Chapter 12

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For the first time since the Clans had started their journey, everything seemed more hopeful. Nearly every sick cat had recovered from their sickness with the exception of Rainypelt who had passed away in her sleep the night they got to the barn. Ravenheart had said that her sickness had been too much for her to handle, even with the catmint. The loss of the MoonClan elder was sad, but they had been here a few days now and the cats were recovering. Sagekit was back playing with Hailkit and Stormheart right there to watch.

Much to Nightpaw's joy, Rabbitpaw was recovering. She still had a rattling cough but she was in better spirits, though she was still grieving the death of her brother. Nightpaw was just happy to see her up and walking around. The barn had provided warm shelter for the Clans and was crawling with mice. Most cats went to sleep satisfied, they weren't full but they weren't hungry and that was more than what they had been dealing with back in the forest.

Nightpaw had really enjoyed staying in this barn, and they hadn't seen any signs of the coyotes that Harvey had warned them about. They would patrol around the barn to check for any scents but no cat had found anything, only the faint scent of another cat, Nightpaw assumed it was just a rogue.

Every cat had found high hopes about this journey now that their sick were healing and they had a place to fill up their bellies and get some rest. However, most cats were eager to leave and Nightpaw knew they would be leaving in the next few days. They still had to find a new home, the four Clans couldn't live in this one barn together forever. We are still four Clans. Nightpaw reminded herself. Nightpaw had grown quite accustomed to hunting with the other Clans, she had even made a good friend in the MoonClan apprentice Rainpaw. She was energetic, smart and a great hunter.

Nightpaw's favorite cat to hunt with would always be Rabbitpaw, but while Rabbitpaw was sick it was nice to hunt with a nice cat like Rainpaw. Since they had been staying in one place, Wheatwhisker had continued training Nightpaw, as had many of the other mentors. Though they never strayed too far from the barn as Harvey had said not to. Nightpaw was curious about coyotes, but didn't want to get close enough to one to learn.

Nightpaw's ears perked up as she heard the sound of the hunting patrol returning. She looked towards the entrance of the barn to see the small patrol returning. They brought back a small amount of prey, but the rest of the cats had caught a lot of mice in the barn so they still had a decently sized fresh-kill pile.

Nightpaw searched for Rabbitpaw, spotting the small apprentice talking with Blackpaw. Nightpaw quickly padded over to the fresh-kill pile, picking up three mice to share with Rabbitpaw and Blackpaw then joined the two cats. "Hungry?" She questioned, setting down the mice in front of them.

"I am, thank you." Blackpaw dipped his head and pulled his mouse towards him. Rabbitpaw looked uncertain for a moment, but gave a tiny nod and took a small bite of her mouse. Nightpaw sat down beside her, concern filling her heart. She was still torn apart over Timberpaw, Nightpaw wished she could do something to help but she couldn't bring back the dead. She could only help Rabbitpaw with her grieving process.

"How are all the sick cats doing?" Nightpaw questioned her brother, wanting to start a conversation instead of sitting in silence.

"There's not really anymore "sick" cats." Blackpaw replied. "Only a few with some lingering coughs like Rabbitpaw. Snakewhisker and Harewhisker still have a small cough as well, but that will go away in time. They're not in any danger."

"That's great to hear." Nightpaw purred. "We should be continuing the journey here soon, right?"

Blackpaw nodded. "Skyfeather and the other medicine cats want to leave in two days, we need to get moving." Nightpaw nodded along, turning to look at Rabbitpaw. She wasn't invested in this conversation, her green eyes were lost in thought.

"Nightpaw!" Nightpaw had been lost watching Rabbitpaw that she jumped when Wheatwhisker called her name. She looked over her shoulder at her mentor stood up as he approached her. "We're going on a quick patrol." He explained. "Let's hurry, it's nearly nighttime."

"Alright." Nightpaw stood up and bid farewell to Blackpaw and Rabbitpaw before following Wheatwhisker to the barn entrance. Along with them was Rootscratch, Ashfeather, Tallsong and Cinderflame were coming along.

"Ready?" Cinderflame asked, looking over the patrol. All the cats agreed and they set out. Nightpaw found a little odd that they were going on patrol like they were all from the same Clan. It feels off, I never thought I'd be so comfortable around the other Clans. Nightpaw shook away the thought and followed Cinderflame as she led the patrol away from the barn. The sun was slowly setting, Nightpaw hoped this wouldn't take too long, she feared they would meet a coyote.

The barn was surrounded by a vast field with thick brush surrounding its walls, thought Nightpaw could see a forest in the distance and the mountains were getting closer. She still felt drawn to those mountains, part of her really hoped they would be going towards them. The patrol walked around the far side of the barn, making sure to cover as much ground as they could.

As they neared the back of the barn, an incredibly foul stench filled the air. Nightpaw and the rest of the patrol stopped, Nightpaw had to stop herself from gagging at the smell. It smelled like crowfood. "What's that smell?" Tallsong asked, choking on the smell.

