Chapter 2

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Falconheart stretched outside the warriors' den, flexing his claws and letting out a yawn. It was just past dawn, and he was a little upset at missing the dawn patrol but he knew there would be others to catch. It hadn't started to rain yet, but the dark clouds overhead proved it would only be a matter of time. Falconheart despised the rain, he could confidently say he preferred snow over constant rainfall. Greenleaf is supposed to be warm and sunny, not constantly stormy. He thought with annoyance and sat down, smoothing down his sleep-tossed fur.

He looked around camp where life in SunClan was starting to begin. He spotted Hollypaw pestering Rosewind to do something, probably to go hunting. In the two moons that they had been apprentices, Burnpaw and Hollypaw had shown to be two completely different cats. Hollypaw was energetic, once she got herself going it was nearly impossible to stop her. She was skilled, but got distracted easily. Burnpaw, however, was much more relaxed and focused. He took time to think about his actions. He was also hesitate to really do anything out of his comfort zone Falconheart thought that Hollypaw needed to slow down a little, but he also thought that Burnpaw could learn how to have fun. Cloudspots would be a good mentor for that, as he was nearly energetic as Hollypaw.

Falconheart spotted Cinderflame leaving Dawnstar's den, her amber eyes scanning the camp to plan out the next patrol. This is my chance. Falconheart stood up and quickly trotted across camp to the deputy. "Good morning, Cinderflame." He greeted her with the dip of his head.

"Morning, Falconheart." Cinderflame nodded kindly in return. "I suppose you're wanting to get on a patrol?"

"I am." Falconheart mewed. "Have you put them together, yet?"

Cinderflame shook her head. "Not yet. I was just getting ready to do so, and since you were so prepared for one I'll let you lead the next one." Falconheart's heart filled with excitement as Cinderflame spoke.

"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed, unable to hide his joy. He hadn't gotten to lead a patrol since he was made a warrior, he was finally starting to feel like one.

"You can take Larkthorn, Applespots, Rosewind, Hollypaw and Segdefern." Falconheart couldn't help but feel his paws tingle with excitement at the thought of patrolling with Sedgefern. "You will patrol the MoonClan border, we need to check that the river hasn't gotten any higher."

Falconheart nodded and turned away from the deputy to round up the cats that he had been given to lead. The river border that SunClan shared with MoonClan had started to swell with the rain, it grew larger every day and the SunClan cats worried that it would become dangerous. Falconheart approached Rosewind and Hollypaw, who was still bugging Rosewind to go and do something.

"You two looking for something to do?" Falconheart mewed with amusement as he approached the two she-cats.

"Please." Rosewind said, sounding exhausted. "Hollypaw needs to get moving."

"Well Cinderflame just put me in charge of leading a patrol to the MoonClan border and you two are on it."

"Oh, yay!" Hollypaw exclaimed, trotting in circles around Rosewind and Falconheart. "Let's get going!"

"Hold on there, hot shot." Falconheart laughed, he wished he had that much energy. "We still have to get Applespots, Larkthorn and Sedgefern."

"Applespots is visiting Sandfoot I'm pretty sure." Rosewind explained. "And I thought I saw Larkthorn talking with our mother. Sedgefern I'm not sure about."

"Why don't you get Applespots and I can get Larkthorn."

"Why don't I go get Larkthorn," Rosewind stepped in, stopping Falconheart. "Trust me, you don't want to see Fawnheart right now. She's ready to claw the ears off anyone who so much as looks at her wrong."

"Good idea." Falconheart didn't really feel like facing off with a volatile she-cat such as Fawnheart. Sandfoot, Crowfur and Rainears were much more pleasant. Falconheart reached the elder's den and poked his head inside. Sure enough, Applespots was inside talking with Sandfoot. "Hey Applespots," He called, getting the she-cats attention. "Cinderflame wants you on a patrol with me."

