Chapter 25

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"They're growing so fast!" Honeypaw purred, watching Bluekit, Windkit and Snowkit climb over their mother.

"I know." Cherryleaf purred. "It seems like just yesterday they were born." She flicked her tail as Snowkit pounced on it and dug her tiny little claws into it. "They'll be eating fresh-kill soon too."

"Exciting." Honeypaw purred. She caught the attention of Windkit who stumbled over Cherryleaf's paw.

"You're a medicine cat, right?" Windkit squeaked, her deep blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I am." Honeypaw looked down at the tiny kit.

"What do medicine cats do?" Windkit tilted her head.

"Well," Honeypaw sat down, Bluekit's and Snowkit's attention had been grabbed as well. "Pebblestep and I use herbs to treat sickness or injuries. When your mother had you we gave her herbs to keep her strength up and give you milk. We also communicate with StarClan and provide messages to Dawnstar."

"Speaking of," Cherryleaf mewed. "Isn't tonight the half-moon?" She questioned.

Honeypaw nodded. "It's the first time we'll all be going to the Spirit Garden. We're all excited."

"Aren't you the only one who has seen it?" Squirreltail spoke up from the other side of the nursery.

"I've only seen it in my dream, and I'm pretty sure Roseheart has seen it. Timbertail said he was going to get his nine lives the night after the gathering." Honeypaw explained. "But I'm still really excited to see if it's as beautiful as it was in my dream."

"I want to see it!" Bluekit jumped up. "Will I ever get to see the Spirit Garden?"

"Well," Cherryleaf wrapped her tail around her three daughters. "If we hold the old tradition, you'll see it during your apprenticeship."

"When will we become apprentices?"Snowkit asked her mew in a half-whine. "I want to see it too!"

"You still have about five moons to wait." Cherryleaf purred. "But I promise it will come in the blink of an eye."

The kits seemed satisfied and Honeypaw let out a purr. "Well I should go get prepared for the half-moon, it's a long ways away." She dipped her head and let the queens rest and the kits play. Honeypaw made the short walk from the nursery to the medicine cat den. They had been in this hollow for half a moon now and it was already feeling like home.

The medicine den was full of nests for any sick or injured cats they might deal with. They kept their herbs in a safe little crack in the wall that was big enough for an entire forest of herbs. Herbs were still scarce due to leaf-bare but they had managed to find a little bit, more than they had gotten back in their old home. Honeypaw knew that once newleaf came around they would be stocked up on herbs completely.

"Are you ready to go?" Pebblestep asked Honeypaw once she stepped inside.

"Incredibly so." Honeypaw purred. "I haven't been able to get this place out of my head since I dreamed of it."

"I hope it is as beautiful as you described it." Pebblestep moved across the den, taking one last look to make sure it was tidied. "Let's get going, SunClan has the farthest to travel so we should leave as soon as we can."

"Sounds good." Honeypaw walked beside her mentor as they left camp. It was just before sunset and Honeypaw hoped they would be there in time, if not earlier. Honeypaw had spent time exploring SunClan's brand new territory and she was already starting to learn it. She wanted to memorize everything about it, and she couldn't wait to see the forest in full bloom in newleaf and greenleaf.

The used the stepping stones to cross the river towards the gathering hollow, it was a little strange to see a brand new gathering hollow especially with five trees instead of four but it was much bigger than the old one.

"Wait up!" Honeypaw and Pebblestep stopped walking once they heard the voice of Oneflight. They looked behind them to see Oneflight and Ravenheart steadily making their way over to Pebblestep and Honeypaw.

"Good evening." Pebblestep dipped her head respectfully to the two of them. "How has life in your new territory been going?"

"Pretty good." Ravenheart replied. "It's been such a fun time exploring and learning where all the herbs are. I feel like an apprentice again." Honeypaw purred, Ravenheart was far from an apprentice, but it must be nice to feel young again. Ravenheart was thin, his black pelt was laced with white and gray but his green eyes were filled with the light and energy of a kit.

"We should hurry and get going." Oneflight urged, clearly in a hurry. "I don't mean to rush, but I really want to see this place. It's been so long since I've been able to talk with StarClan."

"I know you're in a rush, Oneflight." Ravenheart nudged his apprentice. "But the Spirit Garden will be there for a long time, so will StarClan." He chuckled. "But I won't be, so let's get moving!"

Pebblestep and Honeypaw laughed and the four medicine cats kept on walking. They crossed the gathering hollow and were approaching the mountains quickly. Honeypaw watched the stream climb back up the mountain and her eyes followed it to the top, she couldn't see the cavern but she knew it was there.

At the base of the river Honeypaw spotted Roseheart, Skyfeather and Blackpaw. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Blackpaw. She looked over herself, making sure that her pelt was smooth. Why am I fussing over myself? She wondered and quickly stopped before someone noticed her.

"Hello there!" Roseheart called, sounding particularly excited. "Good evening to you all!" The LichenClan she-cat jumped up with sparkling green eyes.

"You're certainly lively tonight." Ravenheart mewed, his voice entertained.

"That's because Timberstar received his nine lives! He's officially the leader of LichenClan and Larkclaw is his deputy." Roseheart explained ecstatically.

"That's incredible news!" Pebblestep approached the ginger she-cat and nuzzled her cheek. "I'll have to let Dawnstar know."

"We should get moving." Skyfeather mewed, sounding impatient but not irritated. Honeypaw and the other medicine cats agreed. The stepped across the small river and found the smooth stone path leading up the mountain. Honeypaw stepped onto the smooth path, it was cold but felt natural. With every step, Honeypaw felt like she was being guided up the path. She could almost hear the whispers of StarClan cats in her ears.

