Chapter 7

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Nightpaw tensed up, putting all of her focus on the squirrel she was hunting. It's bright red fur was obvious against the white snow. So was Nightpaw's jet black pelt, but she was hidden among the brush. Nightpaw honed in on her prey and gave a jump, her claws extending and digging into the squirrel's flesh, killing it quickly. Feeling proud of her catch, Nightpaw picked it up and went to find Wheatwhisker.

She was also hunting with Stormheart, Cinderflame, Fawnheart and Sedgepaw of SunClan. It was weird to be hunting with cats from another Clan, also to be providing prey for another Clan. We have to work together, but that doesn't mean it feels right. Nightpaw was grateful that she hadn't had to hunt with Falconpaw yet, but she knew it was only a matter of time. Cinderflame was a nice cat, she was brave, confident and strong. Everything that Nightpaw wanted to know. Fawnheart was less nice, she was very snappy and somewhat rude but Sedgepaw nicer. Headstrong, but nice.

It had been two days since the Clans found the previous cave and they had since moved on from it. The Clans would find makeshift dens and shelters, hunt and move on the next day. Nightpaw wasn't sure how far they were from the old territories, but it felt like that had been travelling for countless moons. She missed the apprentice den, she missed the pine trees of AshClan. They had traversed forests, moorland and even a small twolegplace but they hadn't seen any pine trees.

Nightpaw longed for the scent of pine, the cool shelter of her territory. But we can't go back there. Nightpaw's heart twisted, she flicked her tail and continued on. I hope our new territory has even more pine trees. She spotted Wheatwhisker standing with Stormheart and the others. They had managed to catch a decent amount of prey and they weren't the only hunting party out right now. There were two others in other parts of this forest.

"There you are, Nightpaw." Wheatwhisker greeted his apprentice. Nightpaw noticed Fawnheart's sharp green gaze digging into her but ignored the ill-tempered she-cat. What is it with bad tempered SunClan cats. Nightpaw thought, withholding a snort. "We should head back. The kits haven't eaten today."

The others agreed and headed back to the small makeshift camp that the Clans had made for the night. It was early morning and they were preparing to leave. The four leaders sat in the middle of the camp, Nightpaw noticed the medicine cats off in a corner talking amongst themselves. They had been gathering as many herbs as they could to prepare for anything.

Luckily, there hadn't been any incidents yet but Nightpaw had a feeling that it was only a matter of time. Nightpaw and the others dropped their prey on the temporary fresh-kill pile. This small camp felt so crowded with all of the cats occupying it. Nightpaw looked around, seeing cats from all four Clans talking with each other. Lilyclaw was talking with Applespots and Sandfoot, they looked like old friends.

When Thornstar had taken over AshClan, Nightpaw knew that Riverstar, Silvermoon, Haresong and Lilyclaw had all fled to SunClan camp and made a few friends. Silvermoon and Dawnstar had been friends since they were apprentices. Part of Nightpaw wished she could make friends with cats from other Clans but she didn't think it was a good idea. She could meet them in battle one day, and she didn't want to be forced to fight a friend. Nightpaw looked over to where Rabbitpaw, Dustpaw, Timberpaw and Leafpaw were all sitting. Rabbitpaw is my friend, and she's a good friend. I don't need anyone other than her and Blackpaw. Nightpaw turned to find her brother with the medicine cats. Though we've barely spoken. She flattened her ears, suddenly feeling alone.

"Everything alright?" A gentle voice spoke to Nightpaw, she looked up to see Crowstep. "You seem down."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Nightpaw lifted her head. "Just worried and all." She lied, her father didn't need to know about everything that was bothering her.

"It will be alright." Crowstep wrapped his tail around her shoulders. "I know this is hard, but the Clans are working together and we'll make it to our new home." Nightpaw nodded along, but didn't feel that reassured by her father's words.

"Everyone get something to eat then it's time to leave." Riverstar called. The Clan cats quickly gathered near the fresh-kill pile to get something to eat. The elders, queens and kits going first and letting the others eat afterwards. When it came to Nightpaw's turn, the pile had gotten quite small.

"Hey," A sheepish voice spoke beside Nightpaw, she turned to see Rabbitpaw standing close beside her. "You want to share a piece? I know you're probably hungry but--"

"I'd love to." Nightpaw purred, cutting Rabbitpaw off before she went on a nervous ramble. Grabbing a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile, Nightpaw walked with Rabbitpaw near a tree. She let Rabbitpaw take the first bite and then started eating as well.

It didn't take long for the two she-cats to finish eating and join with the rest of the Clan cats. They finished eating and prepared to leave once again. Without much hesitation, the Clans headed out of the forest and into a vast field. In the distance, Nightpaw could see towering mountains in the distance. Something drew Nightpaw to those mountains. I hope we get to see them. Nightpaw thought, casting a glance at Rabbitpaw. The shy she-cat had her head ducked as usual but as they traveled more, she seemed to be getting slightly more confident.

The Clans travelled, barely stopping and covering wide ranges of land. Nightpaw had grown slightly accustomed to travelling. She had to admit that she liked seeing so many new places. She had seen twolegplaces, mountains and streams. Places that were unfamiliar, but filled her with a sense of adventure. Nightpaw felt constantly torn between wanting to see more and wanting to go back home.

Going back home isn't an option, Nightpaw reminded herself. So I should enjoy the new sights, and focus on finding my brand new home.

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