Chapter 12

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"I already told you, my shoulder feels fine." Nightpaw grumbled as Skyfeather looked over her formerly injured shoulder. "I can start training again."

"You can start training again when I say you can." Skyfeather twitched his tail, annoyance lining his mew. The medicine cat took a step back and looked Nightpaw over once more, she struggled to sit still as she awaited his response. "But you are healed and you can start training again."

Nightpaw jumped up in excitement, twitching her tail eagerly. "I knew it! Thank you, Skyfeather!" She began to race out of the den but Skyfeather stopped her.

"Don't get too carried away, if you feel any pain let me know. In other words, take it easy. Nightpaw gave an exasperated sigh but gave the medicine cat a nod and quickly exited the medicine cat den. It had been quite a few days since Nightpaw injured herself during training with Thornstar and she was finally recovering.

Her eyes scanned AshClan camp for Wheatwhisker, it was just past sunhigh and AshClan was active in their camp. She looked over all of her Clanmates until she spotted Wheatwhisker's speckled fur. He was talking with Lilyclaw, their tails intertwined.

As Nightpaw grew closer, Wheatwhisker turned his head and met her gaze. "Did Skyfeather say you were cleared for duties?" He questioned.

Nightpaw nodded excitedly. "He told me to take it easy but I should be good to go." She lifted her head proudly. "Could we go hunting?"

"Sure," Wheatwhisker touched his nose to Lilyclaw's. "We should get going. Prey is running low and we need to catch as much as we can." Nightpaw couldn't help but agree. In the days that she had been unable to hunt, Nightpaw had been nearly driven mad. She felt useless, not being able to help her Clan or hunt for them. Her dreams had also been free of Thornstar while she recovered. Though I'm sure that will change tonight.

Though she didn't want to admit it, Nightpaw had started to miss her nighttime training sessions. She liked waking up feeling stronger, and she knew that it was starting to show. She could knock down Wheatwhisker easily in fights. Regardless of what Thornstar did...he really is a good mentor. Nightpaw recalled that Thornstar had been Dawnstar's mentor. I feel like she's a good enough example. Despite being from an enemy Clan, Nightpaw had a sense of admiration for the SunClan leader. She killed Thornstar and helped Riverstar rebuild AshClan.

"Why don't we head towards the back of the territory," Wheatwhisker suggested as he and Nightpaw stepped into the forest. "Past the Eagle Stones." He looked in that general direction. "Not a lot of cats hunt around there, maybe we'll get lucky."

Nightpaw nodded and they started moving through the pine trees. As they moved she kept her nose ready for the scent of prey. She remembered the warning that Skyfeather had given to the Clan about the sick prey. Both Petalshine and Dustpaw were fully recovered, but a few more infected pieces of prey had been spotted.

I hope no other cats get sick. Nightpaw prayed. I know that the medicine cats are low on herbs too. She thought of Blackpaw, she had never seen her brother so stressed. He was constantly in and out of camp searching for herbs, they never had a moment to talk. He's doing his duty to the Clan. Nightpaw reminded herself. And I have to do mine.

Nightpaw and Wheatwhisker didn't find any prey as they moved past the Eagle Stones. They walked along the small stream that ran through AshClan's territory. It seemed to be moving exceptionally slow and wasn't as clear. Nightpaw shrugged it off and kept it to herself.

"Why don't you go hunt over there?" Wheatwhisker motioned with his paw away from the stream. "It's heavily wooded over there so be careful, remember to be wary of your prey." Nightpaw nodded and trotted in the direction that Wheatwhisker had pointed.

Luckily, it wasn't long before Nightpaw caught the scent of a mouse. She slowed her movements and kept her yellow eyes peeled for the prey. She heard the shuffling of leaves, her eyes rested a fat brown mouse nibbling on some small seeds. Nightpaw dropped into a crouch. It's fat, that was one of the warnings. Nightpaw narrowed her eyes, taking a closer look at the mouse.

It was fat, but it didn't look bloated like the other pieces of prey. It's fur was glossy and clean with bright eyes. I think it's okay. Nightpaw assured herself and extended her claws, scraping the semi-frozen earth. She flattened her body, keeping her breath's silent. The mouse was completely oblivious to her existence. She waited, the mouse turned it's back on Nightpaw and she made her move. Nightpaw pounced, her paws landing neatly on the mouse, pinning it to the floor.

With a swift bite to the neck, Nightpaw killed her prey and sat up, feeling proud. She gave the mouse a few extra sniffs, it didn't smell infected and it's blood tasted normal. The Clan will love this catch. Nightpaw thought, flicking her tail with joy.

It took some effort, but Nightpaw managed to bury her kill. I need to find more. Nightpaw looked around, searching for more.

"That was a good catch." Nightpaw froze, the fur along her spine standing on end. "You've grown so much, my little warrior." The voice that spoke was familiar, but unfamiliar all the same. A voice she hadn't heard in moons, not since she was a kit.

