spider powers?!

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He woke up the next morning feeling a little different, but fine. He stood up to get dressed, and lucky for him it was the weekend.

But as he took off his shirt and went to grab a new one, something in the mirror caught his eye. He did a double take in what he saw, he the nerd Peter Parker, was busted.

He couldn't believe it at first, he wasn't as busted as Steve or Thor, but like that one kid in his gym class who was the same size that he always was, just now with a six-pack and muscular arms.

"Hey, Peter are you alright?" Pepper asked after knocking on his door, "Ya, ya I'm fine." He said as he was checking himself out a little.

"Okay, well the team will be here soon and breakfast is almost ready!" She called before walking away.

"Hey Jarvis tell Pepper I'll be in the gym," Peter called to the AI forgetting that he was disabled.

"Right away sir, but I would prefer my giving name FRIDAY," An unknown female voice said. Peter was shocked at first but just pushed it to the side as he put his shirt on and went to the gym.

For a while, he did what he normally did when he went into the gym but decided to try something out.

He first lifted a weight that Nat and Clint would normally train with but found it too easy, he kept moving to a hight weight until he got to one higher than Thor's usual weight. Peter was shocked at this, the day before he could hardly use Clint's weights, now he was using one heavier than Thors?

He then decided to use the rock wall, he was at the very top when his hand slipped, but as he was falling, his feet stuck to the wall and kept his standing sideways on it. Peter was freaking out a little bit right now and hyped too, he had powers! He figured that if he could stick to the wall with his feet, he could sure climb down it without using the rocks or a rope, after a couple of tries Peter could do it.

He let out a little victory whoop and started to try out his new abilities.

Not too long later the Avengers returned and breakfast was ready. Peter was full of joy, ready to tell his family about his newly found powers but when he entered he saw everyone grieving, and two new people sitting at the table.

"Hey, Pete!" Tony called out to the kid holding up a full powered down Ultron head, "Got you a souvenir!" Peter could tell the smiles on their faces weren't real, but he decided to not notice it and run up to Tony to get the Ultron head and saved the news about his powers for another time.

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