A Hot Day

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A load of wounded had just come in. Both choppers were full, as were the ambulances. It was all hands on deck to get these wounded in and out of surgery and into post-op. Y/N had been going around from patient to patient, seeing what each of the surgeons needed, and providing comfort to the patients as they needed it, when suddenly there was a bout of commotion from the opposite side of where we were working with patients. Her legs moved into action before her brain could fully comprehend what she was doing, and in about ten seconds, she found herself doing chest compressions on a patient to restart his heart. Y/N had no idea what wounds he had; all she knew was that this patient was in a life-or-death situation, and her instincts kicked in.
"Y/L/N," she faintly heard someone, perhaps Colonel Potter, say to her
"No, dammit, come on," she muttered as she began her fourth round of compressions. She waited a few moments to see if his heart had restarted, and to her relief, it had.
Y/N rested back on her haunches and wiped the sweat from her forehead.
"You feeling okay?" Potter helped her stand up, and she was about to nod her head, but she was a little unsteady on her feet, and the world seemed to be spinning.
"Pierce! Get this nurse into the shade and get her some water!" she faintly heard the C.O. order, and Y/N felt a strong pair of arms behind her.
"It's alright, Y/N, I've gotcha," he said, his voice lacking his usual boisterousness.
"That was some good work you did back there," he complimented her has he carried me off somewhere.
"Just..... doing..... my job......" She said, feeling really out of it.
"Shoot," he said, beginning to run and quickly entering his tent before gently setting Y/N on his cot.
"You don't have to bring me here," she said, propping herself up on her elbows in order to get up.
"Ah, but I do. It's worse than I thought. My tent is closer than yours. You're to stay here. Doctor's orders," he added with a wink.
Had she been in my right mind and not befuddled by heat exhaustion, Y/N would've blushed.
"Now, I'll be right back, because I need to get some water," he ran off and than quickly came right back.
"Hey..... Y/N..... Y/N..... stay with me a little longer. Get some water in you, and then you can sleep," his soothing voice promised.
She forced myself to stay awake long enough to accept the water he gave her, and then she fell unconscious on his cot.
"Sweet dreams," was the last thing I heard.

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