Happy the all knowing

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For the next week, Peter would train with Natasha every day after school. For the first two days she took it slow with Peter as she learned all about his powers, then on the third day, they started to spar. Soon on the sixth-day powers and Nat used the gauntlets that Tony made for her that could send a deadly shock, but she dialed it down a little.

Peter, unlike most who trained with the Black Widow, was excited about his training every day, and even made an upgrade to his web shooters so that each time they spared she would have to adjust to the upgrade.

"So you get to train with, THE Black Widow every day?" Ned asked as they walked towards their next class, engineering. Peter nodded and made his way to their favorite spot in the room to work and no one would here them talk Spidey related things.

"You guys are losers," MJ told them as she walked by to the corner of the room to read her book. "And now we have confirmed two greeting from MJ" Peter laughed at their emo friend, "One the usual 'You guys are losers'" He said mimicking her voice, "And two, flipping us off!"Ned laughed as Peter added, "In very different ways each time!"

"So what upgrades are you going to make today?" Ned asked Peter once they had stopped laughing, "I was thinking I could do something with the web grenades so that they would explode faster since she keeps getting away just in time." Peter told him as he pulled the web shooter off of his wrist and started tinkering with the help of Ned.

But sadly the class ended after they had finished so only one upgrade for today.

the Decathlon practice was as same as always, Flash sat in the back making him rude comments every so often, Abe (that's his name I looked it up) used the bell for his retarts back to Flash or just whenever he was talking, and MJ had Peter read the questions as she sat back to read her book

Peter ran out of the gym and rushed over to Happy's car that was awaiting him

"Hey, Happy!" Peter said happily as he dove into the back seat.

"Hey, Spider-man." He said with a smirk across his face, he had grown used to the kid and even smiled some when Peter told his everyday school stories.

"Wh-what are you t-talking about?" Peter asked him in complete shock 'stupid, stupid stuttering'

"Kid, I've known since the media were posting everything about you, you really didn't think that after hearing your voice over the phone telling me all of the little things you did I did not know that it was you?" Happy asked  the boy

"And I promise kid I won't tell Tony anything, it's your secret to tell." He reassured the kid.

Peter sighed a little relief and decided to tell Happy about his training, as Peter talked Happy had a small smile on his face as he listened to the boys every word, and was a little proud of him too when he heard that he had beaten the Black Widow three times now, even though she won way more.

But that came to an end when they pulled up in the garage, and Happy when to his very own secluded floor in the tower to watch Down Town Addey.

When he walked by the kitchen he saw Bucky and Sam arguing over the difference between Jam and Jelly

"There is no difference!" Sam screamed a little-pissed off

"Yes, there is!" Bucky yelled back slamming his metal arm on the island

"Nope, nope, nope, nope. I don't care if you use the 'i'm older and wiser' card but there is no difference, the name is the only difference!!" Sam screamed witch turned into more like a screaming war between the two

Peter laughed as he walked past them and into the gym where Nat was stretching. "Hey, Aunt Nat!" He called out as he dropped his bag to the ground, "hey squirt!" She called back after she put down the weight.

"Ready for today?" She asked him, which was answered with a nod and an 'mhm'

He took off his sweatshirt to reveal another one of his science pun shirts though this one wasn't as loose so that he could climb on the ceiling without it falling off, and his black gym shorts, he was ready to go. After of course hacking into FRIDAY so it showed the Nat and Peter were doing the little things that he would to in gym class

"Ready...set...GO!" Nat yelled throwing down a smoke pellet so the two could hide around the room. Peter shot a web at the ceiling and swung over to the very large pillar in the room which was a rock wall

(guys imagine the room to be like really tall and stuff and some obstacles nearer to the ceiling for the flying people and some stuff you would see at Lifetime fitness)

Once the smoke had cleared the two were nowhere to be seen. Peter looked around from his spot where the Rockwall met the ceiling.

Soon his spider senses alerted him of an attack from behind, he turned around to see Nat on their ropes course, Peter quickly started shooting his tazer webs at the ex-assassin (it was dialed down so that it only shut down her gauntlets temporarily) hoping to disable her.

But Nat safely made it to the other side without being hit by his webs. Peter wished he had Karen when they spared so she could remind him of all of the webs he had yet to use.

Peter shot a web towards the ceiling between them and swung towards her shooting his web grenade at her. Thanks to the minor upgrade Nat was caught in the web, sticking her to the wall.

But as Nat started to get out and attack Peter, they heard footsteps from the hallway.

The two looked at each other, Nat pointed to Peter than to the ceiling and he seemed to get the idea, as she headed back down the rope. Peter quickly stuck himself in the corner of the ceiling as he watched Clint walk in

"Hey, Nat! You training?" Clint asked Natasha and Peter silently thanked his enhanced hearing.

"Just about to leave, heard Sam and Bucky fighting, gotta break it up before anything breaks." She informed him

Clint, of course, told her that he was going to stay in here to practice archery

As Nat was walking out she looked up at Peter and pointed to the air vents, he was to take the long way out


Luckily for Peter, the vents were widened two years ago since Clint liked to hang out in them all of the time.

He army crawled above the kitchen, where Nat was ending the long fight by pulling up on the web all of the differences

   "The difference between jelly and jam is that jelly is made strictly from the juice of fruit while jam is made from crushed fruit. Specifically, jelly is made by crushing fruit, then straining out everything but the juice...." 

Then over the lab where Tony was working with AC/DC blaring through the speakers

"I've been looking at the sky! 'Cause it's getting me high! Forget the hearse 'cause I'm never gonna die!"

And another kitchen (which he never knew of) where Wanda was teaching Vision how to cook one of her childhood meals.

Finally, he made it back to his room.

Peter silently climbed onto the ceiling, over to where his door was cracked open, pulling it shut with one of his webs, and falling back down to the ground without making a sound

He then turned around to see the one and only, Ned

"I'm never going to get over how cool that is!" Ned laughed as Peter laughed along with him

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