Deja Vu All Over Again

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Rex, Leo, and Wade are being led by the robots that had ambushed them through the underground of the tower. 

"Do either of you guys have the faintest clue as to where they're taking us?" Leo whispers. 

"Nope." Wade says simply. 

"No idea." Rex adds. 

"Thanks. I feel so much better." Leo replies sarcastically. 

"Look, again, if they wanted to kill us like they did the Covenant, they would've already done it. Wherever they're taking us, I'm sure we're gonna get some answers." Rex states. 

The robots stop and gesture for them to walk onto the platform in front of them. The three do so and are then taken upward by the platform. 

"Why aren't they coming?" Wade asks. 

"Maybe it's against their programming." Leo suggests. 

"Well, either way I have a feeling we're about to meet their leader." Rex concedes. The platform then stops and the three look at what was before them. 

"What is that thing?" Wade inquires. 

The ground beneath them gave a sudden shake and suddenly a large flying machine whirred and gave a loud mechanical groan of some kind. 

"Great, they sent us here to be executed. Ain't that seemingly ironic." Leo scoffs. The machine then released a red wave of light that then scanned the trio up and down until it's light turned blue and the machine turned downward with its shield facing up. 

"Uh, what's it doing?" Wade says unsure. 

"I think it wants us to step on its shield." Rex deduces. He then does so and the machine whirs again. Rex looks back at Wade and Leo. "You coming or what?" 

"You are just tenacious. You know that?" Leo sighs before standing next to him on the machine. 

"Are you guys nuts? I'm not getting on that thing!" Wade protests. 

"Get over here Blue Boy." Leo snaps. 

"First off, quit calling me that! And secondly, how do we even know this thing won't drop us along the way to the temple thing?" 

"We don't Wade." Rex shrugs. "But I'd really advise that you don't keep the giant machine waiting." 

Wade scowls nervously before slowly stepping on the shield. The machine whirs once more before moving towards the temple. Rex looks at the top and watches as it continually shoots blue bursts of energy into the sky. 

The machine stops as it reaches the door of the temple. Rex, Wade, and Leo then watches as the machine reverts back to its original position before flying off. Rex nods at the two to follow him as they then enter the temple. 

Wade fumbles with the cuffs that were still clamped around his wrists. "I can't stand these cuffs." 

"Do you ever quit whining?" Leo asks. 

"Do you ever quit be pain in everybody's neck?" Wade shoots back. 

Rex rolls his eyes. "Will you two put a sock in it?" 

They then reach a large door that opens and they see a large room with a hologram in the center. 

"What is this?" Rex says as the three then make their way down the bridge. He looks at the console the was holographic as well. 

Suddenly they then hear humming and look up to see a bowling ball-sized machine with an orange eye floating down to them.  

"Reclaimers!" It said to them with mechanical voice of joy. 

"What the heck?" Leo says confused. 

"Hello! I am 049 Abject Testament. I am the Monitor of Installation 03. I hope my guards and Sentinel have not given you much trouble." 

Rex, Leo, and Wade all look at each other before Rex answers, "No. Not really." 

"Splendid!" Abject says. "Now, I apologize for my methods of acquiring you, but protocol dictated that I was to bring you here in prime condition. As for your friends aboard your ship, they are also being escorted to the control room as we speak." 

Wade drops his jaw. "How did-?" 

"Quite simple really." Abject says. "Now to business. You are humans, are you not?" 

"Yes." Rex replies. "I'm Rex Wolford. This is Wade Torchwick and Leo Church." 

"Wonderful, now I am also aware of your previous encounters and experiences with other Installations. My brother and and sister, 343 Guilty Spark and 031 Exuberant Witness, helped your kind in the prevention galactic domination. However, I am afraid to say that prevention has come to an end." 

"What? What are you talking about?" Wade asks. 

Suddenly the large door behind them opens and more of the robots that captured them before escorts in Rellia, B1, and Kal'roq. 

"REX!" Rellia says before running and hugging him. "I'm so glad you're okay." 

"Yeah we're fine." Rex says as they part. 

"Oh, Master Rex! It was horrible!" B1 cries. "First, it was putting up with Kal'roq and his horrible rudeness! Then suddenly robots appear out of nowhere and capture us!" 

<You weren't exactly easy to put up with either, Clanker.> Kal'roq says chuckling with Leo. 

"How dare you call me that, you mindless brute!" 

Kal'roq grabs B1 by his skinny neck. <Never affiliate me with the Brutes!> 

"Both of you, knock it off!" Rex snaps. Kal'roq scoffs and pushes B1 playfully as he stands back next to Leo. "Sorry, about that Abject. Please continue. What did you mean by our prevention of Halos has come to an end. If you think we're here to activate the Halo-" 

"No, no, no!" Abject cuts him off. "I knew you had no intention whatsoever of activating my Installation. However, to continue my previous discussion, I assume you've encountered the meddlers before you arrived here." 

"'Meddlers'?" Rellia questions. 

"I think he means the Covenant." Wade points out. 

"Yes, they came here looking for this." Abject says looking around the room. 

"This as in...what?" Leo questions. 

"The control room." Abject states. "You see eons ago, the Forerunners made us to demonstrate to others how to activate the Halos and should the time ever come, the Ark. But, seeing as how the Ark was destroyed as well as one of the Installations, I have questioned my programming. I believe it is how you would refer to it as, 'a change of heart'." 

Rex smirks along with Wade as they glance at each other. 

"How do you even know this?" Leo demands. 

"My Creators created an external link between the Installations across the galaxy." Abject says. "Any and all data that was recorded and stored within the other Installations becomes downaloaded and apart of the composition of the other Monitors." 

"That's...unsettling." Wade mutters. 

"Please, I mean none of you any harm. But we must hurry, there is no time to waste. Observe." Abject moves next to Rex and suddenly a large screen appears. 

"More meddlers have arrived and are to take possession of this Installation. I have also discovered large numbers of them in search of the Activation Index." 

"The what?" B1 says confused. 

"It's the key hidden somewhere on Halo that activates it and fires across the its designated radius." Rex explains. 

"Quite so. I am surprised that you know of this." Abject admits. 

"Did my history study of what happened in the Great War." Rex states. "So what do we do?" 

Abject then floats in front of Rex. "I have devised a plan. One which I believe will work. Half of you I will transport to the meddler's ship. There, you will be able to take over their ship and use it to stop them from firing any other Installations across the galaxy. The other half travels to the Citadel that safeguards the Index for my Installlation. I must warn you, many of my Sentinels are falling to prevent the meddlers from acquiring it." 

"So, boss..." Leo says as everyone looks at him. "What's the plan?" 

Rex folds his arms as he ponders what to do. Half to the Carrier. Half to the Citadel. 

He then grows a serious face and addresses his team. "Okay, here's how we do it..." 

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