Nightpaw turned, meeting the murky green gaze of the cat who spoke. She was thin, her gray tabby pelt clinging to her frame, dirty and matted. No sign of the warrior that she used to be. "Echoheart." Nightpaw said her mother's name in a hushed voice.

"My dear, Nightpaw." Echoheart stepped closer, Nightpaw instantly took a step back, flattening her ears.

"What are you doing here?" Nightpaw demanded, a storm of conflicting emotions crashing through her heart. Echoheart is my mother, but she also played a part in destroying the Clan. Blackpaw and I were only born to please Thornstar, she used my father.

"Isn't it obvious?" Echoheart had hurt in her green eyes, Nightpaw wasn't sure that she trusted it. "I wanted to see my kits."

"Riverstar won't be happy about this," Nightpaw found herself taking another step back.

"Riverstar doesn't have to know about this." Echoheart's lip curled slightly, she spat her sister's name like venom. "No queen should be kept from her kits."

"You're the one who left us." Nightpaw growled. "You shouldn't be here."

Echoheart dropped her head and sigh. "I know, and I'm sorry." She looked up, Nightpaw saw more pain deep in her gaze. "I wish I didn't leave, but after Thornstar died...I didn't know where else to go." Her voice cracked. "He was the love of my life, you're too young to understand that."

"I understand that you didn't love my father!" Nightpaw spat, unsheathing her claws. I will not let her come into my territory and guilt trip me! "Crowstep did his best to raise us after you left, you used him and took advantage of his feelings for you so you could make more warriors for AshClan."

"I did use, Crowstep, yes." Echoheart sighed. "But I wanted kits so badly, and Thornstar told me that he wasn't ready to take another mate. That doesn't change my feelings towards you and your brother. I hear he's a fantastic medicine cat."

"How would you know that?" Nightpaw questioned. "Unless you've been spying on AshClan."

Echoheart shook her head slowly. "Nothing like that, Nightpaw. Thornstar still visits me in my dreams. He watches over AshClan and tells me how you two are doing. I know that he's training you. You seem to be welcoming of him."

Nightpaw tensed. "Thornstar nearly destroyed AshClan." Her claws scraped the ground in frustration. "But he's training me to protect them, from cats like the two of you. He's ead, he can't do anything."

Echoheart's ear twitched. "Honestly, Nightpaw." She let out a saddened sigh. "I was hoping you'd be excited to see your mother. I love you more than anything in the forest, just as any mother would. It hurts me to be separated from my kits, living in a filthy twolegplace like a rogue." You are a rogue. Nightpaw thought with a growl. "The only friend I have is Graypelt." Nightpaw's mind flashed to the large gray tom, he had gone missing after the battle.

"You gave up Clan life when you left," Nightpaw snarled. "I can guarantee that no cat would welcome either of you back. Not me and not Blackpaw."

There was a hostile glint in Echoheart's eyes but it faded so quickly, it was enough to but Nightpaw on edge. "Say what you will, Nightpaw. I am still your mother and you'll never be able to change that. You could become the best warrior AshClan has ever seen, and your brother could be a legendary medicine cat, but you'll always have my blood."

Nightpaw snarled. "We may have your blood but we also have Riverstar's and Moonwhisker's blood. Crowstep's too."

Echoheart hissed at the mention of Moonwhisker, the sister that she had killed. "You are ignorant and young, Nightpaw." She lashed her tail. "You'll soon wish that you had a mother to guide you. You'll wish that you hadn't spoken to me in such a way."

"Nightpaw!" Wheatwhisker's mew rang out through the trees, Nightpaw tensed. What if he sees me talking to Echoheart? Before Nightpaw could open her mouth Echoheart had turned and was running away. Nightpaw stared after her mother, feeling uneasy, scared and angry. Why did Echoheart have to show up here? Did she really just want to see me? What did she mean by I would wish I had her to guide me? Nightpaw shook her head. I can't think about that, Echoheart isn't my problem. She could walk into AshClan territory and would be shredded.

With a sigh, Nightpaw called out to Wheatwhisker. Through the trees, she saw his speckled fur as he grew closer. "There you are." He mewed. "Have you caught any prey." Nightpaw's pelt burned, she hadn't been able to catch anything else because of Echoheart.

"I caught a mouse." Nightpaw padded over to where she had her prey buried and dug it up. "I--I couldn't find anything else." Nightpaw nearly choked on her lie. I'm lying about everything these days, but with all that's going I can't have the Clan looking over their shoulders for Echoheart. She's not the main problem, right now.

"It's alright." Wheatwhisker rested his tail on her shoulders. "It's better than nothing, I managed to catch two squirrels. We should hurry back to camp, it's already starting to get chilly."

"Yeah." Nightpaw nodded solemnly and picked up her mouse. I should've caught more, I should've told Echoheart to leave and not wasted precious hunting time talking to her. They padded back to camp and Nightpaw's shoulders were slumped. As they left the area, Nightpaw glanced over her shoulder. She swore she could see the malicious glint of Echoheart's green eyes. 

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