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Iris POV

I slowly opened my eyes as if waking up from a deep sleep...I look around I couldn't tell where I was. All I saw were fire burning fire.

I couldn't remember how I got here where was I? More importantly WHO was I?

(Ow it hurts every thing hurts)

I got up slowly and groaned in pain. I was only able to get up on butt. It seemed my legs were paralyzed or something I couldn't move.

I looked around "This really is a strange place" I said to myself

"Its my home..." A voice muttered behind

I looked behind me and saw a pale boy with blood red hair and a icy stare with his crimson eyes.

He was covered with black all black. You couldn't even see his eyes properly.

What do you mean your home? I asked

He went closer to me "Yes my home this is hell" he answered

I froze dropping in cold sweat.

Was I dead?

He must've noticed my worried face cause he said "Rest assured your not dead"

I sighed in relief "What is this place" I looked around

"Hell...well is proper name Hellrius a den of demons" he said

I looked surprised for a demon he looked more......human

"Seems like you need help" he said and lend me his hand.

I felt a bit insecure I met the guy a few seconds ago and he was a demon and you never trust demons.

I looked at my legs and sighed and took his hand, he lifted me up and I tripped and fell into his arms.

"Woah be careful" he said

My legs felt different they felt weak...numb....

I took my mind of it "How did I get here?"

"You fell out of the sky" he replied

"What..?!"  I exclaimed

"A portal opened up and you fell out of it" he said looking up

It became clear to me I was talking to someone...a man with black hair....and then a portal opened up...

"Anyway my names is Prince Karma HellBlaze and you?" He asked

I couldn't remember a searched deep in thought "Iris......Iris Riedel"

Those were the only things I remembered my name and how I got here.

"I need to go" I said

"Go where?" He asked

I walked toward the entrance and turned around "To find my self"

And that's where the adventure begins

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