"Alrighty," Applespots stood up. "I'll see you she-cats around." She purred and stepped out of the elders den. Applespots spent most of her time in the elder's den with her sister, Falconheart wondered if she was planning on retiring soon? She wasn't that old, but age was faintly starting to show in white streaks across the black on her fur.

"So," Falconheart mewed as they headed back into camp. "I hope you don't think this as rude," He checked, not wanting to offend Applespots. "But are you planning on retiring soon? You seem to spend a lot of time around the elder's den."

"Well," Applespots replied, she didn't seem upset at all. "I've thought about it, but I don't think I'm ready. I just love spending time with friends, most of my old friends have passed along now. Sunstream, Tigertail, Bramblepelt, Flowerstar and Stormwind have all joined the ranks of StarClan. My daughters have grown up and Cherryleaf has kits of her own, and I'm sure Briarrose isn't far off from that. I've lived a very good life, yes I've been hurt and faced loss but I don't think I'm quite ready to say goodbye to my warrior duties. That make sense?"

She met Falconheart's gaze, there was a lot of energy still left in her green eyes. Falconheart nodded. "It does."

"Are you the one leading this patrol?" Applespots questioned curiously.

"I am." Falconheart replied. "This is the first patrol I've ever lead."

"Are you nervous?"

Falconheart shook his head, surprisingly he wasn't nervous at all. It felt like something he was meant to do, he knew he would be able to hand it. "No, I'm not. I've wanted to lead a patrol for awhile, I know it's not something extraordinary--"

"But it makes you feel like a real warrior." Applespots finished his statement. "It's a sign that Cinderflame trusts you to do a good job."

Falconheart nodded, he had never seen Applespots as a source of inspiration but the she-cat had gone through a lot in her life, she clearly had some wisdom on her. Falconheart's and Applespots' conversation was stopped as they saw Rosewind and Hollypaw approaching from the nursery with Larkthorn at their side.

"Great." Falconheart mewed. "Now we just need Sedgefern."

"That should be easy," Larkthorn mewed, motioning with her head. "Cause she's right there." Falconheart turned and saw Sedgefern approaching the fresh-kill pile with Dovepool.

"I'll go get here." Falconheart didn't wait for a response as he dashed across camp to the fluffy gray she-cat. "Hey there." He greeted with an uncontrollable purr.

"Hi." Sedgefern purred in return, but Falconheart couldn't notice the untrusting glare from Dovepool. He knew that Dovepool didn't like him after the fight he and Sedgefern had gotten into. We've made up since then. Falconheart thought bitterly, refusing to let Dovepool's grudge get in between his and Sedgefern's friendship. Sedgefern forgave me, and that's all that matters to me. "What's up?" Sedgefern questioned curiously.

"Cinderflame has put me in charge of a patrol, and you're a part of it."

"Already leading patrols huh?" Sedgefern teased with a low purr in her voice. "Soon they'll make you the next leader!"

"I'm not that good." Falconheart puffed out his chest.

"It's time to go you too!" Applespots called from where the rest of the patrol stood. "It'll be leafbare by the time we actually get to the border!"

Falconheart's pelt burned, he was supposed to be leading the patrol and he was the one wasting time. "Right," He said. "Let's go." Sedgefern said farewell to her sister and the two young warriors joined up with the rest of the patrol. Falconheart walked at the head of the patrol, but Segdefern walked close beside him.

Not long after the patrol headed out into the forest, raindrops began falling slowly from the sky. Falconheart withheld his complaints as they soaked his fur. He led the patrol confidently and professionally.

"Does the sun ever shine in this place?" Hollypaw complained, kicking up some wet leaves with her paws.

"We experienced storms like this in our old territory as well." Applespots explained. "Including one that flooded the old apprentice den. Rain would follow us anywhere unless we lived in a dessert, and I don't think you want that."

Hollypaw shook her head. "I just want to enjoy the sunshine! I don't like being constantly wet."

"No cat in the forest except MoonClan do." Rosewind explained. "Sometimes LichenClan cats get their paws wet but MoonClan are the ones who swim."

