Chapter 2

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A/n : i hope you all enjoy 

No one Pov 

somewhere in a unkown location there is a island and on this island is there is a giant building structure in a shape of a black top hat as to every villains knowledge this is the base and operation of the black hate organization lead by the most evil begin in the universe black hat currently the evil lord ship himself is accepting new contractors for buying his new products to help theses villains to deal with heroes but on this day sir black hat himself had a line of different villains lined up for him as currently black hat is looking for a new recruitment but some aren't meeting up to his expectations 

Black Hat in mind : i knew this was a bad idea half of theses so called villains aren't even scary or have any class or style i honestly hope something eventful happen or a leauge of pesky heroes coming in and take half of theses fools to prison or just kill them one or the other i don't really care 

* as shortly thought that a portal open up in his office as it end up sucking in all the villains even the ones form the line as they were screaming in horror and fear as they got sucked in as black hat look at this in stun by impressed *

Black Hat : my my maybe this won't be a boring day after all 

* shortly a tone muscalr man in a traditional outfit wielding a scythe who has long purple hair and red eyes stepped out of the portal as it closed behind him as he looked around *

Dain : huh so this must be this so called black hat organization?

Black Hat : indeed it is and may i ask who are you stranger for opening a portal in my office and sucking up all of my clients to god knows where?

Dain : oh sorry about that well im-

* shortly he gets cut off by someone opening the door as there was a guy who looked to seem to be a scientist but wears a paper bag over his head *



* he said angrily at the good doctor *

Dr Flug : eep r-right s-sorry lord black hat 

Dain : *sigh* may i finish now ?

Black Hat : oh right yes go ahead mr ?

Dain : right my name is dain or better known as the Reaper 


Dain : yep i guess you heard of me i guess my reputation must of spread even outside of japan 

Black Hat : ah yes thats why you must look so familiar to me specially the scythe 

Dain : you know about my scythe ?

Black Hat : yes i heard it holds great power specially its ability to open portals and absorb souls 

Dain : yes but it can help me in combat specially if i use my dark and blood magic 

Black Hat : i see well mind telling me why you are here ?

Dain : oh yes i saw your commiuctail in japan and i thought mmm maybe i had enough for japan or taking jobs form lower brain dead thugs or yakuza gang members so why not work for someone who might actually get me who actually needs my talent of skills 

Black Hat : so you came to work for the most evilest person in the world well your looking at him 

Dain : i can tell so am i hired ?

Black Hat : hmmmmm well you do dress quite nicely and the additutide but idk if i can pay a person like you 

Dain : oh if your worried about money no no my good sir i don't want money as my payment 

Black Hat : you don't hmmm interesting * he gave a toothy grin * so tell me what do you want as payment  

Dain : easy as long i can do what i do best that is killing people or say people who either try to mangle in your business or heroes makes no differences to me because if you hire me you will see beautiful work of art of mangle corpse victims screaming for mercy as i brutally tortured  them slice them into bits until they scream for there family's or whatever god they prey too before there last breath

 * he gave his own twisted little smirk even givien dr flug shivers but black hat liked what hes hearing *

Black Hat : hehehehe well dain was it i can accept the idea your payment would be slaughtering people and the way you said what you do to them was iceing on the cake a beautiful evil cake so yes your hired welcome to the black hat organization 

* he offers dain a hand shake but dain shook it and even sigh a contract showing its official* 

Black Hat : excellent now dr flug will show you to your new quaters ain't that right my good doctor ?

Dr Flug : uhh y-yeah please follow me mr reaper 

Dain : you can just call me dain good doctor and lead the way 

* dain followed dr flug out of black hats offices as his lord evilness smirks happily he might found someone that peaks his interests * 

Black Hat : i guess this wasn't a waste of a evil day after all 

Dain Pov 

i was walking around given a little tour a around the mansion by guy name dr flug and i can tell the mansion was huge 

Dain : wow i never expected a place to be that big 

Dr Flug : well thats black hat manor for ya so tell me dain why made you think working for black hat was a good idea 

Dain : why you ask ?

Dr Flug : well im just curious is all because not many villains would willingly work for black hat unless there trying to betray  him or take his empire etc even tho it would never happen a few try 

Dain : well im not one of those brain dead idiots and i have no interests on betraying your master i just want to be out of japans hair because it got quit boring 

Dr Flug : oh so you just join because bored of whatever you were doing in japan ?

