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In a village called Parva Villa (which means small village in Latin), within the walls of a rusty old barn, a young girl and her sister peered out the window to see blaring spots of light on the horizon. The eldest of the siblings had dark red and slightly brown hair and the youngest had  dark brown and curly hair. They wore dirty old woollen robes and boots that were slightly worn out.

"What's out there?" The youngest questioned.

The older looking sister shot a curious glance at a fairly short woman  and noticed that the woman's gaze was fixed on the hill side where the lights were swarming towards their village. She turned to the two siblings with a look of terror in her eyes and her mouth open as if she was going to say something. Outside, the lights beyond the window slowly moved closer, and closer. The sisters watched with confusion and fear as the lights distinguished into flames with a dozen ghostly figures emerging from the darkness. Suddenly, the woman who seemed to be the girls' mother jumped up from her seat and without a word of speech, sped into the kitchen. The eldest daughter raced after her while the youngest  slowly stepped after her sister, flashing fearful glances at the window as the shadowy figures marched to the foot of the hill side. When they both reached the kitchen, the mother had her head in her hands and a man (who was most likely the father) was staring out the kitchen window. Then he silently closed the curtain to block the window. Finally the eldest daughter  asked frightfully,

"What's wrong, and who are those people outside?"

The father shook his head then answered, "Those are some dangerous people Bella. They are called the hunters and they're after something or someone here..."

A wave of fear washed over the two girls at the point when their father had said, "dangerous people". The house was silent apart from a few footsteps outside. A loud banging noise at the front door soon broke the silence. A sudden shriek of terror sounded from around the village leaving me frozen in fear. The two parents grabbed their daughters by the arms and led them out of the house through the back door and we ran through the village as fast as we could only to stop at the top of the hill where The Hunters had first appeared to see the whole village. What lay before them was just a horrifying and shocking sight to see. The eldest of the daughters turned away not wanting to look back at what had once been her home.  Just at that moment, she sniffed the air noticing a foul smell and a change in temperature. It was suddenly very hot.  It was obvious that the girl couldn't resist to turn back around so when she did, she had turned to see a horror instead of the peaceful village Parva Villa used to be. The village, or what used to be a village, was now a pile of smoky ruin. What frightened her the most was that the parents and her sister were nowhere to be seen.  A sparkle of water glistened from her eyes and  her mind was clouded with grief at the loss of her home and the disappearance of her parents and sister. She pushed the sadness behind and she had a new determination. She ran toward the Rocky Mountains beyond the hills where she would search for shelter. A few thoughts swirled around in her mind at that moment.

"Where are my parents"? The girl whispered to herself.

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