"Do you feel that?" Ravenheart questioned, his voice in a hushed whisper. "It's like I can hear the voices of StarClan all around me."

"I do feel it." Pebblestep breathed out quietly, sounding hopefully and filled with hope.

Honeypaw and her fellow medicine cats finally found the cavern at the top. Honeypaw vividly remembered her dream with Honeywing, they had been sitting right here and looking over the territories. She was talking about destiny, I still don't know what I should be doing but I know I'll have her to guide me.

They reached the cavern and Honeypaw could tell the other medicine cats were nervous, with the exception of Roseheart. "Let's go." Skyfeather pushed forward and they stepped into the cavern's entrance. Honeypaw walked behind Pebblestep, recalling her dream as they padded farther down into the cavern.

She could smell the sweet scent of the flowers and the warmth inside. It would be moonhigh soon and perfect time to speak with StarClan. She was so eager to see everything in real life. It didn't take long for the cavern to open up and their paws to reach soft grass. The medicine cats around her dropped their jaws when they saw the beautiful garden.

"It's breathtaking." Pebblestep whispered. "I've never seen anything like it." She looked around, the moonlight was shining perfectly onto the large, star-shaped flower in the center.

"It really is incredible." Oneflight said quietly.

"Before we begin," Pebblestep spoke up. "There's something I've been wanting to do for a while now, and this is the perfect time." Honeypaw looked at her mentor with confusion. What did Pebblestep need to do and why didn't she tell Honeypaw about it? Pebblestep stood in front of Honeypaw and looked at her with shimmering blue eyes. Her silver and white pelt glowed in the moonlight. "Honeypaw," she spoke up, Honeypaw glanced around, still incredibly confused. "You have proven through this entire journey to be an amazing medicine cat. When you were captured by violent, murderous rogues and then you were chosen by StarClan to show us this beautiful place."

"What is happening?" Honeypaw questioned her mentor.

"Honeypaw, I believe that you are more than ready to receive your true medicine cat name." Honeypaw's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. This was the last thing she had been expecting. "I will always give you my guidance, but you are ready to become a full medicine cat."

"I agree with Pebblestep." Ravenheart purred. "I've been thinking it's time as well." The other medicine cats nodded along, Honeypaw met Blackpaw's icy gaze for just a moment before turning back to Pebblestep.

"Are you ready?" Pebblestep questioned, Honeypaw wasn't sure if she was but she found herself nodding along. Pebblestep's eyes shimmered and she raised her voice. "I, Pebblestep, medicine cat of SunClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice, she has trained long and hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons." Honeypaw felt the eyes of all of the medicine cats on her, but she also felt the presence of many other cats.

"Honeypaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

Honeypaw thought for just a moment, ever since she was a kit she had wanted nothing more than to serve her Clan. To heal them, to guide them and to protect them. Not with claws and teeth, but with herbs and knowledge. After many moons of training, and many more to come, Honeypaw truly felt in her heart that she was ready to be a full medicine cat. "I do." She spoke with the most confidence she had ever felt.

Pebblestep's blue eyes shimmered. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Honeypaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Honeyfrost. StarClan honors your intelligence and compassion, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of StarClan!"

Pebblestep rested her muzzle on Honeyfrost's head, she could hear her mentor purring loudly and she couldn't help but do the same. Pebblestep moved backwards and Honeyfrost licked her mentor's shoulder.

"Honeyfrost! Honeyfrost!" The medicine cats cheered for her, Honeyfrost felt warm and loved from all of her fellow medicine cats. She couldn't wait to share the news with her Clanmates!

"It's quite funny that you chose to have her ceremony tonight." Skyfeather mewed, stepping forward.

"Why is that?" Pebblestep turned to the AshClan medicine cat.

"Because I too have a ceremony to perform." Skyfeather glanced at Blackpaw with pride in his eyes. Blackpaw seemed completely blindsided.

"Wait, what?" Blackpaw flattened his ears, eyes darting around as he realized what was happening.

"You too have proven to be a more than capable medicine cat. I had a time of weakness these last few moons and you never once gave up on me or your Clan. AshClan is lucky to have you as a medicine cat and I am proud to call you my apprentice and I'll be even prouder to have you as my fellow medicine cat." Blackpaw appeared to be speechless, but his icy blue eyes filled with admiration and respect for his mentor. "I, Skyfeather, medicine cat of AshClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentices. He has trained long and hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat and with your help, he will serve his Clan for many moons." Skyfeather watched Blackpaw who seemed to be more confident with the situation. Honeyfrost knew exactly what he was feeling.

"Blackpaw, do you promise to uphold ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" Skyfeather and Blackpaw held a steady, powerful gaze.

"I do." Blackpaw's voice was bold and full of confidence. Honeyfrost felt a surge of admiration for him. He really is ready for this, maybe even more than I am.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Blackpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Blackstorm. StarClan honors your patience and commitment to your Clan and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of AshClan!"

Skyfeather touched his muzzle to Blackstorm's forehead and Blackstorm licked his shoulder, the two AshClan medicine cats looked at each other for a long moment with mutual respect. "Blackstorm! Blackstorm!" The medicine cats cheered once more, Honeyfrost made sure that Blackstorm could hear her.

"I'm so happy that we have two amazing new medicine cats." Ravenheart purred. "It's been an honor working with each and every one of you."

Honeyfrost watched her fellow medicine cats lay down in the soft grass, all eager to speak with StarClan once again. Honeyfrost met Blackstorm's gaze, feeling her heart race. She felt the magic of this garden surround her, everything had changed since she became a medicine cat apprentice and now she realized that she was truly home.


Keep reading for an extra story! Find out how Garnet, a gentle hearted kittypet meets the ambitious and violent rogue, Hornet.

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