Dain : yes specially because the government has a huge bounty on my head 

Dr Flug : oh i-i see my apologies 

Dain : eh don't bother with that good doctor you didn't even know you weren't there 

Dr Flug : right oh here we are mr reap

Dain : *sigh* dr flug don't call me mr reaper dain is fine 

Dr Flug : oh right h-hehe dain welcome to your new room 

* he open the door and i saw my new sleeping quarters for the last of life if im living and working here *  

Dain : hmm this will suit my needs nicely 

Dr Flug : huh i never expected black hat will give someone a proper room but hey i guess your new here you get a nice room it seems 

Dain : or maybe this is the wrong room

Dr Flug : oh no don't tell me i got ourselfs lost in the mansion 

* i only laughed*

Dain : hehehe im only joking with you good doctor you were leading the right way 

Dr Flug : o-oh 

Dain : you don't get much friendly joking around don't you ?

Dr Flug : nope i mostly keep myself professional at best  

Dain : i see well you better get used to it if were working together because ill probably make you die laughing in probably in a hour  

Dr Flug : pfff i doubt that but your right about i have to get use to our interactions if we do work together 

Dain : indeed 

* shortly i heard a happy cheerful noise shortly someone came out of the closet what i saw was a big blue happy bear with a flower over his head and i have to say i have never seen something so pure in my whole life *

Dain : ok hold up who is this ....adorable bear hey there big guy

* i started to hug the big blue bear and when i did he felt so god soft like if he was a living blushie *

Dr Flug : well thats a carebear 

Dain : REALLY ?!

Dr Flug : h-hehe no im joking thats 5.0.5 the manors care taker as he help clean around the place

Dain : oh i see he helpful little guy ain't he 

* i gave 5.0.5 some pats i can tell he gave me a big hug as i heard make adorable noises *

5.0.5 : baw

Dain : awww you spoke aww hi there 

Dr Flug : huh it seems you and  5.0.5 are getting along 

Dain : ehh to be fair i have a soft spot for adorable animals all expect yo kai 

Dr Flug : ah i see 

Dain : sooo can i keep 5.0.5 as a pet ?

Dr Flug : h-hehe no hes no pet hes his own person

Dain : i know that besides i was joking for the pet thing i just really wanna know what this guys hugs feel like and i can tell they feel with happiness and dreams coming true 

Dr Flug : yeah i hug him if i ever need comfort 

Dain : guessing if the job gets too stressful ?

Dr Flug : yep 

Dain : i see who ever made this guy made people fill hopeful 

Dr Flug : well oddly enough im his creator 

Dain : wait hold up you made him 

* i pointed at 5.0.5 *

Dr Flug : yep

Dain : wow doc i have to say im impressed 

Dr Flug : h-hehe why thank you 

Dain : not a problem 

* shortly i heard 5.0.5 making thoses adroable noises and realizing hes trying to talk to me but sadly i don't understand him *

5.0.5 : baw baw baw baw baw baw 

Dain : uhhh im so sorry big guy what is he saying 

Dr Flug : oh right you don't know what hes saying well 5.0.5 says thank you mr stranger for your kinds word but who are you exactly and hanging around dr flug 

Dain : oh im guessing 5.0.5 speaks his own language 

Dr Flug : yep but no worry if you spend more time with him you will shortly understand on your own 

Dain : ah i see well * i turn to 5.0.5 * its nice to meet you 5.0.5 im your new helping hand to the organization im dain the reaper im looking forward to working with you 

 * i shook his paw *

5.0.5 : baw baw 

Dr Flug : 5.0.5 says hes also looking forward working with you too dain and its nice to meet you as well 

* i smiled as i pet his head shortly i heard something scratching around hissing and chuckling shortly something jumped down saying boo scaring 5.0.5 i shortly pull out my scythe in defense as im not allowing anything to harm this innocent creature i turn and swing my scythe but whatever i was going for doges and i heard insane laughter shortly i saw what doge as i saw something that seem reptile at first until i realized it was a hat shortly the indiuvdail stood up and i saw it was a teenage girl who looks nothing more of my age either 18 or 19 years old who was wearing a very goth like outfit and has red hair and i can tell she has a crazy look in her eyes *

??? : hehehe got ya you scaredy bear hahahaha

Dr Flug : ehh do you have to do that 

??? : yes besides its fun 

Dr Flug : uhh what am i gonna do with you 

Dain : ok umm excuse me good doctor whos the lizard bitch ?

??? : what you call me naruto reject ?!

