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It had been another long day at the compound, and Y/N was in the nurses' tent with the other nurses. Except one thing set her apart from the other nurses: they were asleep, and she was not. For some reason, she couldn't get that one patient out of her mind.
He'd been all over the place during surgery, and she struggled to get him to lay still so Burns could operate on him. Her superior was assisting the surgeon, but even Margaret saw that she was struggling. She'd been doing everything properly, but this kid just wouldn't go unconscious.
It took another nurse to come take over before the kid finally calmed down, but the words of Frank and Margaret, not to mention the face of the young man laying before her, lingered in her memory, as if tattooing their faces and voices in her brain permanently.
The kid did fine in the OR, once Frank was able to operate, and Y/N watched helplessly as he was carted into post-op before Potter's rough, business-like voice pulled her out of her thoughts and back into the present.
Y/N had decided that laying there on the cot wasn't going to help any, so she pulled her robe and boots on and quietly sneaked out of the tent, closing the door quietly.
She'd only walked a few steps toward The Swamp, where she thought Hawkeye and BJ would be up drinking, when she heard a loud, harsh, "Halt! Who goes there?"
"Klinger, it's just me," Y/N sighed, turning around and facing the man clad in a pink evening gown complete with pearl earrings and necklace and a straw hat with flowers along the brim and a rifle pointed at her.
"Ah, hey Y/N. Whatcha doing up? Practically the whole compound is asleep," Klinger asked, shouldering the rifle.
The two walked a few steps before Y/N answered.
"I just couldn't sleep. Are Hawkeye and BJ still up?" Y/N asked hopefully.
"Nope. They stumbled back to the Swamp when the O Club closed for the night," Klinger answered.
"Oh," came Y/N's disappointed reply. "I guess I'll see you in the morning," she added before turning and going back the way she came.
Y/N crawled back into her cot, and try as she might, sleep still eluded her. The next day was going to be an interesting one for her.

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