17. The Musketeers

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I woke to the sound of chirping birds. It was a nice change from the sound of fighting campers and training that usually woke me in the morning.

I kept my eyes closed as i adjusted. Strangely enough, i didn't remember much from yesterday, but i'm sure it will come to me. I opened my eyes and nearly screamed. Apollo was just staring at me.

"What the Hades! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I whispered angrily at him.

"Well good morning to you too." He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Good morning." I sighed.

That's when the door burst open. "Kate you have to come quickly! The Musketeers are here!" Gunner burst through the doorway.

I sat up immediately along with Apollo. Percy and Annabeth must have already be outside. I was still dressed from yesterday so i ran outside with Gunner. Apollo followed close behind.

Gunner led us to Thalia's tree. The dragon was snorting fire at three demigods on the other side of the border. Percy, Annabeth, Chiron and about a dozen armed campers kept them from crossing.

Drawing my sword as i went, i pushed my way to the front of the crowd, Apollo at my side.

"Who are you?" I asked, pointing my sword at the boy in the middle.

He wore a hood and seemed to be the leader of the three. He pushed it back and spoke. "It's been awhile, Kate. But i never though that you would forget your best friend."

"Ryan." I growled. "Give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you where you stand." I took a step forward, almost crossing the border, but Apollo and Percy held me back.

"Oh, Kate. You were always so stubborn. If you kill me, your camp will never survive." He laughed and snapped his fingers. At least a hundred monsters emerged from the trees. They were all armed and looking for a fight. "But i have a deal to make. I will send these monsters away, and leave peacefully, you will never see me again."

"If?" I growled.

"If you give yourself over to me. This whole taking over Olympus thing is a little far fetched. I don't what to run to universe. I just want...you." He smiled as he spoke. Moving his hands in a sinister way as he explained.

"Kate don't you dare." Apollo whispered in my ear.

I stood there for a moment, thinking of a response. "Get rid of the monsters and i will think about it." I finally answered.

"I want the answer by sundown. And if you don't agree I'll call these monsters back and i will kill all of you." He responded.

"You will have your answer. Now get rid of the monsters." I growled.

"Fine. We will be here, waiting." He smiled and flicked his wrist, causing the monsters to retreat back into the forest.

I turned my back to them and the other campers followed. Chiron ordered three Ares campers to stay and make sure they don't cross the border. I didn't pay much attention though, i was seething. How dare he come face me like this. I killed him! He should be dead! He deserves to be dead!

"Kate calm down." Apollo grabbed my hand and stopped me on my way to the arena.

"How can i?! He should be dead, and now he's come back to threaten everything i care about unless i turn myself over to him! I have a right to be upset about this!" I yelled.

He looked a little hurt at my tone, but i didn't care. "I know. But right now you have to remain calm for the sake of the other campers. They are all nervous as it is. If they see the person in charge of them is more angry and nervous, it will make them worse. And we have to meet Chiron and the head campers in the big house." He said calmly.

"I know." I sighed and relaxed slightly. I followed him as he led me to the big house and into the room with the ping pong table.

"What are we gonna do?" Katie Gardner asked.

"I say we attack first, they'll never see it coming." Clarisse responded.

"We can't do that when we don't know what they can do." Will told her.

They all stopped arguing when Apollo pushed me ahead of him and into the room. I took my seat between Percy and Nico.

"What do you think we should do, Kate?" Travis asked. Conner nodded in agreement to his question.

They all watched me, waiting for my answer. "We can only do one thing." I began. "Chiron, i am giving you complete authority over the camp. I expect all of you to respect my time here. I will go with them at sunset." I spoke, unable to meet their eyes.

"No, you are staying here, we'll find a way." Nico spoke up.

I was a little surprised he didn't back me up when he was on my side on our last quest. "We don't have a choice, Nico. Either i go with them, or they attack the camp and i will not allow that if there is another way. I do not wish to watch any demigod die for me." I told him.

"Well you'd be the first god to think that way." Clarisse snorted.

I stood from the table.

