugged and started walking. Max scrambled to follow him.

"What do you mean? They're trapped in the nether?" Max asked. 

"Worse" The man said, "They're trapped in the palace" Max slowed, and looked at the man confused. 

"What-?" Max started to ask. 

"I'll explain in a moment" The man said "First, we've got to go see your parents and get them caught up" 

"No!" Max shouted. The man stopped, and looked over at him curious. 

"I- I mean, they already knew we were going to the cave" Max said, looking away from him. "They don't need to be told" 

The man blinked twice. 

"How old are you?" He asked. Max looked up at him surprised. 

"Thirteen" Max replied. The man snorted. 

"Your mother was a better liar than you are when she was your age" He said. Max looked at him surprised, unsure if he should be offended or not. 

"How do you know my parents?" Max asked. The man stopped and smirked. 

"Now you're asking the real questions" He replied. "To put it simply, your mom saved my life once, and I became best friends with your dad. I've been traveling for a while, moving from place to place, but I do remember when you were born. It was the worst storm I'd ever seen. I was sure your uncle was doing it on purpose because he wasn't invited" He laughed. 

"How did you know about the storm?" Max asked, staring at him. 

"I told you, I was there" He smirked. 

"There were only-"

"Only five people besides your parents" He nodded. "I was one of them. There was me, Tomy, Notch, and everyone else you know" 

Max snorted "No. Notch was not there. Why would he-" he stopped talking when he saw the man was silently laughing. 

"You really are just like your parents" He grinned. "My name is Jonas. I'm your godfather" 

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