"Crazy cats." Hollypaw mewed, quieting down and looking at the damp forest around her.

Falconheart felt an alarming amount of water flow around his paws, he stopped in his tracks, causing Sedgefern to bump into him. "Sorry," He apologized to her before looking forward. They had barely reached the stream in SunClan territory, though Falconheart couldn't see where it began. Both rivers had completely flooded, making the two indistinguishable from each other. Falconheart could hear the rock pile in the distance, the bottom of it was completely submerged in water.

"We can't go in that!" Sedgefern exclaimed. "StarClan knows how deep it is."

"The water doesn't look treacherous right now." Larkthorn pointed out, stepping forward. The water level came up just past her paws as she stepped out farther than Falconheart.

"But if there's a storm it could be." Applespots countered. "I've seen how the MoonClan river gets during thunderstorms." The cats of the patrol looked to Falconheart, he was leading this patrol, they were all waiting for his decision.

"We need to tell Dawnstar about this." Falconheart declared. "Applespots is right, it could easily become dangerous to us."

The patrol respected his decision, though Larkthorn seemed slightly annoyed. Falconheart turned to lead his patrol back to camp but a voice stopped him. "Wait!" Falconheart looked over his shoulder and saw three MoonClan cats treading through the water. They could walk know, but it was clear from their completely drenched pelts that they had to swim before this point.

As they grew closer Falconheart recognized Shadowstar, Violetfur and Oneflight. The leader, the deputy and the medicine cat. What could this be about? The flooding? Falconheart wondered. The MoonClan cats eventually reached the shallow part of the floor and Shadowstar dipped his head to the patrol. "Sorry to stop you like that," The leader apologized. "But I wish to speak with Dawnstar."

"What about?" Applespots questioned, she wasn't hostile but stood stern.

"It's too much to explain to right now, I'd like to only explain it once and to Dawnstar." Shadowstar pressed. Falconheart had to take charge of his patrol, so he stepped at the head of the patrol once more.

This wasn't an attack patrol, and MoonClan didn't really have an excuse to attack SunClan as far as Falconheart knew. Then again, Echoheart did cause a fight between AshClan and SunClan. Falconheart cringed as he remembered the bloody fight. Though Shadowstar didn't seem angered, he looked more nervous than anything. "We'll take them back to camp." Falconheart decided.

"But," Larkthorn began to argue. "Shouldn't we at least know why? They could be spying!" Falconheart narrowed his eyes, Larkthorn wasn't usually so hostile.

"I made my choice, Larkthorn." He spoke sharply, quieting the warrior. "I'm leading this patrol and I say we bring them back to camp. They're clearly not here for a fight, they brought their medicine cat for StarClan's sake."

Larkthorn quieted herself but her green eyes blazed with anger. Falconheart didn't have time to argue with her, he had to take charge. "Come on, Shadowstar, we will lead you to Dawnstar."

"Thank you, Falconheart." Shadowstar dipped his head in respect and the patrol, now joined by the MoonClan cats, headed back to camp. It was a quiet walk home, and Falconheart could feel hostility radiating from Larkthorn though he had a feeling it was mostly directed at him and not the MoonClan cats. I'll apologize later, but I had to take charge. Falconheart and the others reached SunClan's camp.

"I'll lead them to my mother." Falconheart told the rest of the patrol and began guiding them to Dawnstar's den in the back of camp. He noticed wary glances from the rest of SunClan but he kept moving forward. "Is this about the flooding?" Falconheart questioned Shadowstar curiously.

"It is." Shadowstar replied. "I'll explain more once I see Dawnstar."

Falconheart stepped inside where as usual, he found his parents and Cinderflame. "Welcome back, Falconheart--" Dawnstar cut herself off as she laid eyes on Shadowstar and his Clanmates. Dawnstar stood up, holding her head high. "Hello, Shadowstar. What brings you to our camp?"

"Well as your patrol just found out," Shadowstar began. "Our border river, as well as the river within your territory have flooded."