"We need to go back to the barn now." Cinderflame's voice was urgent. Nightpaw was confused for a moment, but then realization filled her mine. They have a horrible scent that you'll be able to detect easily. Harvey's words filled Nightpaw's mind, this was the scent of coyotes.

"Be quiet and don't move too quickly." Cinderflame and the patrol turned around, heading to the barn entrance. Nightpaw kept her pawsteps and breath as silent as she possibly could.

They walked around the edge of the barn, Nightpaw's heart was still in her chest. Her paws trembled as she walked. Behind Nightpaw, the brush rustled. A sharp cried pierce the air, the patrol whipped around to see that a large dog-like creature had jumped out of the brush and grabbed Ashfeather by her hind leg. At Ashfeather's cry, more of the coyotes had come out of the brush with teeth bared.

"Ashfeather!" Tallsong cried out and ran towards her Clanmate, but one of the coyote's moved faster. It jumped towards Tallsong and sank its teeth into her shoulder, blood spilling out around its teeth.

Cinderflame let out a yowl and lept onto the back of the coyote that held Tallsong, slashing at it's head and shoulders. The creature let out a cry and dropped Tallsong who dropped to the ground with a thud. "Run!" She yelled at the others. "Warn the Clans!"

Rootscratch, Wheatwhisker and Nightpaw all turned around, sprinting as fast as they could to the entrance to the barn. They turned the corner and ran into a large majority of warriors. "What's going on?" Riverstar demanded.

"Coyotes!" Was all Rootscratch needed to say and the warriors were running to the cries of distress. As they turned the corner again, Nightpaw saw Ashfeather lying limp on the ground, her eyes open yet lifeless. Blood welled from horrible wounds on her leg and belly. Nightpaw's heart twisted at the sight.

The warriors swarmed the coyotes but more of the creatures came out from the brush, yapping and snarling. Nightpaw slashed with extended claws at a coyote that ran by her, ripping open it's fur and flesh. The coyote turned on her and snapped, she could feel its hot breath on her face. Nightpaw ducked out of the way, hissing.

Ashblaze jumped on the coyote's back, sinking his claws and teeth into its spine. The coyote bucked Ashblaze off but the AshClan deputy landed with ease. Nightpaw slashed at its muzzle, causing blood to spray across her face.

A cry of pain cause Nightpaw to turn around, she saw Shadowstar against the barn wall. His yellow eyes were wide and filled with fear and pain, his throat had been torn open and bled heavily. Nightpaw ran to the MoonClan's leader's side. He was breathing, but it was ragged and heavy. He's going to lose a life!

Nightpaw looked around for one of the medicine cats, hoping they had come to help. She spotted Pebblestep helping Seedclaw to his paws with a bloody shoulder. "Pebblestep! Shadowstar needs help!" She cried to the SunClan medicine cat. Pebblestep turned her attention to Nightpaw and Shadowstar. Her blue eyes went wide and the gray and white she-cat sprinted over to Shadowstar.

She instantly began looking over his wound. "I'm going to get back inside the barn." Pebblestep explained, letting Shadowstar fall against her. Nightpaw was amazed at the small medicine cat's strength as she held up a full grown tom cat who couldn't walk. Nightpaw made sure Pebblestep and Shadowstar were safe as the medicine cat took him into the barn. Once they were safe, Nightpaw ran back into the fight.

She found herself face to face with a coyote, it's muzzle coated in blood. It snapped at Nightpaw who quickly rolled out of the way, jumped to her paws and slashed at its nose. This coyote was much bigger than she was, with old scars lining its face and muzzle. Nightpaw dodged another bite and ran around its side, raking her claws across its side leaving deep welts in it's flesh.

Nightpaw felt a dull pain in her side as the coyote used its paw to throw her to the side. She hit the ground and the air rushed out of her lungs. Struggling to stand up, Nightpaw locked eyes with the coyote, its black eyes filled with rage and bloodlust.

There was a flash of golden brown tabby fur as a cat leapt onto the face of the coyote, stopping it from attacking Nightpaw. As she focused, Nightpaw realized that it was Falconpaw. The SunClan apprentice dropped off of the coyote and kicked up with his hind legs, spinning on his front paws. He then reared up, raking the coyote's face with his claws. He tucked his head and did a forward roll away to safety.

Nightpaw's jaw dropped, she had only seen that move one other place. Thornstar taught me that move. The coyote shook its head as blood covered its eyes before it ran into the brush away from the fight. Nightpaw met Falconpaw's fierce amber gaze, his eyes were narrowed. She stood up, still holding his intense gaze. "Thanks." She said curtly. This was the kit I attacked so long ago, I left that scar on his nose. He attacked me when he was barely six moons old and I couldn't do anything against him. This is not the kit I attacked back then, he's much more dangerous now.