"Where are you going?" Percy asked.

"Thinking of it, it's best if i go now. They will leave sooner." I answered and headed to the door.

"Clarisse stop her!" Annabeth shouted.

I started to run to the door, but Clarisse wrapped her arms around me and held me back.

"Let me go, that's an order." I growled.

"Sorry, Kate, but you gave authority to Chiron. We can do whatever we want without your approval." She responded, forcing me back in my chair. She held me down as Apollo got some celestial bronze chains that they stored in another room.

"Apollo, don't you dare." I growled, fighting against Clarisse who was still holding me to the chair.

He just looked down as he chained my hands and waist to the chair. "Percy, help me!" I called to him, my last hope to get out of here.

He nodded and stood up, he walked over to Clarisse who was struggling to keep me still. I smiled at him. I knew he was gonna help me. But he didn't. Instead he helped Clarisse.

"Percy, NO!" I hissed at him. He couldn't meet my eyes as Apollo finished with the chains. "Chiron, are you going to let this happen?" I asked him.

In response he simply nodded. "My apologies Kate, but i agree with the campers. You should remain here. You might not want us to defend you, but that is what will happen if need be. As a goddess you are important. As the one and only Heir to the throne of Olympus, you are our number one priority. So you will not go with them." He spoke calmly as the other demigods took their seats and Apollo stood behind me.

I sat in the chair, more like chained to the chair, and glared at all of them. None could meet my eyes. "Well what do you suggest we do?" I asked.

No one had an answer. Until Annabeth spoke, "We could leave."

"What? We can leave this is the only safe place for demigods." Katie spoke.

"We could make the camp look empty." Annabeth responded.

"How? Where would go in the meantime?" Percy asked.

"Well, between you and Kate, one of you must have found an underwater cave that we could go into. I know you did cause i know they are there."

"I know where we can go." I said.

They all turned to me. "Where?" Will asked.

"There is a cave off the shore of the beach where i run in the morning. The entrance is about fifty feet down and it opens into a large dry cave with multiple branching chambers. The whole thing is lighted with fire crystal that light constantly." I told them.

"Well then that's what we will do." Annabeth said. "Apollo, take the chains off."

Apollo nodded and removed my chains. I stood and Clarisse and Percy tensed, ready to grab me if i ran again. But i wanted to make sure they were safe. Sure i might make a break for it later, but that cave will ensure that everyone else survives.

"Everyone get the rest of your cabin. Take nothing but one weapon per camper with you, we need to make it look like we just left." I told them.

"What if we are there for a few days?" Travis asked.

"What will we eat?" Conner finished.

"I have that covered." I answered. "Meet me at the forest behind cabin 3 in ten minutes. Percy, Apollo, i need you two to come with me." I finished and they all nodded, hurrying out to gather their cabins.

"What are we doing?" Percy asked me.

"We are going to see Ryan." I answered.


"Ahh, Kate. Do you have your answer early?" Ryan smiled as we approached the border.

"No, you will get your answer at sunset. I came to ask some questions." I responded.

"Ask away." He smiled, trying to step across the border only to bounce off of it. His smile turned into a scowl.

"What? You think i didn't expect this? You think i wouldn't enforce the border against you the moment i started running this camp? Sure i didn't expect you to come back, but you can never be too careful. I blocked everyone with bad intentions." I laughed at him.

"Wise, Kate." He spat.

"Now, why did you come here? Why do you want me?" I asked.

"Because you escaped. Acmal wants you dead. And whether he's in Tartarus or not, i am loyal to him."

"Then why are you threatening my camp?"

"It's the only way to get to you."


"You really don't know?" He laughed along with the two behind him. "If you must know, it has something to do with what you rule over, what you're the god of."

"An what is that?"

"All in good time. And why should i tell you when, one way or another, you will be dead."

Before i could respond, Apollo pulled me back. "We should go." He whispered to me.

I nodded and followed him down to the cabins, Percy followed close behind with the guards we left earlier.

"Your border won't hold forever, Kate." Ryan shouted after me.


