The Past Comes Back

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The sun was barely up when Max rolled out of bed. Grabbing the backpack he had hidden under his bed, he walked out quickly into the silent hall. He stepped carefully down the stairs, avoiding the last step that always squeaked when someone stepped on it.

Max worked his way through the kitchen, carefully moving around the table and chairs. He grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter, and took a bite out of it as he started to push the back door open.

"Where do you think you're going?" Max froze and slowly turned around. Budder stood in the doorway, arms crossed and looking at him calmly. A small smirk played on his lips.

"Just- for a walk" Max replied. He forced a smile and hoped it looked natural. Carefully, he tried to slide his backpack out of view, but made it more obvious instead.

"Just a walk?" Budder asked, "then, why the backpack?"

"oh, that?" Max said as if surprised. "I- I didn't realize I had it. I'll just-" Budder started to laugh as Max looked at him surprised.

"You're as good at keeping secrets as I was at your age" Budder smiled, "and that's not saying much. But, I think it's a good idea, what you and your buddies have planned." Max stared at him surprised.

"You do?" He asked. He could barely believe it.

Budder nodded. "You want to see what the world is like, and your mother and I haven't done a good job at letting you get out on your own. You're almost thirteen, you should get out on your own a bit more. That's why I got you this" He said. Max watched curiously as Budder pulled something from behind the cupboards.

"I was talking with a family friend" Budder said as he walked over carrying a smaller, stone pick ax. "And they told me this would come in handy if you ever needed it" He smiled and held it out to Max.

Max took it and looked at it in awe. "It's- thank you dad" He said. His voice was little more than an awed whisper. "It's awesome!"

Budder smiled happily and nodded. "glad you like it. And it should last you a while. It's made out of stone, but it's as strong as an Iron one. I just didn't want you to accidentally hurt anyone with it"

Max nodded "I'll be careful. I promise" He smiled genuinely and looked up at Budder happily. His golden eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Bee safe" Budder nodded and with that Max raced out the door into the woods.


Out of breath, he finally arrived at the tree house nestled in a dark oak tree. From the hollow to the tree, several pairs of eyes peered out.

"He's not coming" Comet said. He leaned back against the inside of the trunk and picked at one of the glow in the dark stars on his tee shirt.

"Of course he's coming. He's better at sneaking out than you are" Jasper replied with a glare. "he's actually quiet" He brushed a clump of fur out of his face, and turned back toward the makeshift door.

"Yea? Well at least I don't smell like a wet dog when it rains" Comet snapped back.

"Enough you two. He's coming" Jessica said breathlessly as she ran back inside. "I just saw him. He's coming over the ridge now" She brushed her violet hair out of her face and sat down next to Jasper. "Why can't you two ever get along?"

"Junior over there just stinks" Comet replied, crossing his arms.

"Yea? Well stars over there will be seeing stars if he doesn't drop the attitude" Jasper growled, starting to stand up. Jessica pulled him back down, rolling her eyes.

"You two have to get along if we're going to make this work" Jessica said, looking between the two.

"It's not going to work with them" Tim replied. He sat in the back, shrouded in shadows. His dark brown hair and eyes peered out at them with a darkness of their own. The dark circles under his eyes only seemed darker in there.

"They never stop fighting, and probably wont until one of them is dead" He continued. Jessica rolled her eyes and stood up in the doorway.

"Do you always have to be so melodramatic Timmy?" she teased. He blushed and looked away. Comet smirked and started to open his mouth to say something before a wild, breathless breathing was heard outside.

Max quickly pushed his way through the door and sat down against the trunk next to Jasper, who grinned at him.

"What's got you so out of breath?" He asked, staring down at his friend.

"Did you see that enderman again?" Comet smirked.

"No" Max replied "But Dilbert's dogs came after me again" He put his head back against the tree and stared up at the partial light coming in from an unfinished section of the roof. "Did you guys know he got a new one?" He asked, looking back at them. Comet let out a laugh.

"He's always had the same number of dogs man. You probably just think there's more because you're so scared of them all the time" He teased. Max looked away and grumbled something.

"Are we going to sit here talking about dogs all day" Jessica asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"The cave wont be moving" Tim said, continuing to stare.

"But we might as well get going" Comet replied. He stood up and made his way over to the door. "I'll lead. If we don't hurry, we might miss him"

"Then I should lead" Jasper said, standing up. He towered over the others, but his gaze was only set on Comet. "I'm the fastest"

"I'll lead so we actually get there" Max said teasingly, pushing his way outside. Jessica smirked and sauntered after him. Grumbling, Jasper and Comet walked after, side by side. Tim followed last, pulling the hood up on his sweatshirt. He stepped silently after the others.


A/N Hello everybody! So, yes, this is the new book in the series. As of now, I think some of you might be able to guess who each kid is. If you don't, go ahead and guess! I'd like to see your answers.

Anyway, this will be updated the same as the last one was (probably) on a monthly basis? That's my best guess anyway. There's a lot going on, but I'll have a lot of free time soon too.

Well, other than that, I guess this is the end of the first actual chapter.


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