Shadow Demons

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Harry POV

"What do you mean by he looked liked The Monitor," Caitlin asked, "who else is there?"

"There was something about him that screamed evil," Kate said.

"Anti-Monitor," Oliver said, "all evidence points to him."

"Um guys," Barry said pulling out his phone and showing us it "Iris just sent me this."

"What are those things," Kara asked.

"They look like-" I started.

"Dementors," Cisco and Julian said at the same time.

"Felicity," Caitlin said, "could you-"

"Hack into Thawne's STAR labs account?" Felicity said "gladly. Okay, I'm in anything you want to know?"

"Look up the phrase shadow demons," Caitlin said in all seriousness.

"Barry, Kara, Oliver, you three have to get out there and do what you can," I said.

"I can get Frost out," Caitlin said.

"Do I need to make you angry or upset like every other time?" I asked.

"No need," she said as her hair turned white.

"Don't forget me," Kane said looking at Kara "I'll go get my suit."

"I'll breach you," Cisco said.

"Whoa," Felicity said, we all turned towards her, "you might want to check this out."

She pulled up a blueprint of what looked like a machine.

"What is that?" I asked.

"That is a machine HAL found in the Arctic and in Thawne's field it is called Fail-safe," Felicity answered, "and is capable of blowing up this Earth."

"Wait, how is that even possible," Wally asked.

"Apparently it shoots a high concentrated laser into Earth's core-" Felicity started.

"Therefore making the core unstable and blowing up Earth-1 from the inside," I finished.

"So kind of like the magnetar Zoom tried to use to blow up the multiverse," Wally asked.

"That's one way of putting it," Frost said, "but yes."

"Is there any way of deactivating it before it well activates then destroying the world?" Barry asked.

"Um, no," Felicity said.

"But there might be a way to stop it once it activates," Frost smirked.

"How?" I asked.

"Use that brain of your's Wells, oh wait it's gone," Frost said.

"You know that was cold," Ralph said, "even for you."

"Can we just get to the point," Oliver said.

"If Barry, Wally, and Kara run, or in Kara's case fly the opposite direction of the pulse created by the amount of energy required to create the laser," Frost said, "you'll create your own pulse that should be able to counteract the machine's pulse."

"Just like what the time remnant did," I said.

"Exactly like what he did," Frost said.

"So if that, thing, went off how much time would we have?" Barry asked.

"Best guess," Cisco started.

"Five minutes," Felicity finished.

"If we all go at our fastest we should be able to counteract it," Kara said.

"But first lets take care of these shadow demons," said Kane who now had on a black costume with a red bat symbol on the chest.

"Well since some of us don't have speed like some present company," Cisco said opening a breach.

"Let us know when the Fail-safe goes off," Barry said before speeding away.

Barry POV

"Thawne," I yelled when I saw him and Nora.

"Nice of you to finally join us," Thawne said.

"So," I said to Nora, "What can I call you?"

"Call me Rewind," she said putting her mask on.

"Need some help?" Wally asked as he sped by me.

"It would be welcome," I said as Wally laughed.

"Wait," someone called out after the Reverse Flash and Rewind sped off. I looked over and saw it was Iris and her phone was recording "I have practically all of Central City on here. What can we call you two?"

"Hello Central City," I said vibrating my vocal codes, "You can call me The Flash." I then sped off after the evil speedsters.

"Barry," Felicity said her voice filled with urgency "the Fail-safe just turned on."

"What," I said "already!?"

"Barry, Wally, Kara," Oliver said "you three get to the Arctic and turn that thing off, we can take care of things here."

"But," I protested.

"Barry," Sara said "this isn't our first fight against Thawne. Go."

"Get your butt over there," Kate said "because I quite like the world I live in."

"I'll come too," Frost said.

"No Frost," I said speeding over to her and picking her up "you and Cait are staying safe."

Caitlin POV

"Barry what are you doing?" I said when he picked me up.

Instead of answering he sped me into one of the pipeline cells.

"I'm sorry Cait," he said.

"Barry!" I screamed pounding on the glass before he sped away.

I felt my ear for my comm but it wasn't there, Barry had took it out. I slouched to the floor of the cell, tears streaming down my face. I knew this was coming, with Thawne showing up with his army of shadow demons and the Fail-safe. I knew when I got out I wouldn't see Barry again. He was gone and I hadn't even gotten to say goodbye.

I then felt something in my pocket. I pulled it out, and it was a small, black box with a slip of paper attached. I opened the box and inside was an engagement ring. I didn't have to open the note to know it said 'will you marry me?'

Um, so, please don't kill me. I don't know what else to say. *looks outside window and sees whole Snowbarry fandom with pitchforks and torches* I said don't kill me! *grabs laptop and frantically starts writing next chapter*

Peace out wizards, demigods, ninja, metas, and kwamis from around the world.

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