Chapter 17

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"How is he doing?" Honeypaw asked looking down at Flash. The white tom was lying on his back in a large nest, his belly exposed and covered in herbs and cobwebs.

"He's doing better." Pebblestep replied, going through their herb store. "His breathing is getting better and there's no sign of infection. I hope he wakes up soon." Honeypaw was grateful, she didn't want this tom to die despite the fact that he attacked SunClan. He didn't know what he was getting into, and he watched his sister die.

It was a few days after the battle and SunClan was recovering nicely. The worst wounds had been Brackenpelt with a shredded ear, Crowfur with a nasty wound on her hind leg and Redclaw with a severely wrenched claw. All cats had been treated and were recovering. Pebblestep and Honeypaw had used the rest of the goldenrod and horsetail to treat them while the marigold they had was used for Flash.

As Honeypaw looked over Flash these past few days, she noticed that he had other scars. Both of ears were badly torn, he had a scar over the bridge of his nose and a scar that twisted around one of his forelegs. This cat has seen some battles. Honeypaw thought. I wonder why he was with Echoheart.

The Clan had buried Lilac away from camp, Dawnstar said that even if she tried to kill Cinderflame they couldn't leave her body to become crowfood somewhere. Honeypaw was glad that her mother was the way she was, she told Honeypaw and Pebblestep that they could care for Flash until he was healthy enough to leave.

"Honeypaw?" A quiet voice spoke behind Honeypaw, she turned to see Falconpaw standing in the entrance to nursery. It was Falconpaw, his amber eyes were shadowed and he looked upset about something.

"Falconpaw?" Honeypaw quickly padded over to her brother. "Is everything alright?" She asked, concerned. I've never seen him look like this.

"Kind of," He started to turn. "Can you come with me?" Honeypaw nodded and followed her brother after given the okay from Pebblestep. As they crossed camp, Honeypaw realized they were going to the SunTree. The two apprentices poked their head inside to see Dawnstar talking with Cinderflame.

"I've set up several patrols along the border to the twoleg place. I think we should focus on there the most right now. AshClan hasn't given us any reason to be wary right now, with the medicine cats low on herbs I don't think any other Clan will be attacking."

"I agree." Dawnstar nodded. "Echoheart is our main threat right now." Dawnstar turned her head once she saw her kits. "What do you two need?"

"I'll go set up those patrols." Cinderflame dipped her head and left the den, moving past Honeypaw and Falconpaw.

"I need to tell you something." Falconpaw said once Cinderflame was gone, his voice was low and scared. What's gotten into him?

Dawnstar looked as concerned as Honeypaw felt. "What is it, Falconpaw?"

"A few moons ago..." Falconpaw began, staring at his paws. "I didn't feel like sleeping so I decided to explore the territory behind the camp, near Jagged Rocks. But I went farther..." Honeypaw shared a confused and worried look with her mother. "I left the territory and went into the twolegplace. Before you say anything I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't think anything would happen. Well..." He took a shaky breath. "I ran into Echoheart...she attacked me but I ran. She said she would find me again so I think it's my fault that she attacked us." He dropped his head, Honeypaw blinked. She had no idea that Falconpaw had gone to the twolegplace let alone run into Echoheart.

Dawnstar let out a heavy sigh. "Falconpaw," Her voice didn't sound mad, just disappointed. "I don't think it's your fault. I highly doubt that Echoheart would've just lived in the twolegplace without causing us any issues. She had a whole group of rogues with her, she's clearly been planning this." She touched her nose to Falconpaw's head. "I'm glad you told me, though I wish you would've told me sooner. I'm not mad and I'm not going to punish you."

Falconpaw looked up in shock. "You're not going to punish me? You punished me all the other times."

Dawnstar chuckled and purred. "I punished you because you didn't know you were being reckless, you know that now. I trust you to make good choices, Falconpaw." Falconpaw dropped his head, he didn't seem convinced.

"Dawnstar?" A voice spoke from behind Honeypaw and Falconpaw, they all turned and saw Snakewhisker standing in the entrance of the den. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Do you want us to leave?" Honeypaw questioned, there was something different about Snakewhisker. She hadn't spoken to him very much ever since he was released from the medicine cat den, except for the short times he would stop by for herbs.