"Don't worry about it." With a flick of his tail, Falconpaw ran back into the fight. Nightpaw stared after him. Is it possible that he's being trained by Thornstar too? I've never learned that move from Wheatwhisker and neither have my Clanmates. Nightpaw shook her head, now wasn't the time to think. She had to keep fighting.

Nightpaw ran back into the battle, she spotted Petalshine fighting beside Timbertail. Both cats bled from different wounds but kept fighting. What happens if Timbertail dies? He doesn't have nine lives. Nightpaw didn't want to find out, she ran to the two of them and slashed at the back of the coyote's legs.

It turned around and snapped at Nightpaw, its teeth catching on Nightpaw's ears. She felt a searing pain as its sharp teeth ripped through the thin flesh of her ear. She let out a sharp hiss of pain and stumbled backwards. As she stepped backwards, she felt teeth sinking into her left hind leg. Suddenly, Nightpaw was lifted from the ground and upside down as the coyote behind her sank its teeth into her leg.

Nightpaw cried out for help, she saw Riverstar running towards her with wide blue eyes but the world zipped around Nightpaw as the coyote threw her. Nightpaw didn't have any time to react as her body it the side of the barn. Her head cracked against the hard wooden wall and darkness consumed her before her body hit the ground.

"I told you to give me space." Nightpaw's ears twitched. She heard a voice but it was muffled. "I'll let you know when Nightpaw is awake." Nightpaw focused harder, soon recognized the voice of Blackpaw. What happened to me? Nightpaw's mind was blurry, she felt a dull ache in her head as well as pain in her ear and hind leg. She tried to open her eyes and failed.

"Her ears twitched!" A sweet voice mewed, Nightpaw instantly recognized it as Rabbitpaw. "She's going to wake up soon!" There was a sigh from Blackpaw. Memories slowly flooded into Nightpaw's mind. She saw coyotes...Shadowstar dying...Ashfeather dead...Riverstar looked terrified...Nightpaw then recalled being thrown against the side of the barn.

Nightpaw's eyes finally opened, she winced at the early morning light. She lifted her heavy head, feeling dizzy and somewhat nauseous. She tried to speak but just let out a mumble, her throat and mouth were dry and had a foul taste.

"You're awake!" Suddenly Rabbitpaw was pressing her nose against Nightpaw's cheek. "I'm so glad you're awake."

"Me too." Nightpaw croaked.

"Let me check her please." Blackpaw grumbled and pushed Rabbitpaw away. Nightpaw looked up, meeting Blackpaw's blue eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Thirsty." Nightpaw replied.

"I'll get you something to drink in just a moment. How does your head feel?"

"Like I have a headache."

Blackpaw nodded and turned away for just a moment and returned with a ball of snow wrapped in a leaf. "Drink from this." He instructed and set it down in front of Nightpaw. Nightpaw lapped at the snow, it was freezing cold and the most delicious water that Nightpaw had ever had. It soothed her parched mouth and throat.

When she was finished she used her paw to wipe the droplets of her chin. "Thank you." She dipped her head to Blackpaw. "How long have I been asleep?" Nightpaw questioned, finally feeling more coherent.

"About a day." Blackpaw replied, putting the snow away. "After you got knocked out, Riverstar carried you back out. It took awhile but we drove the coyotes away, but not without a heavy loss." His icy blue eyes were sad.

"Who's hurt? Did any other cats die?" Rabbitpaw looked at her paws, flattening her ears. There's something they don't want to tell me. "What happened?" She demanded.

"Wheatwhisker died."

Nightpaw's heart dropped to her paws, a sense of numbness filled her entire body. "Wheatwhisker's...dead?" Her voice trembled.

"I'm so sorry, Nightpaw." Rabbitpaw rested her tail on Nightpaw's shoulders. "I know how much he meant to you."

"He was such an amazing mentor." Nightpaw dropped her head against her paws, she closed her eyes not wanting to open them and imagine a life without her mentor. He's taught me so much, more than Thornstar ever could. She flexed her claws. I should've been there to protect him. "Who else died?" Nightpaw questioned, her voice dry.

"Rootscratch, and Shadowstar lost two lives."

"Two?" Nightpaw looked up in bewilderment. "I didn't know a leader could lose more than one at a time."

Blackpaw nodded. "His wounds were incredibly severe, he lost the first life as soon as Pebblestep brought him back. We tried everything we could to stop the bleeding but not before he lost another life. We have it stopped now and he's under constant watch from Ravenheart and Oneflight."

Nightpaw stared at her paws. "I can't believe this happened..." She whimpered. "Everything was going so well for us...I knew coyotes would be bad but I didn't think they could do this to us."

"It's horrible, yes." Blackpaw's voice was dry, exhausted and pained. "We won't be able to travel for a long time, we need to recover. I just pray that those horrible creatures don't come back, I don't think we can handle any more death."

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