The grave site

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Peter had fully exited his room after a long time with Nat.
It was a thing, every year they would have that time together alone in Pete's room, nobody knew what they talked about each year, but they knew that he would only answer to her for the most part of the morning. He usually clung onto her for the day wherever they went, desperate for the human contact.
"You ready Peter?" She asked as they walked into the garage with the original team, all in semi formal clothes
Peter nodded in reply and they entered the car, which was followed by one more as they pulled out
Every time this day came the team drove Peter out to visit his families graves. They all had a quick conversation with her then they let Peter take his time with them.
"Hey May, Ben, mom and dad. This year has been great so far! My grades are all A's, we won our Decathlon meet thanks to MJ (that's what she wants us to call her now)
Ned is the same as always, he freaked out when we took him to the Han Solo movie, I did to, and man we drove Clint nuts!"
The kid continue talking to his relatives giving him the space.
Peter talked for a while more till he came back after saying good bye, with tears falling down his face
They all entered their cars and started to drive back home
Peter sat staring out at the busy city, then he saw it, they never drove by it on this day, but today they did and an idea emerged in his head
"Turn right!"
"Just do it, trust me!"
They turned right onto the same road where his life changed for good, but that wasn't his focus
"Now left!"
"Kid where are you taking us?" Tony asked confused at the boy and his sudden excitement
"You'll see, now another left!"
Peter continued to give them direction until two cars arrived in-front of 'Queens Ice Cream Parlor'
Natasha understood
"You wanna do this kid?" She asked him
The boy nodded and was practically bouncing in his seat
The cashier freaked when he saw the Avengers and the famous child of the Avengers entered his shop
"Hello, we'll take two rocky roads, three cinnamon, and one vanilla please." Tony said politely (for once)
(Almost forgot Thor's not here yet)
After the man got over the fact that the AVENGERS were in his parlor, he made them each their cones and even told them, "it's on the house, for saving my families lives 10 years ago"
"What was the ice cream about kid?" Clint asked as they climbed into the car
"My aunt and I were supposed to go their for ice cream when the Chatari attacked" Peter replied smiling a little at the memory of Aunt May when she told him they were going out
"Oh" was all of Clint's response.
The rest of the car ride was quiet as they were all busy finishing off their desert.
Tony, Clint and Peter had rocky road, Nat and Bruce had cinnamon, while Steve had vanilla.

The house

"So what's for dinner?" Steve asked as they all collapsed on the couch's
"I was thinking we could order in some Shawarma!" Tony replied happily, as the others laughed at the memory of them all eating at the small shop when half of it was destroyed
It was about 30 min till Happy brought the food up the elevator (cause the head of security wasn't going to let a delivery boy into the Avengers Tower)
They all happily ate their food, after a small toast to Aunt May, and made their way to bed.
"Hey Nat!" Clint called out to her as they were in their way to their rooms, "I need to ask you something about Peter."

Okay guys I kind of ran out of fuse at the end of that one
So so far in this story Tony and Bruce are trying to figure out the mystery behind the blood sample
While Clint is going straight to Nat for some answers
And if some of you were wondering where Thor is, well he's helping Loki and Heimall create Asgard on Earth
Don't worry Peters secret is going to come out soon we just need one major thing to push him out of his shell

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