"No, you're fine. The whole Clan will know soon." Honeypaw tilted her head in confusion. "Dawnstar, I've thought about it and I'm ready to retire. I had a long time to think about it while I was in the medicine cat den, fighting hurt my leg and long walks do too."

Dawnstar blinked, concern flooding her gaze. "Are you sure this is what you want, Snakewhisker?" Honeypaw looked at her friend, this was something they had discussed but she wasn't sure that he would do it.

"I am. Both Sandfoot and I could use the company, I think it's time. I've done what I can for this Clan and now it's my time to retire." Snakewhisker's eyes were steady, something Honeypaw hadn't seen when he was in the medicine cat den.

"Then we'll hold your ceremony now." Dawnstar rested her tail on Snakewhisker's shoulder. "I know the Clan is grateful for everything you've done for us, I know I am. You guided me when I was a new deputy and I know you'll continue to guide us."

"Thank you, Dawnstar." Snakewhisker bowed his head. "That means a lot." Honeypaw and Falconpaw followed their mother and Snakewhisker out of the SunTree, turning as she climbed on top of it.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" Dawnstar called, getting the attention of the SunClan cats. Honeypaw and Falconpaw sat down near the SunTree, Falconpaw looking down at his paws. He's still upset about all this, he still blames himself. Honeypaw wished she could do more to help her brother. It's not his fault that Echoheart attacked us. It's like our mother said, she was probably planning this for a while.

After the Clan had gathered, all of which were confused as to what was going on, Dawnstar began speaking. "Snakewhisker has come to me and told me that he wishes to retire."

Gasps of shock spread through the Clan, Adderstrike stepped forward. "Why are you retiring? You're not that old."

Snakewhisker chuckled. "No, I'm not." He looked at his leg. "But this injury is healing slowly and is slowing me down. I've served the Clan for as long as I can, and it's time for me relax and let my leg heal properly." Adderstrike said nothing more, but Honeypaw could see an intense pride burning in his blue eyes. He dipped his head to Dawnstar and sat down.

"Snakewhisker, is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders?" Dawnstar questioned.

"It is." Snakewhisker was confident, Honeypaw admired him. It can't be easy to give up your life as warrior.

"Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest."

"Snakewhisker! Snakewhisker!" The Clan cheered their newest elder and Honeypaw saw Sandfoot limping up to him.

"I'll be glad to call you my denmate." The calico she-cat purred, brushing her tail against Snakewhisker's pelt. "I'll get you a nice, comfy nest."

"Thank you, Sandfoot." Snakewhisker dipped his head and followed Sandfoot to the elder's den while the Clan disbanded from the meeting. Honeypaw watched the new elder go to his new den, she hoped that Snakewhisker and Sandfoot would be able to help each other. They both deserve happiness.

"Falconpaw! Come, we have training to do!" Cherryleaf called from across camp. Falconpaw hesitated slightly, bit bid farewell to Honeypaw. Honeypaw sighed as she watched her brother go. I hope he feels better too. With nothing else to do, Honeypaw returned to the medicine cat den.

She stepped inside and was surprised to find Flash sitting up and awake. "Oh," She greeted. "Hello." She dipped her head. "I'm glad to see you're awake."

"Yeah," Flash said awkwardly, casting a glance at Pebblestep who was making a poultice not too far from his nest. "I wasn't expecting to wake up here."

"Well it's better than waking up dead." Pebblestep twitched her tail. "We'll take care of you until you're healthy to travel, then you can leave."

"I'm sure I'm fine--"

"You're fine when I say you're fine." Pebblestep hissed, silencing the rogue. "It shouldn't take too long to get you back on your paws and Dawnstar already said you can stay here."

"I don't know if I want to stay here, or why you would want me to." Flash mumbled.

"I'm a medicine cat, I care for every sick and wounded cat I can." Pebblestep explained. "I'm sorry for the loss of your sister, but I couldn't let you die as well. Echoheart's caused enough death and heartache."

Flash flattened his ears at the mention of Lilac. "Where is my sister? Was she buried."

Pebblestep nodded. "She's buried outside of our camp, we'll take you there once you can walk."

"Thanks..." Flash muttered, he was clearly uncomfortable. He was a rogue thrown in the middle of Clan life, it couldn't be easy. With all that was going on, how would having a rogue in SunClan camp play out?

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