Dain : oh you heard me 

Dr Flug : oh boy umm dain this is demencia demencia this is our new help in hand dain the reaper 

Demencia : the reaper pfff i never heard of him and i don't care as i only care for my darling black hat ~

Dain : ummm is she alright ?

Dr Flug : oh don't mind her thats how she is 

Dain : i see i can tell already im not gonna get along with her 

Demencia : bahahaha i was gonna say the same thing but all im gonna say to you new guy stay out of my way as black hats love is mine you got that  

Dain : ok 1 im straight as line 2 i would not care if i was in your way and 3 well lets say i doubt our boss has feelings for you besides who be stupid enough to put dick in crazy 


Dain : oh bite me if i actually seem i have class then looking like a trash child 




Dain : oh i doubt you will last 5 minutes with me hot stuff * i smirk *

Demencia : ewww if i would ever besides i bet you have to find a girlfriend at a local cemetery 

Dain : oh if i didn't heard that one before all i need to do to kill you is chop that pretty head off and i would do too * i smirk as i aim my scythe at her neck *


Dr Flug : how about we not do that besides demencia this is dains first day im pretty sure lord black hat wouldn't want to hear his newest addition of our team is fighting you and dain don't actually kill demenica if your risking scaring 5.0.5 whos already scared seeing you and her fighting 

* i looked over to see a terrorfied 5.0.5 i sighed as i clam down *

Dain : fine besides i don't want to cause trouble on my first day or ruining a stablish friendship with the friendlist bear in the world 

Dr Flug : *phew * thank you 

Demencia : *whispers * pfff pussy 

Dain : what was that you lizard bitch ?!

Demenica : oh nothing but welcome to the team jerk off hahahaha 

* she crawled out of my room as i rolled my eyes *

Dr Flug : *sigh* sorry about that 

Dain : ehh its not your fault its that lizard bitches fault 

Dr Flug : well she can't help it as its in her nature to be psycho path who wants nothing to do black hats biding for his love 

Dain : pffff love is a joke if she believe black hat likes her that way they would already be married and have kids  

Dr Flug : yeah luckily that never happened as black hat never had interests of mangling with anyone 

Dain : i can imagion 

* i shortly turn to 5.0.5 and walked up to him and pet his head and apologies for scaring him with anguring with demencia 5.0.5 shortly clam down and stood up and i saw a happy smile on the friendly bear *

Dr Flug : well dain welcome to our orgiazation sorry for the rough start but i hope you will enjoy stay of working here 

Dain : thank you doc i will 

Dr Flug : well we be out of your hair come on 5.0.5

5.0.5 : baw baw (bye bye )

Dain : h-hehe i guess ill see you around to bud

* shortly as 5.0.5 left the room i look at flug and shortly spoke *

Dain : you know doc 

Dr Flug : hmm?

Dain : i imagion not many people say this to you but i can tell your a very smart individual a  great man of science and im looking forward to anything of asking of me 

* i smiled at him as this caught flug off guard but slowly had tears in his eyes guessing he never had a complement before or a legit one * 

Dr Flug : th-thats the nicest thing anyone ever said to me i-i umm thank you 

Dain : not a problem doc 

* he shortly left my room as the door shot as i sigh as i hop onto my bed as i place my scythe down as i releax *

Dain : i can already tell this is gonna be a great start for me h-hehe 

Meanwhile outside of dains room in No Pov

dr flug and 5.0.5 where walking down the halls 

5.0.5 : baw baw baw baw ( he seemed very nice )

Dr Flug : yeah indeed tbh i can already tell things are gonna be different 

Demencia : you can say that again but i doubt the new guy won't last a week 

Dr Flug : demencia i know your still mad at what dain said but tbh you did provoke him 

Demencia : yeah yeah whatever besides why would love muffin hire a guy like that 

Black Hat : because he peaks my interests 

* the three jumped as they turn to see black hat *

Dr Flug : lord black hat sir 

Black Hat : so dr flug how is our new helping hand 

Dr Flug : well hes alright he enjoy his new living quaters you assigned for him

Black Hat : excellent to hear but eventually fetch him as i already got a first task for him  

Dr Flug : you do ?

Black Hat : yes to get rid of a stubborn thorn speically in my side 

Dr Flug : wait you don't mean your gonna send dain to take care of him are you ?

Black Hat : oh yes i will besides that red haired menace intervenes in my plans one too many times specially his lil fox too 

Dr Flug : ill let dain know he be needed shortly 

Black Hat : excellent 

* black hat himself smirks evilly as he started laughing manically as lighting strikes near the manor as the reaper now works for the black hat organization * 

To Be Continued 

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