Chapter 17

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"Those clouds are looking nasty." Honeyfrost tensed at Adderstrike's words while he spoke to Icepetal. Honeyfrost looked up, dark clouds were looming overhead. They contained a storm that terrified Honeyfrost, and it wasn't the rain that scared her. Five sunrises had passed since Riverstar warned SunClan of Echoheart's impending attack plan and with each passing day, Honeyfrost's fears consumed her more.

She had gone over with several warriors what to do when the time came. If Echoheart and her rogues made it to camp, Honeyfrost would hide with the elders and kits who would be guarded by Turtleblaze, Cloudspots, Lionclaw, Redclaw and Brackenpelt. She hated having to hide, but she would have a supply of herbs to help her and all wounded cats would be sent to them. I have to do everything I can to survive. Echoheart wants to kill me, and I can't defend myself. She had done a little more training with Falconheart but Honeyfrost knew that when the time came, she wouldn't be able to fight. I'm so scared. This is unlike any battle I've faced before.

Her mind flashed to when Hornet took her prisoner, she had nearly lost her life there but was saved by Falconheart. What if Falconheart isn't able to get to me this time? Honeyfrost's chest felt heavy. What if Echoheart kills me before anyone is able to get to me? I don't want to join StarClan yet.

"Hey!" Honeyfrost felt a paw jab into her side. She let out a squeal of alarm and jumped to the side, her fur standing on end and her claws scraping against the stone hollow. She found herself face to face with a very concerned Petalbreeze. "Woah, are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you."

Honeyfrost's heart was pounding in her chest, she took a few deep breaths. "Y-yeah, sorry, Petalbreeze. I'm just...on edge." Honeyfrost smoothed down the fur on her chest. "Sorry."
"I don't blame you." Petalbreeze mewed. "This whole situation is pretty tense, but you'll be okay, I know you will. You have the entire Clan ready to fight for you. I know I will, I won't let anything happen to you."
Honeyfrost felt genuinely comforted by her friend's words. "Thank you, Petalbreeze." I'm not alone in this. I don't have to just rely on Falconheart and my parents. All of SunClan is here to protect me. She took a deep breath. "I just wish I could get out of camp, I haven't left since that warning. I need as many herbs as possible and I feel bad that it's all falling onto Pebblestep."

"I'm going on a hunting patrol at sunhigh, there's six of us going so you could tag along. I can stick with you while you gather herbs." Petalbreeze suggested. Honeyfrost didn't want to impede on a hunting patrol, but it would be great to get out and hunt.

"Sure, just make sure it's okay with the rest of the patrol."

"I'll go ask now!" Petalbreeze trotted around and asked the other five members of the patrol if it was okay in Honeyfrost tagged along, and they all agreed. Honeyfrost ended up joining Petalbreeze, Snowtail, Earthpelt, Flashtail and Brackenpelt on their hunting patrol. She felt weird joining a warrior patrol, but she also felt safe surrounded by so many warriors.

They neared the AshClan border and Honeyfrost knew this was the best place to get marigold. We need a lot of that. She thought. The cat closest to her was Brackenpelt while the others were off hunting, she padded up to him. "Hey, Brackenpelt. I need to get some marigold. Will you come with me?"

"Of course." Brackenpelt agreed happily and started following Honeyfrost. He stopped for a moment. "Hold up, I can scent squirrel nearby. Would you mind if I caught it real quick?"
"Go for it." She watched Brackenpelt's dark pelt vanish into the trees, and Honeyfrost figured that she was close enough to him that it wouldn't be bad if she went ahead to gather the marigold.

She padded along, spotting the golden flower growing in abundance. Perfect. She purred happily and began picking the flower. When she had enough, she figured she should return to Brackenpelt. She looked around for him, trying to pick up his scent. She caught his scent, but also another strange one. Honeyfrost suddenly remembered the danger she was in, but it was too late.

Honeyfrost was slammed into the forest floor by a sudden force, pain spread throughout her entire body, radiating from her shoulder. No! I'm such a mousebrain! Honeyfrost felt a paw pressing down on her face, claws barely grazing her skin. "Call for help and I'll kill you right here." Honeyfrost's blood turned to ice, she strained her neck to see and found her gaze meeting Echoheart's. The rogue's murky green gaze filled with gleed and bloodlust. "That was way too easy." Echoheart sneered. Honeyfrost watched as several more cats stepped out of the trees. Honeyfrost couldn't believe her eyes as she saw Jade and Comet from Hornet's group. They're with her too?

"She's an easy catch." Jade taunted. "She's pretty weak."
"All medicine cats are." Echoheart released her hold on Honeyfrost. "I don't suggest running either, though I'd be happy to chase you down and rip you apart." Honeyfrost couldn't breathe, her entire body was frozen. "Come with me, little Honeyfrost." Echoheart stepped in close, Honeyfrost stepped backwards. Echoheart's eyes were dark and clouded with hatred. The scars that crossed her face made her look even more crazy and her fur was dull and thin. It's hard to imagine she was ever a warrior. "You've got a new home waiting for you," Echoheart glanced up towards the sky. "And when that storm comes, your mother will have to watch as your blood gets washed away into the river."

Honeyfrost couldn't speak, her throat felt like it was closing. This is it. I never should have left camp! I'm so stupid!

Echoheart and her rogues took Honeyfrost out of her territory, taking her to the gathering hollow first and staying out of MoonClan territory. They made her cross the river into the unclaimed territory and towards the mountains. "This little territory has provided a wonderful home for me and my friends." Echoheart explained, flicking her tail and baring her teeth. "And it will mark the perfect place for your death."

Honeyfrost just stared at her paws. "What's the matter?" Echoheart brushed up against Honeyfrost, her foul breath making Honeyfrost wince. "Scared? You should be." They soon arrived at the makeshift camp. The stench of crowfood filled the air and Honeyfrost saw so many rogues crowding some prey.

As Honeyfrost neared the rogues set their eyes on her, most of them looked at her like she was another piece of prey, it made her stomach flip. Some of the rogues, however, looked concerned. One of them was a large gray tom, he looked bigger than the other rogues. Is that Graypelt? Honeyfrost wondered. She hoped so, maybe he would be able to help her but she doubted it.

Echoheart led Honeyfrost to a small cave and shoved her forward. Honeyfrost tripped over her paws and landed on her nose in the dark den. "You'll stay here until the time is right. Until then, if you try and escape I'll have my guards rip you to shreds." It was two rogues who sat outside the den, keeping her trapped.

Honeyfrost skittered to the back of the den, her heart pounding. I can't believe that I let this happen. Honeyfrost was so upset with herself. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Dawnstar. I'm sorry Falconheart. I'm sorry Lionclaw. I made a mistake and now I'm going to die. I'm so sorry. Honeyfrost curled up in the very back of the small den, the stone hard and unforgiving. She closed her eyes and spoke to the only cats who could see her right now. Please, StarClan. Somehow...give me the strength and bravery to survive this. I need you right now. Please, I don't want to die.

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