I couldn't believe Ryan was back. I remember when Kate brought him home one day from Kindergarten. She was so happy to have made a friend. Then two years later he told his little boss about us and before you knew it i took a one way trip to Hades. They were both in second grade! We thought he was harmless!

And now he's back, trying to finish the job. I swear if i could touch him, i would have strangled him by now. I could tell my sister would like too, but the others, and i, held her back.

Kate, along with Apollo and Percy, had met the rest of the campers by the forest. They were all slowly making their way to the beach. They were trying to be quiet as Kate and Apollo waked in front, Chiron right behind them. Apollo had his bow drawn and Kate was a wolf. Her pets, all also wolves, flanked the large group of campers, all watching for attackers. Percy and Annabeth walked in the back.

The group of campers was actually a pretty entertaining sight. Will and his siblings had been told to grab ambrosia, nectar, and the remaining physician's cure. They had some Hermes minions carrying everything, which for once they did not steal. Most of the other campers were normally walking, weapons drawn, except for the Aphrodite cabin. All of them, except for Piper and two others, were walking around, bumping into people while trying to fix their make up and trying to avoid breaking a heel. Or even worse, a nail.

I walked next to Kate. I knew what she was thinking and tried to talk her out of it, but she never listens to me. Oh, no, what does her older sister, and guide know about anything? I mean it's not like i've been to Elysium and back. And i've definitely never had to face an enemy before. Note the sarcasm.

Just then Kate stopped. The campers stopped walking and a hush fell over the forest. Kate sniffed the air and walked over to a tree about twenty feet away. She sniffed it and barked once. I'm not sure what she said, sorry but i don't speak wolf; even i'm not that good. Two of the other wolves came up to her. One was Blu, the other, Echo. Blu sniffed the tree as well and her and Kate seemed to have a silent conversation. Blu nodded and turned to Echo. He nodded and ran off into the forest. Kate turned back to us and spoke.

"We will rest here for five minutes then we have to move." She called.

The campers sighed and sat where they were. Kate walked over to Chiron and Apollo and waited until Percy and Annabeth joined them. And i may or may not have eavesdropped on their conversation.

"What is it?" Chiron asked.

"Another wolf pack." Kate answered.

"Why did we stop?" Percy asked.

"If i can gain the following of the other wolves we will have more protection and some ears on the surface when we are in the cave." She answered.

Echo burst back through the trees followed by at least twenty wolves. One was a huge black wolf with a scar down its side.

Kate met them before they could get close to the campers.


I stood in front of the black wolf that was nearly twice my size. Echo ran behind me as i blocked the other wolf's path. He turned to face him with me and was joined by the other five.

"State your business." The black wolf growled.

"I request assistance." I responded cooly. I could feel the confusion of the campers. They had no idea what was happening, sadly none of them spoke wolf.

"Why would i help a tiny little she wolf who only has a pack of five?" He sneered. The wolves behind him huffed in laughter. "What's your name little she wolf?"

"Kate. And either you help me of i take over your pack." I answered. The other wolves huffed more.

"Well, Kate, are you aware that you just challenged Ridge Hook, the best Alpha of the biggest pack this side of the rockies?" He sneered my name like it left a bad taste. "You are a fiery one aren't you?"

I ignited. "You have no idea." I responded.

The wolves behind him stopped laughing and backed away slightly by the sight of the flames. I extinguished them. Ridge Hook took a step towards me. "I accept your challenge." He growled.

I smiled and backed a few steps. The wolves behind him backed far off and Blu ordered those on my side back. All the demigods behind me were all standing and had weapons drawn incase the wolves go out of control.

"If you lose i get some of your accomplices as a meal." Ridge Hook sneered, licking his chops at the campers.

"But when you lose, i gain control of your pack." I responded as we circled each other.

"You're very cocky." He growled.

He leaped right towards me and i dodged to the side. He landed off balance and i used that to throw him to the ground, pinning him with his face in the mud. I slowly ignited my paws. They burned into his skin and branded him. He howled in pain and shouted a surrender.