Dawnstar, Lionclaw and Cinderflame all looked towards Falconheart who nodded. "It's completely submerged in water." He explained. "The base of the rock pile is completely covered, and my guess is it will only get worse."

"That's how the entirety of MoonClan territory looks." Shadowstar replied, taking Falconheart by surprise. "We've had to make a temporary camp closer to the the neutral territory between ours and LichenClan's territory, and the extreme flooding has made hunting near impossible. We've tried hunting in the unclaimed territory but most of the prey has fled to LichenClan's territory. We were hoping that you would give is permission to fish in the water that has crossed into your territory."

"You're asking for part of territory." Lionclaw questioned, narrowing his amber eyes slightly.

"Only until the flooding goes down." Shadowstar explained urgently. "We won't cross any farther, you have my word. MoonClan is hurting for prey, and we could really use this extra stretch of water."

"Please, Dawnstar." Oneflight spoke up. "I've lost all my herb stores," Violetfur tensed up, she clearly didn't want Oneflight sharing this information.

"You don't need to tell me anymore," Dawnstar said. "Of course you can fish in that water." Falconheart wasn't really surprised by his mother's answer, but he didn't like the fact of giving up territory.

"Thank you so much, Dawnstar." Shadowstar along with his deputy and medicine cat dipped their heads in respect. "MoonClan is indebted to you."

"I would never let another Clan go hungry." Dawnstar mewed. "I trust you Shadowstar, you've never given me a reason not to." She looked down at Cinderflame. "Cinderflame will you escort our guests home, I need to tell the rest of the Clan."

"Of course, Dawnstar." Cinderflame stood up, the deputy didn't seem upset at all. Her eyes glowed with trust, Falconheart could see just how much Cinderflame trusted his mother. I trust her too. Falconheart thought. "Let's go." Cinderflame walked alongside the three MoonClan cats as she lead them out of camp.

"Let's go tell the rest of SunClan." Dawnstar said, heading for the exit of her den. Falconheart followed by her side until they reached the SunStone where he went his separate way to sit down and watch the meeting. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunStone for a Clan meeting!"

Most of SunClan had already gathered at the sight of the MoonClan cats, Falconheart spotted both Pebblestep and Honeyfrost poking their heads out from the medicine cat den with interest. Sedgefern sat beside Falconheart and her two sisters on the other side of her. "I know most of you are wondering why Shadowstar, Violetfur and Oneflight were here." Dawnstar began. "The two rivers between here and and MoonClan camp have flooded, and according to Shadowstar so has the rest of MoonClan's territory. They've been driven from their territories and are struggling to find prey. I've given them permission to hunt in the area between our stream and the border."

There were mews of shock and some sounded angered. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Brackenpelt spoke up, his fur standing slightly on edge. "What if they push the border?"

"Then we will react accordingly." Dawnstar replied patiently. "MoonClan hasn't given us a reason to not trust them."

"What about when they accused of stealing prey?" Icepetal questioned with narrowed his eyes.

"Prey was stolen by Thornstar in order to start a fight, Shadowstar later let us use MoonClan camp as a safe haven for our kits and elders." Dawnstar reminded Icepetal. Falconheart vaguely remembered spending time in MoonClan camp during the battle against Thornstar. "We have no use for the territory right now, and once the flooding goes down we will reclaim it for SunClan. The border is completely submerged in water, there's no use in us patrolling in the water."

No other cat spoke up and Dawnstar ended the meeting. Once she did, gossip ensued but Falconheart didn't bother getting involved. Instead, Sedgefern turned to him. "That was really impressive, you taking charge when Larkthorn argued with you."

"I knew that Shadowstar didn't mean any trouble," Falconheart mewed. "Plus, if we let MoonClan do this then we will just have a better relationship with them. It's not a bad idea to have allies."

"You're absolutely right." Sedgefern purred loudly. I sure hope so. Falconheart thought, doubting himself slightly but keeping his spirits high.

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