I smiled and released him. He stood and crouched in front of me. "You are now leader of the Half-Blood pack." He spoke.

I stood straighter as he stood again. "You can remain leader as long as you watch the camp for me." I told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking hopeful.

"These campers and i must hide for a while. I need eyes and ears here in the forest and at the camp. If you can do that i will reward you and your pack greatly once we return."

"Deal. When should we pass the information to you?"

"All you need to do is howl your message when you find it. I will hear it." I answered.

He nodded and bowed to me again. Then he howled. They rest of his pack joined. I howled with him, sealing the deal.

Satisfied, he left with his pack and i turned back to the campers. They stood in stunned silence before i walked back to Annabeth, Percy, Apollo, and Chiron.

"They will help us. We have to move." I spoke calmly.

Annabeth recovered her shock quickly and dragged Percy to the back of the group. I nodded to Chiron and took my place in front with Apollo. I howled loud and the campers who were still resting stood and joined as we continued to the beach.

It was low tide so we had about twenty feet of sand between us and the water. Percy and i split the campers into three groups to go to the cave. The first group was most of the smaller cabins and the ones who weren't known for fighting. The second was the Hermes, Hephaestus, Apollo, and Demeter cabins. The last group was the Athena and Ares cabins along with my pets and Chiron.

We had taken down the first two groups. The way to the cave was tricky to get through if you didn't know where you were going. But i did. There was a part of the cave that you had to go under the wall and come up about thirty feet until it opened and you could stand and breath in a large open cave. It had one tunnel with a hidden door. This part of the cave was always damp because it was the water entrance. The first two groups waited there while percy and i brought the last group through.

Once everyone was in the cave, i formed back human and walked to the door. Everyone was able to get out of the water fine because of a slight ramp at the edge. The door was covered by a stone slab that would only open for someone who was allowed.

"Percy, Annabeth, Apollo, Piper, Leo, Nico, Will, Chiron." I motioned them out of the crowd and they followed me to the stone. "Authorization of Kate Elizabeth Catcher, daughter of Poseidon." There were several fire crystals imbedded in the stone for light. When i spoke they morphed and moved to spell "welcome" in greek. I turned to the others behind me. "Say your full name and title."

"Leo Valdez, supreme commander of the Argo II." Leo was the first up. I rolled my eyes at his title as the crystals shimmered.

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite." Piper spoke calmly.

Then it was Annabeth's turn. "Annabeth Chase, architect of Olympus."

"Perseus Jackson, savior of Olympus."

"Will Solace, son of Apollo."

"Nico di Angelo, the ghost king."

"Chiron, mentor of demigods."

"Apollo, god of the sun."

The crystals shimmered with each name, accepting each one. "Now each of you can open the door. Just say your name, title and tap the center crystal." With that i pressed the middle crystal that had not moved from the center of the slab.

The stone grinded against the cave floor to reveal a wooden door with a note taped to it. I pulled it off and read it. The note was written in english to disgise it. But the whole thing was code.

To Elizabeth, i have gone fishing for the day. Dinner is on the stove and the laundry is done. I expect to be away for the weekend but if you need anything please call. With love, Dad.

P.S. Remember, don't go in your mother's study. She has her sister's cats there for the week.

"What does that mean?" Annabeth asked.

"I someone already here?" Piper finished.

"No, it's addressed to me from my father. It says that everything is ready inside and that everything we need is here. Also that the weapons are fully stocked." I responded.

"How did you get all that?" Percy asked.

I rolled my eyes. "It's all code. I asked Zeus and our Dad to prepare this place incase we needed to stay here. There are rooms the size of your cabins, each has a door with your parent on it. Those with authorization have separate rooms. Hephaestus made this place out of the stone under the forest. The whole place is automated and can sustain the entire camp for three years."

I opened the door and started down the wide hall. The campers filed behind me and Chiron was last, closing the door behind him. We all paused as the stone grinded back into place on the other side of the door.



Sorry had to. So I was off from school today, anyone else off?

Anyway, two updates today so stay tuned my little demigods.

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